Am I a Pancreatic or a Diabetic


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Since 8-9 years I was suffering from "Acute Pancreatic". All of a sudden in Dec 2012, I started loosing my weight. Then came to know my sugar levels are been raised to 480+ and from that day my daily shots of Insulin started.

It has been 3 years now and I am still confused... Am I a Pancreatic or a Diabetic. ???

Please help...

Thanks, Abhishek


You would need a scan to see if you have any pancreas function, do you see a pancreatic specialist
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Shopping, smoking
I think you need to ask you GP or medical team. I was put on insulin a week after acute pancreatitis. my pancreas completely stopped working, and they say I have type 3c although it is often treated the same way as type1. You may have had some pancreas function for years before you went on the insulin. They can do a blood test to determine what type you are at your GP.
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Since 8-9 years I was suffering from "Acute Pancreatic". All of a sudden in Dec 2012, I started loosing my weight. Then came to know my sugar levels are been raised to 480+ and from that day my daily shots of Insulin started.

It has been 3 years now and I am still confused... Am I a Pancreatic or a Diabetic. ???

Please help...

Thanks, Abhishek

Hi @Abhishek, you are obviously a diabetic if you need insulin to control your blood sugars but whether you are a type 1, 2, or 3C has to be determined by your doctors. I agree with @janeliz you need to go back to your doctor and have the proper blood tests and possibly other investigations to get an accurate diagnosis. Sorry we cant be more informative at the moment but if you have any more specific questions, please come back and we will try and help.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Smoking. Housework. Cooking.
After initially being told I was Type 2, my sugars weren't improving with medication, so got referred to Hosp. I had the rest done to check if was Type 1 or 2, n basically they class me as Type 1 n 1/2! But am treated as a type 1 on insulin. But I've never heard of type 3c!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hello. I'm diabetic after getting gallstones which got stuck in the bile duct, gave me pancreatitis, and my pancreas basically digested itself. They reckon I have up to 10% of it left, and it works sometimes! Technically my diabetes is secondary..... as in secondary to the pancreatitis. Sounds like it's the same as you're being told is 3c... but I've not had it called that. I'm down as T1 on hospital notes as I cannot manage without injected insulin.

So yes, you are a diabetic. You probably function as fully insulin dependent, so you are nearest in requirements to a T1. If you have access to a specialist nurse or diabetes educator, they may give you a clearer answer than a general doc.

Good luck.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
All, thanks for your valuable replies. I will get it recheked with my Diabetologist and get back to you...


Type of diabetes
Type 1
i got pancretitis twice once in 2005 and in 2007, i got told i was type 2 diabetic in 2007, was on medication for a few months, but then i was on diet controlled until in 2010 my blood sugars went really high and i was then put on insulin, and im on novamix 30 now, i haven't a clue what type i am, ive always assumed i am type 1 cos i am insulin dependent, i dont know nothing about type 1and a half or pancreatic or 3c can anybody explain the difference between them.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Loud noises; disrespectful people; fireworks
Hi! It's a long while since I've been on this forum, but I was interested in hearing about Type 3c - I also have diabetes as a result of gallstones giving me acute pancreatitis. What annoys me is that I was never told that I may become diabetic because of the damage to my pancreas and only found out 18 months later when I began losing weight and craving sweet things. I've been told I'm Type 2 and am on gliclazide and metformin, but my blood sugar levels are nearly always above 8+. Even in mornings I can be 10 after not eating since dinner the night before. Last time I went for a check up my dn said my blood sugars were perfect at 53 (down from 105 at the beginning).

I admit that my diet slipped a bit over Christmas, but have given all chocolates (unopened) away, thrown out leftover mincepies etc and am trying to do more exercise, so hoping that blood sugar levels will go down.

But, having read this thread, I wonder if I should ask to be tested fro Type 3c - any advice really welcome
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i got pancretitis twice once in 2005 and in 2007, i got told i was type 2 diabetic in 2007, was on medication for a few months, but then i was on diet controlled until in 2010 my blood sugars went really high and i was then put on insulin, and im on novamix 30 now, i haven't a clue what type i am, ive always assumed i am type 1 cos i am insulin dependent, i dont know nothing about type 1and a half or pancreatic or 3c can anybody explain the difference between them.[/QUOTE

Very simply type 1 the body's autoimmune system attacks insulin cells on the pancreas, stopping insulin production, type 2 the insulin cells don't work the way they should and the person might develop insulin resistance, type 1.5 the autoimmune system attacks insulin cells at a much slower rate and at an older age (usually over 30), type 3c the pancreas has been damaged from illness, accident, operation etc, usually part or all of the pancreas dies therefore there is no insulin produced or not enough.

Only a doctor can diagnose which type, but type3c is rare, you would have to have blood tests and scan of pancreas to see if there is damage


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Shopping, smoking
There are many classifications of diabetes. The majority are either treated for type 1 or type 2. Most of the other types don't really have their own treatment so many people only get referred to as either type 1 or 2. There appear to be only two types of diabetes management, Type 1 and Type 2. Specialists also talk about whether you are antibody positive or negative as a sub group. It's not as clear cut as one would expect.

IzzieS....blood sugars have no bearing on what type you are, that's down to your management. By your results though you are doing well. You may well still be type 2 as the pancreatitis did not cause the diabetes at the time, it came on gradually like type 2 tends to as the pancreas you had left stops producing or the body cannot use the insulin you produce correctly. There are lots of other factors too.

