
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hey folks... not really sure where to turn, so figured I’d post here... I’m very sure I’m depressed. I feel rubbish every day, little to no energy for anything, and just generally sad and burned out every day. The burden of diabetes has really gotten to me :(
I went to the docs a year or so ago about it, and basically got fobbed off... ‘have you tried being happy?’ Etc... so been reluctant to go back.
I’m a passionate musician, but struggling to find the motivation to even pick up my guitar.
My blood sugars are pretty well controlled however, my hba1c a few weeks ago was 52, so not terrible or high enough to cause low moods. But I’m so down and fed up of the constant everyday battle, and I knew you guys would know what that feels like :(
What should I do? Go to the docs again? I think I’m of the opinion that I need antidepressants... I can’t see how any kind of talking therapy will benefit me, as however much I talk to someone, the diabetes demon will always be lurking over me...
Thanks for bearing with the rant, don’t know where else I could turn though
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @bradley_smasher - the best thing you can do is speak to your hospital team and raise it with them. They are much better placed to help you than your GP is and should understand where you are coming from on this. I'd suggest that you call them as soon as you can to get this raised and an appointment in place, and don't take no for an answer!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @bradley_smasher - the best thing you can do is speak to your hospital team and raise it with them. They are much better placed to help you than your GP is and should understand where you are coming from on this. I'd suggest that you call them as soon as you can to get this raised and an appointment in place, and don't take no for an answer!

Thank you for the reply Tim, I have a review on the 1st (tomorrow), would that be the place to raise it?
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @bradley_smasher I've come across other type 1's who have been exactly where you are right now, it's been given the label as 'burn out' so where on the face of it the person dealing with it is coping and still doing what they need to be doing, they are in fact really struggling with it all and feel like they are not coping at all.

I've been in a similar position as I became quite depressed after my diagnosis and asked for help from my GP but nothing was forth coming, I was looking for counselling to talk it through and was given anti depressants which picked me up but still masked what was going on internally. I turned to meditation and exercise to pull me through. I personally think it's about finding your mojo again in whatever form that takes, whether it's getting support from your team and being able to talk about it to either them or friends or family or being given a CGM to help take the effort out of testing all the time, exercise, counselling. More importantly it's about simply being kind to yourself, treating yourself like a 10 year old version of yourself and taking it one day at a time. Also remember how you are presently feeling is a temporary state it will get better in time, so try to accept and understand how you are currently feeling and know that it will get better :)


Active Member
Northern Ireland
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Anything to do with birds or feathers, whether to look at or eat.
Hey folks... not really sure where to turn, so figured I’d post here... I’m very sure I’m depressed. I feel rubbish every day, little to no energy for anything, and just generally sad and burned out every day. The burden of diabetes has really gotten to me :(
I went to the docs a year or so ago about it, and basically got fobbed off... ‘have you tried being happy?’ Etc... so been reluctant to go back.
I’m a passionate musician, but struggling to find the motivation to even pick up my guitar.
My blood sugars are pretty well controlled however, my hba1c a few weeks ago was 52, so not terrible or high enough to cause low moods. But I’m so down and fed up of the constant everyday battle, and I knew you guys would know what that feels like :(
What should I do? Go to the docs again? I think I’m of the opinion that I need antidepressants... I can’t see how any kind of talking therapy will benefit me, as however much I talk to someone, the diabetes demon will always be lurking over me...
Thanks for bearing with the rant, don’t know where else I could turn though
Hi - I have suffered with depression on and off since I was 19, set in after nearly losing our baby son 5 weeks old, and was put on antidepressants and have been on and off them ever since. However having said that the last 2 years have been the worst since my mum passed away. She had lived with us for 27 years but was in residential care followed by nursing care after a stroke. She was a big part of my life you could say my safety buffer. I had counselling which I thought wouldn't be any use to me but surprisingly it helped a lot. Over the 2 years my medication was increased to the highest dosage. I would have described myself as being in a 'fog' no interest in doing anything and cried a lot. I would advise you to ask your GP was counselling sections and also have a chat to him about how you feel, write down everything you want to ask him/her and that way you don't forget anything. Sorry it's been a long reply, but honestly get the help you need and over a period of time (which nobody can predict), you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have dropped In the past month I have been told how much brighter I look a few times and that in turn makes me feel more positive. Never think that you have to suffer alone, there is help out there.


