Artificial sweetener


Active Member

After reading a few peoples advice,today I have gone even lower carb and given up milk and sweeteners..OMG,what a nightmare,I feel soooo deprived,not even being able to enjoy a nice cuppa.Does everyone think that it's really necessary to go to this length?Have others achieved impressive weight loss without this?


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
You shouldn't feel deprived that's the road to failure, we all have to decide our lifestyle ( not diet this is for life! ) if you really can't manage without milk find s lower carb one - sorry I can't help you there as I have never used milk so have never had to give it up but I have heard some people use almond milk or soya milk - hopefully someone will see your post and be of more help than me.

As to the sweeteners I use sweeteners and drink sugar free drinks and I lost over 11st - if you need sweetener try it and see - you may be fine

It's all about tailoring it for yourself, what doesn't work for others may be fine for you:)
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Look for lactose free milk, or nut or soya milks, but watch out for and avoid those that have added sugar! If you're a coffee drinker real full fat cream is a good low carb option, and contrary to popular belief, it won't make you fat if you're wanting to lose weight! Some sugar alternatives, such as stevia and erythritol, are diabetic friendly, (don't be put off by high carbohydrate content, as these carbs are indigestible, so can't raise your glucose levels!) and also very low in calories, but do check that they don't contain starchy fillers to bulk them out. Google is good for checking if you don't know what any additional ingredients are.

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Active Member
Thanks,guys,for the advice!The reason I'm asking is that for the last couple of weeks I've lost no weight at all,despite dieting strictly apart from one evening when I had a few lentils.In fact I seem to have gained a couple of pounds along the way,to my disbelief, considering my abstemiousness.A bit frustrating but maybe this is normal.It's a long time since I've dieted seriously so maybe it'll be a lot harder post menopause or something.
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Thanks,guys,for the advice!The reason I'm asking is that for the last couple of weeks I've lost no weight at all,despite dieting strictly apart from one evening when I had a few lentils.In fact I seem to have gained a couple of pounds along the way,to my disbelief, considering my abstemiousness.A bit frustrating but maybe this is normal.It's a long time since I've dieted seriously so maybe it'll be a lot harder post menopause or something.

Sometimes, especially if this new lifestyle involves additional exercise you can be building tone up in your muscles. Worthwhile also measuring your vital statistics and also upper leg measurement too. We had one lady sign up to gym and weightwatchers on her new lifestyle...initially for 8 weeks.. No loss in weight. But the person had lost 6'' from waist and gained huge confidence...
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PS.What a fantastic achievement lovinglife,was that very low calorie or not?

Thank you:)

At first no calorie counting but when I hit about 5st loss I had to count calories also. I have found that probably after years of yo yo dieting mostly when I wasn't fat but just not fitting the desirable look I now can't do more than 1300 calls a day before I start to gain - I manage fine on that and do have days when I eat more but also days when I eat less, I don't stick religiously to calorie counting but now find that without depriving myself most days work out that way. I use myfitnesspal without fail everyday


Active Member
That's very interesting,I guess I've been a yo yo dieter too but in my case it was more a case of huge weight loss followed by rapid gain a handful of times,like a yo yo which gets stuck at the bottom!On the plus side,I've kept my prediabetes status for three years but really want to get my BS down lower long term.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Thanks,guys,for the advice!The reason I'm asking is that for the last couple of weeks I've lost no weight at all,despite dieting strictly apart from one evening when I had a few lentils.In fact I seem to have gained a couple of pounds along the way,to my disbelief, considering my abstemiousness.A bit frustrating but maybe this is normal.It's a long time since I've dieted seriously so maybe it'll be a lot harder post menopause or something.

Could you post what you are eating, there may be hidden dangers in there.................

You may be doing it too strictly and your body goes into starvation mode.....

As said above it has to be a lifestyle not a diet, .....diets end.........

I use myfitness pal after using a keto calculator to work out what i should be eating makes it a lot easier

And +1 for coffee and full cream / stevia


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
.OMG,what a nightmare,I feel soooo deprived,not even being able to enjoy a nice cuppa.
I used to drink a mug of coffee and 4-5 mugs of tea during a day. Each with milk and two sugars. I still start the day with white coffee and sweeteners, but usually drink green tea with different fruit/herbal infusions during the day. I never drank them before, but I'm quite getting to like them now. When I drink 'ordinary' tea now it tastes bitter.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)

After reading a few peoples advice,today I have gone even lower carb and given up milk and sweeteners..OMG,what a nightmare,I feel soooo deprived,not even being able to enjoy a nice cuppa.Does everyone think that it's really necessary to go to this length?Have others achieved impressive weight loss without this?
I use unsweetened almond milk and once in a while I use stevia tablets as sweetness as I do not like my coffee without sugar. I do not actively count calories but have about 1000 to 1300 calories per day. Low carbing too but if I have less than 130 gm carbs, then my BG levels drop quite a lot so keeping it to 150gm.


Active Member
Yes,mfactor,I usually get up and have a little walk,about a mile,then have either a fried egg,no oil,with some continental wafer thin ham or sometimes nothing.Dinner will be different meats each night with vegetables which until recently might have included some roots.Maybe plain sugar free jelly or nothing.Three or four mugs of tea with skimmed milk and sweetener throughout the day and one mug of Bovril.On Saturdays I allow myself one large glass of white wine with a few nuts and a bigger dinner,no rice,bread,pasta,potatoes etc pass my lips!

@Prem51.Maybe I should try harder with teas but I find that fruit teas smell fab and then are a big disappointment, quite like roo whstsit
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
The longer I do low carb, the less I want sugary things. However, I do still have them, especially on special occasions when I want to enjoy a treat too (Thanksgiving).

For the most part, I use liquid stevia and Swerve (granulated). I did purchase some SF coffee syrups that I can use in coffee treats or even mixed with HWC and those contain Splenda. That is just a sometimes thing. I haven't noticed it negatively affecting my weight loss. I think my own body is pretty good at sabotaging itself. ;)
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