Anaerobic Exercise and High BG Levels


Well-Known Member
I joined a running club around 5 months ago and have started interval training twice a week. In the past I ran by myself with no structure, just as many miles as I felt like and at my pace. I kept detailed notes of my BG levels before and after (during if possible) and how many Jelly Babies I had eaten during exercise. After 6mths to a year I could predict how many JB's I would need for my planned session.

However, now that I am doing high intensity work I am back to square one as this type of exercise increases BG levels. Initially, I was deliberately taking less insulin before exercise and still using JB's. My BG levels were shooting up! I now take noextra sugar during these sessions, last night for example I started at 5.2 and finished at 10.8. After 2hrs I had dropped back down to 8.2.

My question is this: should I just accept the high level or take a correction dose of insulin after exercise to do what a non diabetics body would do and get rid of the extra sugar? Naturally I am worried about a hypo but it takes a good few hours for my BG levels to return to normal and I normally have a meal within 2hrs of finishing the session.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Can't reply from experience.
This link aimed at pumpers suggests using a higher basal rate or injecting a small bolus. (doesn't seem to say whether it means before or after)

It might be worth looking at some of the accounts on Runsweet.
The Rugby player says that he has to top up with glucose during aerobic training but not during anaerobic. During matches he has to inject a unit at the start and at half time.

Difficult one when you perhaps don't know what you will do in each session. I suppose I'd take a small amount and proceed with caution . ( Before or after though, I'm tempted to say before but that's immediately before the anaerobic bit , not before any more gentle warm up)



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I do exercise most mornings and o need insulin for it so have a few units before. When I play rugby (I'm not the bloke from runsweet!)got I don't need insulin or sugar. When I go for a run I need sugar. Its all about giving your body what its asking for.



I always find I need extra insulin before high intensity interval training and extra glucose before runs. Sounds like you've got the runs sorted - well done! I'm sure you'll find you can sort the anaerobic exercise bg as well with a bit of juggling.
The keys for me are - the level of intensity and the timing of the interval training in relation to last injection/food.

If I train more than 3 hours since I last injected and my bg is between 5-10 then I will give an extra unit right before training. I find this means I maintain the starting bg level by the end of the workout and then I eat as usual. I do this if I'm doing a hard 45-50 min session. If I'm doing a less demanding shorter session then I give an extra 0.5 immediately before.

You could also try doing your session 90 mins after your last bolus and not giving extra, as your bolus of fast acting will still be active. I haven't tried this yet but am planning to give it a go.

When I started, I tested before, during and after the session and then every hour for 4-5 hours post workout. It's a hassle but you soon get a good idea of how your body is reacting. Remember that at some point your body is going to pull sugar out of your blood to re-supply your muscles (simple terms I know). So you may need a snack.

I'm sure you'll get a balance that works for you. It is very strange to give insulin before exercise but for me anaerobic workouts do generally require a small amount.

Hope that helps!!


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Well-Known Member
Hi Cassie,

At last! Someone who is in the same boat!

I am a bit worried about injecting immediately before a session and was beginning to think along the line of injecting during the session. Here's an example from last night:

About 25 mins before the session I was 5.2. I jogged 1200mtrs as a warm up and did a few short bursts. The session itself was 7 x 300mtrs with a mins rest and 200mtrs recovery jog. After all that I was up at 14.5 which is the highest reading in a while but I was absolutely spent on the last 300mtrs.

I worry about taking even half a unit prior in case I hypo at the start or during the warm up. These sessions are at 6pm and my last meal/insulin intake is around 12.20pm. I found last night that 2hrs after before I ate my tea I was at 9.2.

I think the best course of action may be to experiment with half a unit before and see what happens!


Yes, the initial warm up period may trip you up. If it were me, I would test immediately before starting, warm up and then test again. If bg is the same or up then you should be fine to inject before. Definately start with 0.5.

It may depend on how long your warm up is. The warm up I do in an intense session is only about 6-7 mins then 3-4 mins of stretching and I'm still ok with a unit before I start. It does take a little time for the bolus to start working so for me 10 mins is fine. My warm up is intense - c.150 cals burned.

Although its a pain, I would suggest testing right before, after warm up, midway through (use a rest minute - if you're not dying on the floor like I sometimes am!) and then at the end. That way you get a clearer picture and can ease some of the worry around injecting.

It's amazing how all that extra effort results in high bg! A moderate paced walk would see us hypoing all over the place!! Seems to go against everything we are told but that's the physiological response. I'm sure you already know it but just in case - do you have a good understanding of the physiological anaerobic process vs aerobic? It really helped me to not worry so much about the extra bolus.

The main thing is to keep going, you're doing really well and although your levels may feel disappointingly high, they are not terrible considering you're not giving ANY extra insulin but are still pushing your body that hard!!

I think test more for a few sessions and you'll have it sorted.

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Just an extra thought. Your drop from 14 to 9 within 2 hrs of finishing is quite large so if you do inject and get good levels after your workout then have a snack. You don't want to finish on a lovely 6, then drop 5!!

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Active Member
I also go high after I excercise hard, I take less insulin before I to prevent a hypo during and this keeps me stable then take a bolus as soon as I hit the changing rooms otherwise I can go from a BG of 7 to 17 in an hour. The high bit can last 4-5 hours after so I test every hour and correct carefully to avoid goin too low as well. It's a juggling act!