Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemic


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Things like this and the cannabis thread are always contentious in their interpretation, peoples responses and views are often divisive and people will not always agree.


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Martwolves, When I was replying to a previous thread, I think you edited some things while I was in the process of sending,or I have lost the plot.

In the past I have been pie eyed, used to smoke and all that. Therefore I would be wrong for me to throw stones.
I get pi$$ed off by people carping on and using diabetes as an excuse or a licence to blame their failings on, it is absolutely pathetic
What you feel is the point that is most agreeable to me.
Actually mushrooms come to mind with some of these threads "kept in the dark and fed a lot of bulls**t".(in other words a vehicle would/could have been driven by a drunk driver without police intervention).

Keep up your wise comments,and what you think and print is important. It might stop some "idiot" from thinking about drink driving on this fine sunny day or any other day.Or even stop some idiot calling you a idiot.

Roy. :)


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Thank you, Roy.

The thought that it hay save someone from harm has cheered an already splendid looking day. I won't say you're sensible, as some may get jealous ;), but I share a lot of your views and principles. Enjoy your day.


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Drink driving is dispicable, I'm sure all would agree with you. But he wasn't doing that!!!?

Apols mw - I wasn't attacking your thoughts or opinions, of course - it's a forum, a place for everyone's thoughts & opinions. I just worry we all get caught up in the argument and forget about the original point. Which in this case was about police disregard/unawareness of a life threatening event, DKA. Which op was obviously suffering with. Ketones! They can be deadly!

Not that jealous of not being thought of as sensible, would rather be thought of as considerate. Tis indeed a nice day, hope the sun shines on us all x

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Thank you weeezer - I appreciate your feedback. I was generally being childish and wasn't being nasty or hostile and I'm glad an understanding has been reached. I believe this debate has helped us all to learn from the OP's sitiation.

It is still a pleasant day and your last comment was indeed sensible and welcome and for that, I commend you.

Everyone's entitled to their own interpretations based on what they have been presented with, which will not always be the full story, rather someone who was drunk at the time telling things as they remember or decide to tell us. I'm not arguing the toss over accuracy, or even the OP's integrity but am just (long-windingly) having my say.

I have certainly learned from this, that how we come across, when perhaps being a little light-hearted, that can be lost in translation and you (or me in this case) can appear arrogant and foolish.

I don't want an apology for being called an idiot, I wan't expecting that to be honest, but that is someone's view and someone new who perhaps doesn't know about social etiquette. Life is good and I will continue to help where I can, unless I get told to buzz off :)


You have made my morning! Honestly!

Mr Happy

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Nobody said he was drink driving. However, he was charged of being drunk in charge of a vehicle, which he was...

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Postby donnellysdogs » May 17th, 2013, 7:07 pm
An Abba song springs to mind here.

Am I pleased for you???? No.

I think you are an embaressment to diabetics that really care for themselves and others....
You self righteous SOB I wonder if cowards like you who only pass opinions over the web, have the guts to speak face to face, probably not


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Cailesmark... I didnt recognise that Abba song.. Wrong guess....


Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Back to the point of this Post - I was arrested on Saturday for D and D when i wasn't drunk! that wasn't the issue i never had my insline or tester as it was back in the hotel i just left (i was only going out for 30 mins) Anyway they took me to the police station. I kept telling them i was a diabetic which they never believed and locked me up until i got a bit of attention when i was having a hypo so they threw a bottle of orange at me and rang a ambulance (they thought i was making it up at this point and informed me that i would be arrested for wasting police time when they find out im not a diabetic...

So the ambulance came and they tested my levels which was now 4.9 after the orange . without asking they said to the police (no he has no blood sugar problems at all) so they threw me back in the cell for another 8 hours and even turned the bell off.

when they changed shift in the morning, they threw some cornflakes in which come just in time. then a few hours later they let me out, i said i want a nurse to prove condition which she did and that was that.

You carnt say they are all knob heads but most are just mummy boys who were bullied in school so they need power! its a joke. if they were diabetic they would understand... sad state when people like that are doing that job..


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

I always wear my diabetic ID bracelet the no can be phoned to ascertain the truth

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

I had a hypo when driving once many years ago. I went straight over a roundabout. I stopped in a car park & removed keys & sat in passenger seat (so not in charge of vehicle )
Someone else must have phoned police cos they turned up & I was carted off to police station.
Don't think I was arrested but they allowed me to get my bm's up until someone picked me up.
They said make sure it dont happen again.

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Diabetic Krissy

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

My friend is also a Type 1 diabetic and he had a hypo whilst driving, he was one road away from a shop but got pulled over and handcuffed, whilst the friend who was with him was shouting at the police that he was diabetic and needed sugar. Luckily one of the officers knew about diabetes and speeded to the shop to get sugar! It is scary to think that if the one officer didn't know about diabetes then they would have ignored him as the other officer kept just saying he was drunk!

tettenhall boy

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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

That is why the DVLA brought in their policy to test before and during your drive.


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Re: Arrested for drunk in charge when actually Hyperglycaemi

Also why it is imperstive to have access to hypo stoppers in your car with highly easy access.....


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I screwed up in this respect recently, I doubled up on my basal by mistake due to changing timezones so i had some overlap (my basal makes up 70% of my insulin intake, so a 4 hr overlap was significant). The police were totally ignorant, handcuffed me, and put me in a cell. The treatment I received from the police was awful, power obsessed bullies, but I'm sure all the self righteous in this thread will tell me it's my own fault as I wasn't perfect in my handling of my insulin regime.


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Have you ever thought it's my problem i have to kook after myself, drunk in charge of a car would you been more happy if they had arrested you after you had killed some innocent pedestrians that would have looked good for the diabetic community in the papers the next day wouldn't it? you are responsible for yourself live with it you xxxx.