Well-Known Member
Adelaide, South Australia
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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black jelly beans
Hi @bradley_smasher, Congratulations for being prepared to share your troubles.
A worry shared is a worry halved as they say. And I say the following as a fellow diabetic, not as professional advice or opinion.
If you look at sites like: (or an equivalent UK site there are checklists of signs and symptoms of depression.
I am not saying one should diagnose oneself but IF some of the signs and symptoms resonate with you, that can provide a list of these things to take to a doctor.
There are, i believe, also some medical and other psychological conditions which can masquerade as depression. And not well controlled diabetes and hypoglycaemia can be associated with symptoms of depression also. See 6 conditions that feel like depression; How to tell if someone diagnosed with a mental illness has another medical disorder (that may have led to a misdiagnosis) and BTK systems inc. How low testosterone often masquerades as depression.
This is a challenge for your GP, one who is interested in his patients, thorough and prepared to refer on to an appropriate specialist if unsure of what is causing or how to best treat whatever is the cause of your troubles. Please do not be concerned about all the medical conditions and whatnot mentioned, as it is stated they tend to be rare. But better to know the cause and be receiving the correct treatment !! Also just to mention, some years after being on anti-depressants, I was diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). I was normal weight and it was quite unexpected. My depression did improve a tad, but not enough for the doctors to say that OSA was a mimic for my depression signs and symptoms.
Apart from being on insulin for 51 years as a TID, I have a strong family history of depression. On my diagnosis of depression my GP and specialist. with other conditions ruled out, I was told that sometimes a short course of anti-depressants PLUS counselling might do the trick, for others a relapse might occur later and a longer course was needed., sometimes permanaently.
So. as others have said counselling of some sort is important and may be all is needed, for others anti-depressants assist to make counselling easier and sometimes (as ion my case) long term antidepressants AND counselling long term is the answer.
Cultivating friends and supports, maintaining or re-inventing hobbies and past-times ( and I guess music is one for you), trying to maintain some exercise, and developing/improving self-humour (the ability to 'take the mickey' out on oneself) are all helpful, at least in my experience.
Best Wishes on your journey of discovery and improvement.


Hi I can understand the depression and the feeling of tiredness that I believe it causes. When I was first diagnosed I took the bull by the horns and changed my whole way of eating' exercise ext. But there are days I feel depressed and I think it's sort of like grieving if that makes sense for the old life which was by no means good. However I can also be grateful as it forced me to take care of my health. Sorry your feeling down.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @bradley_smasher I'msorry to hear you are coping with depression, on top of T1. I hope your review goes ok today and your hcps are able to help you with dealing with the depression.
If your gp isn't any help you should see another gp at the practice, or switch to another practice. If you contact your nearest branch of MIND they should be able to suggest local gps who are better at treating depression.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there guys, thank you all so much for the replies :) I’m sorry I didn’t reply as you posted, but this app hasn’t been giving me notifications
I went for my review today with the lady I regularly see (she’s lovely), but she told me that there isn’t anything she can do to help me, and to contact my gp as soon as I can. So I’ll give them a call first thing in the morn for an appointment to talk about it all.
Thanks for the suggestions of online resources, I will have a good read up.
For the record my hba1c today was 52, which is the best I’ve ever had :) so that’s something!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hey folks... not really sure where to turn, so figured I’d post here... I’m very sure I’m depressed. I feel rubbish every day, little to no energy for anything, and just generally sad and burned out every day. The burden of diabetes has really gotten to me :(
I went to the docs a year or so ago about it, and basically got fobbed off... ‘have you tried being happy?’ Etc... so been reluctant to go back.
I’m a passionate musician, but struggling to find the motivation to even pick up my guitar.
My blood sugars are pretty well controlled however, my hba1c a few weeks ago was 52, so not terrible or high enough to cause low moods. But I’m so down and fed up of the constant everyday battle, and I knew you guys would know what that feels like :(
What should I do? Go to the docs again? I think I’m of the opinion that I need antidepressants... I can’t see how any kind of talking therapy will benefit me, as however much I talk to someone, the diabetes demon will always be lurking over me...
Thanks for bearing with the rant, don’t know where else I could turn though

How about taking up sports ie football, tennis, or start jogging, swimming or going to the gym?

