Search Results

  1. K

    Becoming a diabetes health coach (or something similar)

    I would also like to help people with Diabetes especially Type 2, as that was what I was, but at present in remission. My qualification are secretarial. I have worked with the public and with children and young people too, so I have some experience in 'public speaking' as such. I feel this...
  2. K

    DLA ending letter & PIP application

    Take a copy of your application form with you so you can refer to the answers. As you say the assessor can be a bit off putting. Any other things that you can think of write down and take into the interview with you. If you are turned down, go to your MP's office for help with the appeal...
  3. K

    HBa1c result came back - totally deflated

    I have Polymyalgia which is similar to your fibromyalgia only my pains are in the muscles of my body and not in the same place all time, steroids could treat it, but they are not good for people with diabetes as they will raise blood sugars, so for me it's grin and bare the pain. Patrick, keep...
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    Type 2 No pasta, rice or potato? what instead?

    Thank you for this link.
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    Type 2 No pasta, rice or potato? what instead?

    Recipe for this please.
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    Need Snack Ideas

    Thank you will have to get some seeds and have the other ingredients will give them a go. How do you record them on you food diary?
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    Need Snack Ideas

    How much of each ingredient did you use please?
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    Congratulation Debbie. I tried to read the article but it's too blurred. Keep up the good work.
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    Low Carb Snacks

    My husband does not eat nuts, would you have any ideas what could be used instead of ground almonds? He is trying to lower cholesterol but has a very sweet tooth and loves biscuits!!
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    Fathers birthday family meal dread

    Call it a cheat night and be careful what you eat (if anything) the rest of the evening. Birthday cake can be sliced into individual pieces and frozen, to be given to the rest of your family. Don't beat yourself up and over analyse tonight, tomorrow is a new low carb day.
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    Bread Alternative

    Nairn oatcakes with peanut butter.
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    Is Eating Low Carb Expensive?

    Hi you mention Farmfoods, where can you get this brand?
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    Hi - I have suffered with depression on and off since I was 19, set in after nearly losing our baby son 5 weeks old, and was put on antidepressants and have been on and off them ever since. However having said that the last 2 years have been the worst since my mum passed away. She had lived...
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    Constantly Tired!

    Think you are right in going back to GP as soon as you can get an appointment and have your thyroid checked again, you many need to increase amount of medication. All the best hope you get it sorted soon.
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    Type 2 Latest Blood Test - Disappointed

    I know how you feel just had a surprise HA1C blood test when having other blood work done. Mine was up by 2 points to 42. On the other side I dropped a one of my tablets and only on 1 Metformin. Will have the yearly testing done in October and hopefully it will be down. We can comfort each...
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    Tesco - Diabetic Food Filter

    Hi BeBeautiful Your idea is great and I have email TESCO as requested.
  17. K

    1st Diabetes review(type 2) confused and a bit gutted

    You might 'suffer' from white coat syndrome. This is when a professional (nurse, Dr etc) takes your blood pressure you are anxious about it and the numbers go up. Worth taking it yourself before you go to the next appointment at the end of the month. My last check I had come down from 44 to...
  18. K

    New bread low carb

    Hi, does this bread have a name or does Ocado the only supermarket to produce this bread?