Administering insulin in a public washroom

Do you think this idea has potential?

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    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 12 66.7%
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    Votes: 3 16.7%

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I am a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and I am doing a school project in which we are creating a new product. As a type 1 diabetic, I face the problem of having a sanitary flat surface to place my glucose reader and insulin pen down when in a public washroom.

I am posting to find out if other insulin users have this problem, how they currently are addressing this problem, and if there was a product out there if they would use it?

The product would be a light weight, compact, foldable item that would hook to the door of a bathroom stall and provide a flat surface for people to place their diabetes supplies while they test their glucose levels and administer their insulin.

Any feedback on this idea and problem is welcome :)


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I am a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and I am doing a school project in which we are creating a new product. As a type 1 diabetic, I face the problem of having a sanitary flat surface to place my glucose reader and insulin pen down when in a public washroom.

I am posting to find out if other insulin users have this problem, how they currently are addressing this problem, and if there was a product out there if they would use it?

The product would be a light weight, compact, foldable item that would hook to the door of a bathroom stall and provide a flat surface for people to place their diabetes supplies while they test their glucose levels and administer their insulin.

Any feedback on this idea and problem is welcome :)

I've solved your problem. Just don't inject in the same place people sh*t. Simple. A bathroom isn't a place to inject in. It's perfectly acceptable, and possible, to discreetly inject at the restaurant table, at your work/school desk, on your seat on the train, literally anywhere. There's no need to inject in the bathroom. Creating a product to encourage people to inject in the bathroom goes against medical advice, which specifically discourages such unhygenic practices, and legal protections for people with disabilities.

So no, your idea doesn't have potential. It would be a massive backward step for people with diabetes. Injections aren't a disgusting thing that need to be hidden in the bathroom, they are a thing I need to do to stay alive.
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I'd agree with catapillar, and anyway, the look stays the same on folks faces whether you're seen injecting at a restaurant table or they walk in on you in a toilet.

A tip, worry about you, not others.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Those that matter won't mind and those that mind...............don't matter. So stand tall and proud, It's nothing to be ashamed of.
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@S-M you will need to to deter the bog frogs from every surface of public toilets, such as this one at a NW Queensland hotel.

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@S-M , I agree with the other comments about not injecting in washrooms. It is not particularly hygienic and not necessary.
I can understand you feel sensitive about diabetes as you are nearly diagnosed. Over time, it will become part of you and just what you do ... at least that is how it was for me.
However, I admire your thoughts about the idea for a product. There are times when we have no choice about where we inject - we may not be in an unhygienic washroom but we may be on a picnic or on a walk around the countryside or backpacking on a train or sitting in a muddy festival field and would like somewhere clean to place our paraphernalia. The only difference is the product needs to be portable.

Good luck with your invention.


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Over the years there were a few times I injected in a toilet........but it didn't require a flat surface if I recall.....

It was just the injection though, not the blood test......and it was likely because it was my bums turn to have a go.....;)


Hi. I now pump but when I used pens I did not find it necessary to hide in a loo to inject. I discreetly injected in my stomach. After all its not harmful to anyone else and I have never felt the need to hide my condition. The only negative reaction I have had is when blood testing on a train when someone moved away from the seat next to me - fear of blood I suppose!
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I am a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and I am doing a school project in which we are creating a new product. As a type 1 diabetic, I face the problem of having a sanitary flat surface to place my glucose reader and insulin pen down when in a public washroom.

I am posting to find out if other insulin users have this problem, how they currently are addressing this problem, and if there was a product out there if they would use it?

The product would be a light weight, compact, foldable item that would hook to the door of a bathroom stall and provide a flat surface for people to place their diabetes supplies while they test their glucose levels and administer their insulin.

Any feedback on this idea and problem is welcome :)

Hi @S-M ,

Welcome to forum!

Oddly enough.. I use what I find around me to conceal my modesty in public when deftly dosing.
A few ideas of what I utilise are my works van door. whilst open & shielding me from public gaze, I can place my meter & pen on the passenger seat.
Vans are quite central to my bolusing experience, a little like a phone booth is to Superman..

Big trees... Though I wouldn't advocate climbing one to do the needful, the trunks can make good cover. The're not just for "paint ballers."

Restaurant tables. There's no need for my wife to cause a distracting scene of "when Harry met Sally" proportions while I dial a dose. Most other diners are too busy these days looking at devices, Tweeting the menu.

I'm personally always a little concerned about hooking anything to an unfamiliar door & upsetting the furniture...? ;)


Sincerely wishing you all the best with your project.



