Any diabetic brides?



Just wondering how other brides to be are going to deal with their injections etc on their wedding day in their dress?

Im getting married in september, i had my dress picked before i was diagnosed. My mam has offered to go up under my dress and give me my injections(god love her! :lol: ) I wont be able to do them myself.

Just worried about taking my needle before my dinner, having to get up and go to the room and do it before the meal etc.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
My mam has offered to go up under my dress and give me my injections(god love her! )
:lol: the picture that gives me is hilarious!

Does your dress have sleeves?, if not you could learn to inject in your arms, I've done this lots of times in restaurants. With small needles you don't need to pinch up so it is very easy, jut have a bit of gauze to hand, tiny specks of blood will inevitably get on a white dress.
( Before I developed confidence I used to duck down under the table to do it, it is possible to do it very discretely, you could always get the bridesmaids to 'hide' you for a few minutes.)
One thing worth bearing in mind is that these meals often take ages and even if you are the first person served you may have to wait. Don't inject until you know the food is really about to arrive.
If the first course and main course aren't too high in carbs (often the case) it might be possible to delay the injection to between main course and dessert (an ideal time for an official loo break)It would depend on whether your glucose levels are low because of all the 'running' about or high because of the raised adrenaline.

Whatever you do, you probably won't have ideal glucose levels all day, but it is only one day so try not to let diabetes get in the way.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
liars, animal cruelty
on my wedding day i just nipped to the toilets to inject, having some help would be good :D
have a wonderful day :D


Well-Known Member
I injected in my thigh when I got married, just as normal, I think I managed to do it at the table too!

Arms are an easier option though just watch out for escaping blood, that's the last thing you want on a white dress!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
No experience of being a bride, but I find weddings more difficult than expeditions and adventure races, yes really. As a guest, I've been using my smart trousers suit for weddings, medal presentations etc for past 10 years. As you see, buying clothes and dressing up in posh clothes isn't my favourite activity :D

As others have said, a long dress only really rules out abdomen site for injections, leaving thighs and arms. When wearing white clothes, I always carry a plaster in my injection kit and stick it on after injection, even if blood doesn't appear immediately - so as not to create a problem for photos, washing clothes after etc.

Have a great wedding! At least as bride you're guaranteed to get food first and know the menu in advance! As a guest, unpredictability of food timing, type and quantity is what I find most difficult. Last one was a buffet, which was great - and looking after a cousin's child caused some confusion/ amusement, as buffet server was concerned that "mum" got enough food - my partner and I had to admit that she wasn't ours :D


Thanks for all the replies! The type of dress im wearing i can't do my needle in my tummy. I did it a few time in my tight but my doctor said not as i might hit a muscle so that's put me off. Ive an aoo coming up so will say it to her about doing it in my arm. If i can do into my arm il do at the table so im not getting up, sure all my friends and family know i have it so there used to seeing me doing it!! Will def have a plaster so i don't get blood anywhere. Ive worked out that il only need to take my evening meal and night time levemir one. Il try and get some lunch into me before il leave for the church!! My mam is going carrying my bits and pieces in her bag and il give a testing kit to my bridesmid to mind aswell just in case!

Its things like this that really get to me having diabetes! But sure will just have to get on with it!


Well-Known Member
I did my injections in my thigh as per normal on my wedding day. I bruise quite easily, so for me, i would avoid my arms.

Don't know what your Dr is talking about "hitting muscle"? Are you especially slim? even so, you should be able to inject in your thigh, with the shorter needles.

Even on my wedding day, I went to the loo, so did my injection the "powder room" bit, as it did involve quite a lot of dress manoevering.

Try your may never go back to your stomach!


I was grand doing it in my thigh, she has kinda put me off it now though. Ive hit a muscle in my stomach beofre and it was (*******) agony! My uncle is a dibetic and he does it in his thigh aswell. My stomach is getting sore again so might do my thigh tonight.


Well-Known Member
I have this to look forward too nect year. I have a huge dress but I am just going to ride it up and jab in my thigh like normal... I am not too worried about it!