An all-in attempt at remission/reversal!


Well-Known Member
Day 2 - Morning - Oat Test:

Oat Test 1 - 24:01:23.png


Well-Known Member
Replaced day 1 picture/collage to add clarity and the step count I'd previously forgotten to add.

Also, want to clarify about what I'm eating...which is essentially anything I want (Within my chosen fat and caloric intake limits). Things will change/evolve as I get used to the energy cut and as my palette becomes more sensitised (Reduction of salt, and getting rid of huge amounts of previously-eaten junk). Currently, I'm concentrating on big bulk items. Fruit is certainly on the menu, as and when I start to crave it again. And I'm eating veggies (Most of the home-made sauces I use are loaded with them). They will also increase in time.

I originally stated i wouldn't be weighing all veggies, as bulk-cooking, freezing etc. makes the whole thing really difficult. And given the low-calorie count, it's not essential for me to know...exactly. I did attempt to do it with the chop-suey, but with the added water it doesn't work out. But here's the recipe:

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 12.48.10.png

I'm also taking a broad-band multi, at least for the short-term, to hopefully make up any shortfall.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am not convinced so far. You are using principles based on a "plan" called Mastering Diabetes, written by Cyrus Khambatta. He is a Type 1 insulin user. But he claims that the plan is applicable to T2D (based on bis experience) i would agree that those T2D using insulin may be able to follow that plan. but they would probably not regain homeostatsis and hence "remission". So I feel you are expecting more from this experiment than the diet plan is able to deliver.

Edit to add: I feel your current trajectory may cause you some harm. Your heartbeats as measured and reported are elevated, and your BP is running consistently high. The foods you are experimenting with are not exactly what i would consider 'healthy' and balanced.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I appreciate your persistence with this method but trust me, thus will not yield results & will only cause further harm to your already taxed beta cells.
All conventional wisdom & the Taylor studies point at one route to remission, weight loss, the sooner post diagnosis the better.
Even after losing 70+lbs I wasn't able to eat carbs again until 9 months post remission, there is a recovery time required for dormant beta cells to regain normal 2nd phase secretion levels & during this period a low insulin diet has to be observed.
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Well-Known Member
Step-count of 265 steps will be repeated for any days where I stay at home. This was the amount of steps counted with phone for the various toilet and kitchen trips, in one day. There may be slight deviations, either way, but seeing as I've no interest in carrying my phone everywhere when at home, this will have to do.

Day 0005 - 27:01:23.png


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you trying to eat as many carbs as possible? I’m sure you appreciate your blood test results show significant insulin resistance, high blood glucose, high hba1c. Your daily bgl are way too high and your blood pressure is concerning. Your diet is not helping you.

How long do you propose to deliberately follow this path? It’s been 3 months and the results don’t look good. What is your re-assessment point to decide if it is success or failure ? I’m worried for you.

I know this post is for your accountability but that could be done privately if you don’t want comment on it.


Well-Known Member
Some changes by day 6:

- Sleeping a lot better. Still wake-up a couple of times to pee. But only one wake-in-a-paic episode, which is pretty good going for me. Nodding-off very easily, and seem to be getting circa 9 hours. Doubt it's very deep, or that I'm even close to starting to make a dent in my apnea issue. However, I'm waking up feeling much more rested and clear-headed.

- A couple (Maybe a tad more) kilos down. Didn't plan to weigh so soon, and didn't pay much attention. But 'We're Off!

- Apart from a very brief spell, brought on by lying-down too soon after lunch, I've not had a trace of reflux since the third day. Can't vouch for during the night. But certainly haven't woken-up doubled-over in acid pain. So that's nice.

- After day 3, no more after-lunch crash. Usually, I'd feel really tired after lunch which inevitably led to me being knocked-out asleep. Seems to not be happening at the moment, though I'm sure a perfect-storm of the right 'ingredients' could knock me off my feet.

Edited to add:

- Constipation! Never really been one to suffer hugely. Not sure I've ever missed a day in my life. However, it's still possible to be constipated, despite going daily. This last 6-12months (And in the last 3 especially), i've noticed things slow down quie consideraby. Movements taking too long, with less ease...and too much 'residual' on the paper. Well, yeah...That's changed! ;)

So...nothing huge here. but certainly feeling quite a lot better than I did only six days ago.

Onwards & Upwards!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I have definitely had a strong emotional reaction/response reading this thread.

On the one hand I am hugely pro doing experiments/N=1, and having gone for remission/reversal myself a couple of times, big-time, I admire the very good record-keeping, and the committment, it must be said.

On the other hand looking at the pix of high-carb, low-fat, calorie-counted vegan food alongside the blood glucose readings, weight and blood pressure - makes me want to cry! I know my emotional response to this experiment is irrelevant, but I just wanted to say it regardless, in the interests of being up-front.

I went back to the first post several times to look at the desired outcome/s, and looked for a time-frame, ie how long would one do this experiment before giving it up? Due to no-way, no-good results - on any of the outcomes.

I would always see high-carb as a high-risk experiment, when high blood glucose is such a sure-fire indicator of potential health problems for us - not to mention mood disorders, which can be part of having diabetes (it is for me). It is just contrary to reason - if you have high levels of glucose in your blood due to having T2D, then adding high levels of glucose into your body via food is courting disaster (if you don't mind me being blunt). And add low-dietary fat to high carb when one is blood glucose dysregulated is courting mood disorder disaster also I would say! As fat as we know is a dietary must-do, and we know how it can affect hormone regulation and so on, and choosing to go low on healthy fat, and high on completely optional carbs - it just doesn't make sense! (I do understand that to go high healthy-fat with high carbs is the worst combo of all, apparently! And good that you aren't doing that.)

@Beating-My-Betes - when are you going to finish your experiment and tally up your figures and decide whether or not this experiment worked or not? At least for incomplete remission, if not complete remission.


Well-Known Member
Here's an estimated HbA1C from an app called mySugr. It asks for 21 readings to be taken over a period of 7 days. I chose before each of my 3 meals. Not in any way a scientifically-accurate test, but it is simple...and more-or-less repeatable. Will try to remember to repeat at various stages of the journey, to see how numbers vary.

Unfortunately, the export (At least fro the unpaid app) is just plain text cells, and with most recent dates upper-most. So I tried to snip and rearrange stuff to at least put dates in order. Looks a total mess, especially with the photos never being taken from same distance etc. (So they never really align well when up/down-scaling). However, all the pertinent info is there.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 17.32.48.png


Well-Known Member
Not been in a tracking mood the last few days (That's gonna happen, occasionally. I did take some pictures of my food, but not all of it. This'll have to cover for the 30th, 31st and today, as I'm not gonna go back and guess at measurements or worry about the off-plan stuff). Should hopefully be back to tracking tomorrow, as a I start into a new phase.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 17.54.23.png


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Here's an estimated HbA1C from an app called mySugr. It asks for 21 readings to be taken over a period of 7 days. I chose before each of my 3 meals. Not in any way a scientifically-accurate test,
and by taking what is likely to be all your lowest readings as the sample not only is it non scientific it likely to be seriously inaccurate for an hba1c equivalent as it misses all your higher post meal readings. And seeing as they raise you quite a lot that difference could be noticeable.

it would be more representative if you took both before and after meals as your sample.