Don’t let D rule and manage your life but it should be the other way round mate!
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Active Member
Hey folks... not really sure where to turn, so figured I’d post here... I’m very sure I’m depressed. I feel rubbish every day, little to no energy for anything, and just generally sad and burned out every day. The burden of diabetes has really gotten to me :(
I went to the docs a year or so ago about it, and basically got fobbed off... ‘have you tried being happy?’ Etc... so been reluctant to go back.
I’m a passionate musician, but struggling to find the motivation to even pick up my guitar.
My blood sugars are pretty well controlled however, my hba1c a few weeks ago was 52, so not terrible or high enough to cause low moods. But I’m so down and fed up of the constant everyday battle, and I knew you guys would know what that feels like :(
What should I do? Go to the docs again? I think I’m of the opinion that I need antidepressants... I can’t see how any kind of talking therapy will benefit me, as however much I talk to someone, the diabetes demon will always be lurking over me...
Thanks for bearing with the rant, don’t know where else I could turn though

Thank you for having the courage to make this post. You have inspired me to acknowledge that I have been feeling in a very similar situation. Feeling low, no energy, over thinking into most things. Having an almost self fulfilling prophecy about everything that I think will go wrong. My blood is 59. I’ve had a look at the LCHF diet which I’m going to give my best effort into.

Keep your chin up and stay strong. The way we feel is not something that we have done. It’s a consequence of the glucose flying round our blood making us feel the way we do.

This is an amazing community on here. I have learnt more on this app than I would have done with lots more trips to the Doctors.

Thank you for such a courageous, open and honest post.

It’s given me so much positivity.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hey folks... not really sure where to turn, so figured I’d post here... I’m very sure I’m depressed. I feel rubbish every day, little to no energy for anything, and just generally sad and burned out every day. The burden of diabetes has really gotten to me :(
I went to the docs a year or so ago about it, and basically got fobbed off... ‘have you tried being happy?’ Etc... so been reluctant to go back.
I’m a passionate musician, but struggling to find the motivation to even pick up my guitar.
My blood sugars are pretty well controlled however, my hba1c a few weeks ago was 52, so not terrible or high enough to cause low moods. But I’m so down and fed up of the constant everyday battle, and I knew you guys would know what that feels like :(
What should I do? Go to the docs again? I think I’m of the opinion that I need antidepressants... I can’t see how any kind of talking therapy will benefit me, as however much I talk to someone, the diabetes demon will always be lurking over me...
Thanks for bearing with the rant, don’t know where else I could turn though

I completely understand where you’re coming from and how you’re feeling bro. I’ve been experiencing diabetes burnout the past year or so with always having high blood sugars which forces me to cancel plans and go out less, however taking cold showers and exercising every morning no matter what even b4 work at 8am has made a huge difference in my mood and changing my perspective into a more abundance mindset has helped me and trusting myself more than anyone because really it’s only ya who can take care and deal with diabetes, in a way it’s a blessing, know you are supported and this adversity that pulls us back has the same perplexing force to PUSH US ALL forward,

I have faith in the best,

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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes UK (the other site!) are running a campaign to get better mental health support for diabetics. Have you tried speaking to their careline to ask for their advice? Diabetes is terribly isolating because nobody gets your feelings other than folk on this forum. In my case I have diabetic friends via volunteering for Diabetes UK and going on a diabetic education course. Might Dafne be an option?
The fact that you've said it on here first though is a brillant step towards acknowledging that you need help with this and perfectly natural reaction to dealing with a demanding disease.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thank you for having the courage to make this post. You have inspired me to acknowledge that I have been feeling in a very similar situation. Feeling low, no energy, over thinking into most things. Having an almost self fulfilling prophecy about everything that I think will go wrong. My blood is 59. I’ve had a look at the LCHF diet which I’m going to give my best effort into.

Keep your chin up and stay strong. The way we feel is not something that we have done. It’s a consequence of the glucose flying round our blood making us feel the way we do.

This is an amazing community on here. I have learnt more on this app than I would have done with lots more trips to the Doctors.

Thank you for such a courageous, open and honest post.

It’s given me so much positivity.

I’m so glad that my post has helped you out :) I didn’t even consider it could help anyone! I know how you feel, and I’m still feeling bad :(
But I’ve been referred for cbt at a local clinic, and when I’m back home I’m going to be calling the docs to talk about antidepressants, I feel this is my best option.
I just had to post on here for advice, as I’d been bottling it up for too long, and there are some great folks here that really spurred me on :)
All the best, chris
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