Hi and hello - quickly was diagnosed as type 2 (have genetic type 2 in the family) in September 2019 - did not have any medication and used Dr Michael Mosley Fast 800 books, after 12 weeks lost 2 stone in weight and my type 2 was in remission. Then came the pandemic and a move to a new location. I could not get to see a Dr until November 2023. (I had got my blood sugar down to 40) It was now 47 and I asked to try to get it back down without medication, unfortunately that did not happen and in March this year it had gone up to 55. I am now on Metformin and statins but determined to get it back down and hopefully off the medication by having a low carb diet. i have a friends special birthday in London which is an afternoon tea in a fancy restaurant. Has anyone got any advice regarding what I should eat ???