Type 1 Alcohol


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic just over a month ago. So far I've been controlling it fairly well. I'm going to Newcastle for my Stag do in 3 weeks and I'm really nervous about having a drink. I don't drink alot of alcohol but would like to have a few to enjoy my stag.
Has anyone got any tips?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I'm new to it all myself but from what I've researched and found out from fellow diabetics is make sure you have something to eat before hand, keep an eye on your BS especially being new to it and have something before bed, i was recommended a sandwich, I've been out for a few drinks once or twice and was very wary but it turned out OK


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Depending on your alcohol intake, you could find that your levels are a bit low the following day, so as well as eating something beforehand, be prepared to test a bit more often the day after.

Hope you enjoy the evening!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
If your out drinking do you continue to test your glucose levels?

It's not going to do any harm to test while you're out - at least you'll get some idea of what your sugar's doing and whether you might need to find a kebab shop at short notice...!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Thanks for your replies. I might try and see about a smaller meter I currently have the accu chek expert meter it's a wee bit bulky for carrying in a pocket


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Depending on your alcohol intake, you could find that your levels are a bit low the following day, so as well as eating something beforehand, be prepared to test a bit more often the day after.

Hope you enjoy the evening!
Thanks YorkshireAli. After drinking I have found levels to be low the next day. ps lovely dog in the picture.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I find one effect of alcohol is to lower my blood sugar, so as others have said be prepared to test a lot the next day and if necessary adjust your insulin.

But the main effect of alcohol is to make me careless of what I eat: when I was on insulin (fixed dosage) this meant I tended to guess the carb content instead of working it out; now that I am diet controlled it means I'm more likely to give in to the temptation to eat pizza, crisps etc. I try to counteract this by lining my stomach in advance by eating something fatty and filling; in my case I just drink double cream, but if you don't like that or are no low-carbing then milk and porridge work well.

It's also very useful to have a buddy: someone who knows about your diabetes, knows how to spot a hypo and is strong enough to intervene even when everyone else thinks you're drunk and keeps encouraging you to drink more or laughing at you because they mistake a hypo for tipsiness.

Also, remember it's perfectly OK not to get paralytic: you can do the usual things such as drinking slowly, interspersing alcoholic drinks with water and drinking tonic or fizzy water with a slice and pretending it's a gin and tonic.