Type 3c is secondary to chronic pancreatitis or severe cases of acute pancreatitis where loss of pancreatic function occurs.
Type 2's can progress onto insulin as the pancreas production of insulin lowers and tablets/diet fail to control it, but they usually remain as Type 2 on insulin.
Not as easy as you think. Which is why so many of us struggle with control of diabetes.

The body is a remarkable, something too many of us abuse or take for granted!!!!
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There are many classifications of diabetes. The majority are either treated for type 1 or type 2. Most of the other types don't really have their own treatment so many people only get referred to as either type 1 or 2. There appear to be only two types of diabetes management, Type 1 and Type 2. Specialists also talk about whether you are antibody positive or negative as a sub group. It's not as clear cut as one would expect.

IzzieS....blood sugars have no bearing on what type you are, that's down to your management. By your results though you are doing well. You may well still be type 2 as the pancreatitis did not cause the diabetes at the time, it came on gradually like type 2 tends to as the pancreas you had left stops producing or the body cannot use the insulin you produce correctly. There are lots of other factors too.

Type 3c is secondary to chronic pancreatitis or severe cases of acute pancreatitis where loss of pancreatic function occurs.
Type 2's can progress onto insulin as the pancreas production of insulin lowers and tablets/diet fail to control it, but they usually remain as Type 2 on insulin.
Not as easy as you think. Which is why so many of us struggle with control of diabetes.

The body is a remarkable, something too many of us abuse or take for granted!!!!
I'm sorry @janeliz but you are not quite accurate. My type 3C is not caused by either acute or chronic pancreatitis, type 3C is not simply as a result of loss of pancreatic function, it is as a result of severe damage, death or removal of the organ thus diminishing or destroying the function of the alpha cells as well as the beta cells which are effected in type 1. The management if 3C also has to consider the extent of involvement of the exocrine systrm and the ability to digest foods. There are many degrees of 'severity' dependant on the extent of the damage and this means that it has to be treated in some cases very differently to type 1. Having no living pancreas, I am a 'severe' type 3C. My diabetes is brittle, with sudden hypos which bear no correlation to such things as food, insulin, exercise, illness etc so are frequent and unpredictable. My insulin regime is affected by my malabsorption of carbs, protein and fats so carb counting is impossible and I have to regulate my blood sugars by a process of basal/bolus and correction as the norm which would never be recommended for a type 1. It is very different. Xx
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IzzieS....blood sugars have no bearing on what type you are, that's down to your management. By your results though you are doing well. You may well still be type 2 as the pancreatitis did not cause the diabetes at the time, it came on gradually like type 2 tends to as the pancreas you had left stops producing or the body cannot use the insulin you produce correctly. There are lots of other factors too.

In type 3C the control and regulation of bloods sugars are often very difficult as it is a brittle form of diabetes. However most 'pancreatitis diabetes' are type 2. The fundamental difference is in type 3C there is always some degree of involvement/problems with the exocrine system as well as the endocrine system.
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I fully agree with @mrspuddleduck, if I was treated as a type1 or 2 I would be dead, for example I could eat a a normal meal and go hypo after it. The other thing not knowing how much food your body will let you have, not being able to digest food is hard, I became vegetarian as it was just too difficult to eat meat I inject insulin after meal so I know I have the correct amount doing it before then being unable to eat meal is way to risky.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@mrspuddleduck I am very interested in your post above. May I ask how type 3c is diagnosed please? Can the usual CPEP blood test detect it? My consultant advised that my CPEP showed very little/no insulin production.


@mrspuddleduck I am very interested in your post above. May I ask how type 3c is diagnosed please? Can the usual CPEP blood test detect it? My consultant advised that my CPEP showed very little/no insulin production.
A C-PEP on its own is not usually used to diagnose anything accurately on its own as it basically shows how much insulin is or isn't being produced. The exception is when there is no or very little insulin produced which is considered an indicator of type 1. In type 3C it is not always that definitive, because of the cause of 3C which is dependant upon the extent of the damage or destruction of the pancreas. I often see many diabetic posts say that their pancreas is dead, with every respect to them, that is not an accurate description. In type 1 there is damage/distruction to the beta cells and not necessarily to the other functions of the organ. (Apologies to all type 1s for over simplifying!!) The pancreas has other functions as well as the production of insulin and in 3C there is whole organ involvement. This means that the exocrine involvement would cause problems with the digestion and absorbsion of food, initially fats, then carbs and proteins. Often the exocrine deficiency is evident before the onset of diabetes. In my case I had severe exocrine defiency for over 10 years before the first evidence if diabetes, and nearly 15 years before I became insulin dependant. However during that time I was hospitalised fairly regularly with malnourishment, and required nutrition support via a tube ( but not everyone is as severe as me!). So basically if there is sufficient pancreatic damage you will know because it will be evident on MRI, endoscopy, you may have had some jaundice on onset, it is likely that LFT blood will be abnormal, there will be problematic weight loss, chronic sickness/diahorrea. Personally I would say you can not have type 3C diabetes without knowing it because it is always accompanied by a serious pancreatic condition that could not go untreated (it is life threatening) - @Shar67 would you agree??
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