

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi was hoping for some advice
I had a HBA1c blood test yesterday,today had a call from GP reception saying I need to see a diabetic nurse.
She wouldn’t give me further details, but I can see from the NHS app my test results show as abnormal with a reading of 109mmol.
Does this mean I have diabetes? If so is this bad?
My appointment isn’t until next weds which seems a long way off, thank you


Well-Known Member
T2 is diagnosed with an hba1c above 48. So, 109 is high into the diabetic range.
Assuming you get a diagnosis, first, don't panic.
Even that high number is possible to reduce fairly quickly. I was diagnosed at 101 and reduced my numbers to 48 in three months. It didn't stay there as I didn't sustain the low carb diet that got me there.
Have a good look round the forum and you'll see lots of evidence of people who have managed their T2 long term and successfully. And stay around... this was the place that I learnt the most about T2 when I was first diagnosed.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
T2 is diagnosed with an hba1c above 48. So, 109 is high into the diabetic range.
Assuming you get a diagnosis, first, don't panic.
Even that high number is possible to reduce fairly quickly. I was diagnosed at 101 and reduced my numbers to 48 in three months. It didn't stay there as I didn't sustain the low carb diet that got me there.
Have a good look round the forum and you'll see lots of evidence of people who have managed their T2 long term and successfully. And stay around... this was the place that I learnt the most about T2 when I was first diagnosed.
Very helpful thank you
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi was hoping for some advice
I had a HBA1c blood test yesterday,today had a call from GP reception saying I need to see a diabetic nurse.
She wouldn’t give me further details, but I can see from the NHS app my test results show as abnormal with a reading of 109mmol.
Does this mean I have diabetes? If so is this bad?
My appointment isn’t until next weds which seems a long way off, thank you
Hi there,

I was diagnosed in April last year with an HbA1c of 107. I was put on Metformin and given a lot of information and sent away to let it all sink in. As daunting and shocking as it all was at first, I did plenty of reading (this place was a life saver) and by a mixture of easily manageable changes in diet and routine, my two follow up HbA1c results were 32 and 31.

Yes, your reading is high. But to bring it back down to low levels is completely doable. I'd been eating 'healthily' my entire adult life according to what we are told.....little did I know. If I can turn it around, so can you


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi there,

I was diagnosed in April last year with an HbA1c of 107. I was put on Metformin and given a lot of information and sent away to let it all sink in. As daunting and shocking as it all was at first, I did plenty of reading (this place was a life saver) and by a mixture of easily manageable changes in diet and routine, my two follow up HbA1c results were 32 and 31.

Yes, your reading is high. But to bring it back down to low levels is completely doable. I'd been eating 'healthily' my entire adult life according to what we are told.....little did I know. If I can turn it around, so can you
Thank you very helpful,
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Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
I’d say from that reading and the fact they are calling you in that yes they will tell you that you are diabetic

Now, depending on your current life style and activity levels, there may be life style changes that you can make that will help you out no end

First step see doctor, Then start looking at changes that can help