9 Bars and Low Carb Diet Question


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Sorry folks, but some of the comments on this thread are not, in my opinion, helping a newbie discover what suits them, and what works for their body.

One of the marvellous things about trying a LCHF diet is that you get to work out what suits you, and find out (possibly for the first time ever) how your body reacts to different foods. You said you are getting a meter, which is wonderful, and at that point, the fun begins - because you will be able to get personalised feedback and tailor make your own way of eating.

It REALLY isn't about comparing teasps of sugar (although sadly that is very trendy nowadays), nor it is about g of carbs a day.

It IS about discovering what works for you. And if you get to enjoy 9 bars, or pieces of fruit, or even the odd slice of bread, while keeping your blood glucose under control, and maintaining an overall healthy diet, then you will get the pleasure as well as the control.
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Sorry folks, but some of the comments on this thread are not, in my opinion, helping a newbie discover what suits them, and what works for their body.

One of the marvellous things about trying a LCHF diet is that you get to work out what suits you, and find out (possibly for the first time ever) how your body reacts to different foods. You said you are getting a meter, which is wonderful, and at that point, the fun begins - because you will be able to get personalised feedback and tailor make your own way of eating.

It REALLY isn't about comparing teasps of sugar (although sadly that is very trendy nowadays), nor it is about g of carbs a day.

It IS about discovering what works for you. And if you get to enjoy 9 bars, or pieces of fruit, or even the odd slice of bread, while keeping your blood glucose under control, and maintaining an overall healthy diet, then you will get the pleasure as well as the control.
In that case, I would guess you approve of Dairy Milk, but I personally would never advise a newbie to start chomping down carbs until they have got the hang of LCHF, and are then tuning it back up.
If you eat Dairy Milk, fair enough, but I don't, and don't need to feel trendy about it.
All carbs turn to sugar, well worth saying without fear of reprisals.

Low carb is always about g of carbs a day.
All carbs turn to sugar. (Said again)

Sorry @TracyC watch the carbs, once you start eating too many, they creep up on you.


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I find them extremely filling and can only manage half a one - they are mainly seeds and nuts so no fast acting carbs. Don't touch my bs
Hi these sound nice were do buy them from please.:)


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Hi these sound nice were do buy them from please.:)
I get them from tesco but Morrisons and Holland and Barret do them too - I only buy the carob hit ones

I have to say @SunnyExpat and @Brunneria I was sceptical when I read how much sugar was in them and avoided them but wanted something in my handbag for when I was out and having a coffee and everyone was tucking into cake and stuff even though I don't really bother much with sweet stuff - and after trying them was pleasantly surprised as to the minimal impact on my bs.

I agree with @Brunneria that it what works for yourself not anyone else - I read and appreciate all the advice on here but take nothing at face value and find out what is and isn't for me.

Half of one is 1 teaspoon of sugar which is far less than any cake scone etc if you feel the need when your out and about

Once you start testing @TracyC you will get your own list of can and can'ts that will be different from everyone else's until then like @SunnyExpat says be mindful of what you are eatin
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Meat ( yeah...protein in general ..I'm screwed ) but I am eating it now. Mornings, studying, crowds, Phobias a-plenty including vomiting, flying, travel in general actual, crowds, the outside (lol)
Unfortunately the 9 bar did raise my BG a wee bit so I think I'm going to steer clear of them, for the time being at least, I'm not one for cooking in the morning, I really really struggle with waking up, often I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed so I can only think of an apple and small handful of nuts for breakfast now. On the plus side I've just discovered with my 'roast spud free' Sunday roast I cooked earlier, having a glass of Prosecco with it actually seemed to lower my BG, confirmed by a thread on this forum somewhere I just found. Bonus!
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Meat ( yeah...protein in general ..I'm screwed ) but I am eating it now. Mornings, studying, crowds, Phobias a-plenty including vomiting, flying, travel in general actual, crowds, the outside (lol)
In that case, I would guess you approve of Dairy Milk, but I personally would never advise a newbie to start chomping down carbs until they have got the hang of LCHF, and are then tuning it back up.
If you eat Dairy Milk, fair enough, but I don't, and don't need to feel trendy about it.
All carbs turn to sugar, well worth saying without fear of reprisals.

Low carb is always about g of carbs a day.
All carbs turn to sugar. (Said again)

Sorry @TracyC watch the carbs, once you start eating too many, they creep up on you.

Thank you. I had one item on my Sunday lunch today that I think was probably not the best and that was a small yorkshire pud. I had NO roast potatoes. Boiled cabbage and oven roasted Mediterranean veg, and a chicken breast ( with crispy skin lol ) ... It filled me up a lot, but I have to say after I had finished preparing the rest of the families chocolate cheesecake I cried a little inside haha. I stuck to my guns though, got to believe its all worth it x
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Unfortunately the 9 bar did raise my BG a wee bit so I think I'm going to steer clear of them, for the time being at least, I'm not one for cooking in the morning, I really really struggle with waking up, often I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed so I can only think of an apple and small handful of nuts for breakfast now. On the plus side I've just discovered with my 'roast spud free' Sunday roast I cooked earlier, having a glass of Prosecco with it actually seemed to lower my BG, confirmed by a thread on this forum somewhere I just found. Bonus!

