1st jab


Well-Known Member
totsy said:
did they ask you if you wanted to go basal bolus, its more jabs but i found it so much better :D

No whats that? is it a combined one also? I didnt get any choice in what to take.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got the theory down, it just needs some minor adjustments!

Going on a basal/bolus regime made things much easier for me,it took a lot of the guesswork out of it which is probably what you are finding though as you're only just diagnosed you're probably better off avoiding the hypos to start off until your comfortable with the injections and testing.

There's a diabetes carb counting course online (google BDEC) which you might want to check out, it educates you on carb counting and how different foods effect your blood sugars. It's worth a look even if it's all theory at the moment


Well-Known Member
Oh great ill give it a look,

Yes I got the theory I think, but like you say it might be a bit much to start but ill make sure I keep it in mind. Till then I need to find a fast solution to single number BG, no/low ketones and no hunger!

Aparently Novamix's main effect is a 6 hour process spiking at about 3, so maybe I could just take some more and as long as I test ill be ok but.. bit late at night now to do this.

How many injections do you need a day?


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basal bolus is taking 1 or 2 injections a day of long acting insulin and then injecting for what u eat at meal times, when i first joined here i was on novomix and knew nothing, my hba1cs were in the 7s and i was rollercoasting from high and low, i had to eat at set times and certain foods,
after advice on here i finally got to change to basal bolus, i lost 5 stones ,feel more in control, and get hba1cs in the 5s,
it may help you to ask your diabetic nurse if its possible :D


Well-Known Member
totsy said:
basal bolus is taking 1 or 2 injections a day of long acting insulin and then injecting for what u eat at meal times, when i first joined here i was on novomix and knew nothing, my hba1cs were in the 7s and i was rollercoasting from high and low, i had to eat at set times and certain foods,
after advice on here i finally got to change to basal bolus, i lost 5 stones ,feel more in control, and get hba1cs in the 5s,
it may help you to ask your diabetic nurse if its possible :D

thats quite a few injections, but I can see how it can be very helpful. I will ask about this once I have understood carbs and have some normality back, by body feels all over the place right now.

Im glad it worked out for you, I am pretty sure it is the way ill have to go also, least then I have flexability, maybe ill give it 1 month just to settle/learn more then go for it or at least ask.

PS can I have some of that 5 stone please!


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lol, just keep up the hard work and asking the questions :D
feel free to pm me if i can ever be of help :D


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Result! im not hungry, my Ketones are down from near 5 to 1.6, ok sugar went up a bit to 17 after meal but the said not to worry I can always just adjust over next week or so.

They gave me info on dose adjustments also, I feel like i am in a little more control now which is an amazing feeling for the 1st time since this all started! Turns out my Ketones where starvation related :shock: on 20mm Nova in mornings, 20 at night now, might need a bit more at night but ill leave it 2 more days like they say and take it from there.

Sorry this is turning into a sort of diary!

I had bloods done, im low on potassium so I need to get me some of that (might have a banana with my breakfast). Apart from that they think im doing ok which realy has helped my stress levels no end. Phew!


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that is brilliant news :D


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I was diagnosed with low Potassium levels after anti Cancer treatment. The Prescription was a daily Banana and drink Coffee - both excellent sources ! Just watch your Bg level with the Banana though.


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Tom, carbohydrate counting is a useful skill even if you're on mixed insulin like you are. You don't need to eat the same thing every day but it's useful to know how many carbs you're eating with each meal so that you can try to keep some consistency. If you can keep your meals to a consistent amount of carbs each day then your blood glucose will be more predictable.

You seem to be learning more as each day goes by. It's a lot to take on board in the early days but if you keep reading and learning you'll find that your diabetes control will be easier and better with time. Glad to hear your ketones are coming down, good job :)


Well-Known Member
Yes some very good points there, well this is my next goal, I mentioned eating certain carbs and so on to the doc today in Hospital, he said for now just stuff my face till I get rid of my Ketones, then next week we talk carb counting, there main worry with me was I have lost about 3.5 stone (im only 11 ish stone now and over 6ft) and i had Ketones ranging from 4 to 6, Everyone including me wanted these out my system,

Next week I have an appointment with a nutrition person, I hope they will go through carbs with me so I can take your advice. But yes about 5 days in and today I do feel like I am making progress, for the 1st time I feel like I can control this, it dosnt control me (well it does a bit but with more knowledge ill do a better job than my pancreas did! :twisted: ) :wink: :wink:


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thats great tom, i didnt feel in control for a few yrs as i wasnt really given good advice, then i joined here, went basal bolus and last 2 yrs i have learnt to be the boss of my diabetes :D