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It is good to think about the best place/way of injecting your insulin etc, but always do what is best for you and not others. It's their problem not yours if they dont like it. I bloodtest and inject anywhere and everywhere but never in a toilet! Even when I was at school I did the same. My friends asked questions and I answered them, and I found most became very supportive with gaining that knowledge. If I have to bloodtest/inject when people are in my immediate vicinity and someone starts to stare, I smile and say "I hope you dont mind, but I have to do this and inject my insulin or I will die". This very often starts a conversation. I have sat on a bench in the middle of Norwich and done it, stood in the pouring whilst Christmas shopping, my husband holding the umbrella, and done it, I'm trying for a mention in The Guinness Book of Records! lol Never feel ashamed or embarrassed, It could become dangerous to keep everything hidden away, secret. I have just retired, having worked at a school for 30 years. Even the children knew that I had type 1 diabetes and would say "I think you should do your test" and "Should I get your lucozade Miss?", they proudly told an ofsted inspector that I had diabetes and what to do! I am sure you will become more confident and knowledgeable as you go along. You are already doing well by the sound of it, keep on thinking and working out what is good for you. Good luck, you can do it. I have and I've been type 1 for over 51 years. xx
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Professionals who know little about diabetes who generalise!!

I am a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and I am doing a school project in which we are creating a new product. As a type 1 diabetic, I face the problem of having a sanitary flat surface to place my glucose reader and insulin pen down when in a public washroom.

I am posting to find out if other insulin users have this problem, how they currently are addressing this problem, and if there was a product out there if they would use it?

The product would be a light weight, compact, foldable item that would hook to the door of a bathroom stall and provide a flat surface for people to place their diabetes supplies while they test their glucose levels and administer their insulin.

Any feedback on this idea and problem is welcome :)
I put everything on top of my handbag. A male I knew had one of those leather mens bags & used to use that as his surface


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It's a conduction you will have for the rest of your life don't let people get into your head about having to disappear and take ur jab in secret my family tried to make me feel like that but being quite rebellious by nature I didn't and just got on with my life I still get the odd question or moan but
I refuse to hide it away


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I've solved your problem. Just don't inject in the same place people sh*t. Simple. A bathroom isn't a place to inject in. It's perfectly acceptable, and possible, to discreetly inject at the restaurant table, at your work/school desk, on your seat on the train, literally anywhere. There's no need to inject in the bathroom. Creating a product to encourage people to inject in the bathroom goes against medical advice, which specifically discourages such unhygenic practices, and legal protections for people with disabilities.

So no, your idea doesn't have potential. It would be a massive backward step for people with diabetes. Injections aren't a disgusting thing that need to be hidden in the bathroom, they are a thing I need to do to stay alive.
Actually I think it is quite a good idea. It may not be the most ideal place to do tests and injections but sometimes if you want privacy it is the only place. I have been a diabetic for 44 years and I still value my privacy. I DO NOT want to do these things in public. So I think it's worth thinking about


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Being a long term diabetic I can understand why you think that could argue you're stuck in your ways

But its probably more realistic and achievable to change the public's perception of the clinical day to day needs of the diabetic....

The fact is, these activities can be done subtly and without effort trying to be subtle too.....


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I didn't care where they put their face, as long as it's not in mine and my girl's business.

Or your soup.

I've only once thought I overheard something whispered along the lines of "I think it's drugs" between a family in a restaurant when taking my dose as discreetly as I could (I was right in the middle of the room). I only wondered how they formed the conclusion 'drugs' would be supplied in something bright orange (I was on Novorapid Flexpens at the time). I'm not fussed now, once I got over the initial self consciousness and realised the majority don't see or care I'm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ with it.


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Who actually needs a flat surface to tend to their needs anyway?

Injection: novorapid pen cap comes off, stick it in my right hand pocket, it might get lost a bit amongst the pocketful of small change and used bus tickets, take the pink needle protector thing off, don't lay it down anywhere, just gently clinch it between my teeth, take the shot, pink thing and cap back on, finished.

Testing: now that's one where the OP's question puzzles me. I've got a Verio IQ. It's really easy to twiddle the holder around to get a strip out, insert it, pull out the lancer, stab, test, put it all back together without any flat surfaces involved at all. I can test with it walking down the street.

The reason I'm surprised is that when I went on a DAFNE course last year, we were asked to do tests periodically, and my fellow T1s were bringing out meters which seemed to involve taking a whole lot of kit out of the holders and laying it on flat surfaces.

I'm not having a go at them at all, they're fellow T1s, but it just surprised me that their meters needed laying kit out on flat surfaces instead of just twiddling the whole thing around in their hands.

Aside from that observation about lack of manual dexterity, @S-M , you're the OP on this thread, my feedback is that there is absolutely no need for T1s to have flat surfaces in toilets because (a) flat surfaces aren't needed in this context, (b) especially not in toilets (c) no-one wants to carry unnecessary kit around.

You're newly dx'd, S-M, I can understand you feeling self-conscious about the whole show, but that'll fade. Please don't tell T1s they need to scuttle off to the toilets to deal with it!


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Don't be disheartened @S-M your motives are good but as everyone has pointed out injecting in the same place as people poo is not ideal and as you can see people feel very strongly about not being made to feel like they have something to be ashamed of. However I could suggest a modification: if you aren't sat at a table it can be very difficult to juggle all your blood testing kit and your pens (especially if you are trying to change the needle too) and I end up balancing stuff on my knees, bits of ground etc and hoping it doesn't all fall on the floor. Maybe you can aim your design for that kind of situation? Like people out for a hike or on the train. Good luck!