Any other T2ers out there trying to GAIN weight?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Apologies if there is already a thread on this topic.

I'm 5 foot 9 and I weigh 145 pounds. (Sorry for the non-metrics.)

My BP, cholesterol and all other functions are normal, except my blood glucose a1c which stands at 11. My weight is also stable.

I'm on Toiletformin (oh, sorry Metformin) and Diamicron, which are doing their job.

Almost 100% of the diabetes info I have been given revolves around losing weight. If I lose any more weight I will disappear ;)

I'd like to gain muscle mass and get back to about 160, where I was before all this diabetes stuff started.

Is there anyone who is in the same boat or who could point me to some resources?



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, and welcome!

You'll find quite a few people in here who struggle to maintain their weight, some after losing weight. I can remember a few of them, so will put out a call, in case they can contribute:

@Andrew Colvin (I know you have fine tuned your weight control)
And there are others...


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @1MoreT2 sorry that you joined us all in the D-club. How long have you been diagnosed? I ask because your A1c, at 11 (% DCCT I assume) is rather high and is slightly more than I was diagnosed on. Given the weight loss and the failure to be able to gain and the ineffectiveness of glic (metfartin is pretty useless on this size number on its own) I wonder if you are really T2 and not possibly LADA, ie you arent producing enough insulin. Can I suggest you see your doctor to discuss this and ask for a GAD test. Have you just been labelled T2 because of your age?

On the flip side it could be that you are not eating enough. Can you give us an idea of your diet and the quantities.

For information I was on a low calorie diet and to control my weight loss I found that increasing fats alone didn't work and I had to add some carbs back into my diet. I am now on normal amount of carbs per day but I do burn that many calories daily through exercise. I have found I have the gain/loss on a knife edge and just small changes in carb levels makes me go up or down


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Apologies if there is already a thread on this topic.

I'm 5 foot 9 and I weigh 145 pounds. (Sorry for the non-metrics.)

My BP, cholesterol and all other functions are normal, except my blood glucose a1c which stands at 11. My weight is also stable.

I'm on Toiletformin (oh, sorry Metformin) and Diamicron, which are doing their job.

Almost 100% of the diabetes info I have been given revolves around losing weight. If I lose any more weight I will disappear ;)

I'd like to gain muscle mass and get back to about 160, where I was before all this diabetes stuff started.

Is there anyone who is in the same boat or who could point me to some resources?


Has your weight loss stopped, or is 145lbs where you are today, but still losing?

It took me a while to work out my way of stopping weight loss. I now hover +/-1kg, and although I'm very slight at 5ft 3" and 49kg/108lbs/7st 10lbs, I haven't gained weight, and for the time being, I'm content not to; unless I could build slightly more muscle bulk to my limbs.

I'll help where I can.


Hi and welcome yes I struggled to keep my weight up after loosing over a stone.. about 16 lb.. when I gave up all sugar stuff and went lower but not to low in carbs.which I did not need to loose as I was not overweight I do eat quite a lot of nuts cheese and avocados to keep my weight up I have not actually gained any weight back but I am steady now and not loosing more


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi,@1MoreT2 and welcome. What a breath of fresh air you are.
You appear to have a healthy weight, maybe Calisthenics, is your answer to gain muscle mass.
I actually got a little to thin,my immediate family thought great,yet many other members that had not seen me for a while thought I looked too thin.
My simple remedy was to cheat the system in small doses until I was happy with myself.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
If I lose any more weight I will disappear ;)
Hello there and ditto. My wife dragged me back to the GP before I floated away on the breeze and I was told my diet was eating into muscle fat. Since upping my fat intake and dropping the carbs I seem to have stabilized and I like being thin.

However @izzzi that's a good idea ... did I read about the Canadian Air Force using this system of exercise? At my age (73) one has to keep active or else.
Best of luck.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. I agree with Andrew that it's possible you are a Late onset T1 (LADA) and not T2. I was mis-diagnosed and I was always thin. Do ask the GP for a GAD and c-peptide test. Your high HBa1C and low weight are strong pointers to LADA. Do keep monitoring your blood sugar and ensure you have enough water. It you are a LADA then you need to expect to progress on towards higher medication; the rate can vary a lot. BTW as you are having problems with Metformin do ask for the Slow Release (SR) version. Note that you can get into a vicious circle as I did taking extra carbs to try to gain weight and pushing blood sugar way up. Continue to keep the carbs down but add extra protein and fat as needed.