A New Protocol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Dear Applicant,

Thankyou for your application for the role of SENIOR SPECIALIST NURSE at our clinic! The board has reviewed your documentation and has recommended your application for the selection shortlist.

As you will be aware, national policy requires all healthcare professionals in this field to have completed a new specialist training course, Uniform Resources for Firsthand Understanding of Clinical Care for Endocrinologists and Diabeticians.

Please find enclosed sufficient supplies for your first month of engagement with the course. As a trained clinician, you will be familiar with the use of these items; however, please be aware that used sharps must be returned to the clinic where spot usage checks will be made to monitor compliance with the protocol.

Note that the enclosed blood glucose meter has been modified to ensure that your experience on the course is suitably stimulating, and will ensure you get the most out of your experience!

Appointments with your course consultant, a scowling type one diabetic with eyes of flint and a heart of granite, will take place on Monday afternoons. Be aware that the consultant will closely question your dietary and medication choices although on no account will any questions be answered, advice given, or information dispensed.

Please be assured that historical issues regarding the confusion of placebo insulin pens with real ones have been almost completely solved, and you will therefore rarely find yourself sitting in a pool of sweat, shaking so hard it hurts and trying to remember how to spell your own name.

Be aware that your employment at this clinic is dependent upon:

- Total compliance with the protocol
- Achievement of a respectable simulated HbA1c at the end of the course
- Pleasing the flinty-eyed type one diabetic

The clinic is aware of several frequently-asked questions regarding the protocol, particularly:

- Won't this be a terrible imposition on my life?
- But that only means two or three hours between doing things!
- That's going to drive me crazy.
- Seriously?
- Aaahhh!

In cooperation with subject matter experts, patient groups and clinical stakeholders, the clinic has developed the following responses to these questions:

- Yes.

We hope you enjoy your course experience.


No Kind of Susie
Course coordinator