Sounds good, keep an eye on your BG, and don't let it creep up. 9 bars, Atkins bars are the 'trendy' food to some, as they are sold as low carb, but the label can't lie.
Stick to what your meter tells you works, every time.
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Thank you. I had one item on my Sunday lunch today that I think was probably not the best and that was a small yorkshire pud. I had to roast potatoes. Boiled cabbage and oven roasted Mediterranean veg, and a chicken breast ( with crispy skin lol ) ... It filled me up a lot, but I have to say after I had finished preparing the rest of the families chocolate cheesecake I cried a little inside haha. I stuck to my guns though, got to believe its all worth it x

It's worth it.
There are some good lower carb recipes on here.


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Thank you. I had one item on my Sunday lunch today that I think was probably not the best and that was a small yorkshire pud. I had to roast potatoes. Boiled cabbage and oven roasted Mediterranean veg, and a chicken breast ( with crispy skin lol ) ... It filled me up a lot, but I have to say after I had finished preparing the rest of the families chocolate cheesecake I cried a little inside haha. I stuck to my guns though, got to believe its all worth it x

No need to cry over the chocolate cheesecake. You could have had a bowl of strawberries and double cream (not many strawberries) as a dessert, with one square of very dark chocolate melted and poured over it. :).
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No need to cry over the chocolate cheesecake. You could have had a bowl of strawberries and double cream (not many strawberries) as a dessert, with one square of very dark chocolate melted and poured over it. :).

Not exactly cheesecake though.


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Meat ( yeah...protein in general ..I'm screwed ) but I am eating it now. Mornings, studying, crowds, Phobias a-plenty including vomiting, flying, travel in general actual, crowds, the outside (lol)
No need to cry over the chocolate cheesecake. You could have had a bowl of strawberries and double cream (not many strawberries) as a dessert, with one square of very dark chocolate melted and poured over it. :).

I meant to say NO roast potatoes....lol. Sadly I don't like cream :( Like the strawberries though :) x


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I eat them occasionally and find them delicious, filling and safe for my blood. As I'm allergic to nuts, I have the pumpkin seed one that has no nuts in it. I get the multipack ones as they're a bit smaller than the ones sold individually.
I will say, though, that I'm no longer strict LCHF and am more moderate low carbs to my meter: when I was on my strict LCHF diet, I wouldn't have touched them


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Thank you. I had one item on my Sunday lunch today that I think was probably not the best and that was a small yorkshire pud. I had NO roast potatoes. Boiled cabbage and oven roasted Mediterranean veg, and a chicken breast ( with crispy skin lol ) ... It filled me up a lot, but I have to say after I had finished preparing the rest of the families chocolate cheesecake I cried a little inside haha. I stuck to my guns though, got to believe its all worth it x

If the lack of chocolate cheesecake really made you miserable, there are options: http://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/2015/09/low-carb-death-by-chocolate-cheesecake.html

I don't do desserts at all, so couldn't comment, but that site is a good one, as is ditchthecarbs.com , and so many others. Drug Goolge often has ideas for alternatives, but you could want to be mindful that retraining your tastebuds to fewer sweet tasting foods could be advantageous.


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Meat ( yeah...protein in general ..I'm screwed ) but I am eating it now. Mornings, studying, crowds, Phobias a-plenty including vomiting, flying, travel in general actual, crowds, the outside (lol)
If the lack of chocolate cheesecake really made you miserable, there are options: http://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/2015/09/low-carb-death-by-chocolate-cheesecake.html

I don't do desserts at all, so couldn't comment, but that site is a good one, as is ditchthecarbs.com , and so many others. Drug Goolge often has ideas for alternatives, but you could want to be mindful that retraining your tastebuds to fewer sweet tasting foods could be advantageous.

I think you're right , the more sweet i have the more I will want, right now i have been kerning it with the odd apple or grape. I do have some sugar free sweeties too but they have an adverse reaction on my tummy ( lol ) so just one when watching a bit of Dr Who in the evening! Thanks for the link though, maybe next Sunday and see if they notice any difference here!


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Given that we can have cheese (in small quanities) and there are sugar substitutes, I do not see why you could not have a cheese cake without the base biscuit. Eggs cream and cheese sweetener and vanilla extract baked = baked cheesecake. Just dont go mad with the size of it and have it as a treat.
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Given that we can have cheese (in small quanities) and there are sugar substitutes, I do not see why you could not have a cheese cake without the base biscuit. Eggs cream and cheese sweetener and vanilla extract baked = baked cheesecake. Just dont go mad with the size of it and have it as a treat.
I make a no bake cheesecake just for special occasions as I don't have a sweet tooth but it's lower carb with a almond biscuit crust - you could make it without the crust and pipe or spoon it into glasses and have it when you feel the need - Google low carb cheesecake there's hundreds of recipes on the net


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Just ran across this video for a keto breakfast biscuit - make in a mug, slice into 4, then use like toast slices/bagels: