42 Days To Restore The Reversal


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today, with heavy heart, I am removing my 'reversed diabetes' banner. I have, for 7 years, been proud of the non-diabetes levels, but yesterday got the news that my latest HbA1c was 52. The nurse was very kind and gentle about it. "That is excellent control", she declared. Yerr what! Not for me it isn't. I really appreciate her not wanting to upset me, but sometimes we need a bit of a jolt.

I wasn't surprised, really. I have several medical conditions, and depending on the severity of symptoms, each takes it turn in being the one needing most effort to control. This last few months the need to breathe has been the priority, and I have needed several courses of steroid meds just so I could. I have seen blood glucose levels rise from average of under 6 to double figures, the highest being 18. I also gained 5 kg, and felt quite lethargic and sleepy.

I like a challenge, but this is a biggy! I did the May fast with several others on here, and that kick started some weight loss. I had been feeling like a Michelin man or Marshmallow man before that, with much water retention, and very swollen ankles. I lost 3kg with that, and a further 7kg since using VLCD. I have visible ankle bones again.

Not all gloom and doom. Nurse agreed that the steroids are the most likely cause, so I am to repeat the HbA1c in 6 weeks. I so want to return to 'reversed' status. That is my intention. Continuing a few more weeks with VLCD, keeping low carb, and of course I have a few more weapons in the armoury. Intermittent fasting, LCHF, one meal a day, 5:2, etc. I have accepted offer of Metformin. (I have never had the problems some report, when I have used it in the past) . I have been exercising but will increase that. Just need to avoid picking up a cold, or having anything trigger asthma, as that starts the downward spiral again and as much as they are a lifesaver, I can do without having steroid meds again.

Aiming for previously below prediabetes levels that I have held for 7 years. Realistically, having had T2 for almost 14 years, with no apparent complications, I will take anything below 48 when I have next test.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I really admire you for this post. I feel you have done really well and steroids do not help blood sugar. Best wishes and hoping you get into your desired range for HbA1c.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So sorry to hear this Pipp, but as you say breathing is quite important ;) As a fellow type 2 with other health problems than the type 2, I fully understand the dilemma, I have this with steroid shots for my arthritic joints, sometimes other health issues need to take priority. Please accept a virtual (((hug))) from me x


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
steroids are notorious. :(

I know you have been focussed hard on this, and with the steroids out of the picture, things may settle down. fingers crossed!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
That's got to have been a big blow Pipp. Good lucky wih the reversal of the reversal of the reversal of your diagnosis.

Did I get enough reversals in there?

Steroids can be seriously horrible ju-ju when you're stuck with them for a while.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you all. Such lovely supportive comments.
I have to confess reading your posts here brought a tear to my eye. But enough of that weepy, wimpy stuff. I am onto this. In anticipation after the steroids I have been for the last 6 weeks been on VLCD /Newcastle style diet. I dread to think what the HbA1c would have been if I hadn't shaken off some weight. @bulkbiker, I would be glad to have your company on a fast. First though, I have another 3 weeks worth of meal replacement products and I don't suppose you want to join me with those? ;):D Be assured the daily carb intake is between 50 - 60 gr.

Have averaged 6.1 blood glucose readings for the last month, so living in hope of much improvement. The clock is ticking to next blood test, though, so maybe will throw a few 24 hour fasts into the mix.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I think I can work bacon and egg into my VLCD programme somehow.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I did it a while ago.. coffees with cream and one meal a day of eggs and bacon ...
I remember it well. Genius!
It is another method I am saving in my back pocket, because I confess the meal replacements were much easier to accept when they were replacing pasta, rice, and spuds when I did it the first time round. Since low carbing not so easy. Alas, my digestive system is not able to cope with cream very well. Bacon, egg, and mushroom would be preferable.
Though as I seem to have a winning formula at the moment, as long as I avoid steroid meds, I will continue to complete 8 weeks mainly with the replacements, supplemented with veg and some butter or coconut oil, for now, then review.

Drooling at thought of bacon, though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I remember it well. Genius!
It is another method I am saving in my back pocket, because I confess the meal replacements were much easier to accept when they were replacing pasta, rice, and spuds when I did it the first time round. Since low carbing not so easy. Alas, my digestive system is not able to cope with cream very well. Bacon, egg, and mushroom would be preferable.
Though as I seem to have a winning formula at the moment, as long as I avoid steroid meds, I will continue to complete 8 weeks mainly with the replacements, supplemented with veg and some butter or coconut oil, for now, then review.

Drooling at thought of bacon, though.
Oops sorry.. that was a bit naughty of me.. apologies