Back Retinapathy


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I have a HBA1C of 66 working to get this down been diabetic nearly 14 years and I am have bad pains in my eyes anyone else suffering with this?


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I have eye pain sometimes, but it is usually from trying to focus on things when tired, or when I need my reading glasses. The last occasion was after my covid vaccination, when my eyeballs decided to ache for a few hours. Fortunately, all my eye aches seem temporary and easily rectified.

My suggestion would be to make an appointment for an eye test and discuss the situation with the optician. They will be able to give you an expert opinion, and advice you on the next best steps. They can also refer you to an eye clinic, if that is in your best interests.

I will also tag in @Darkhorse who has a lot of knowledge in this field, and may be able to offer some advice.
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Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
I agree with @Brunneria that it would be best to make an appointment with your optician for an examination - if there is an eye problem they will be able to advise you or refer you, if appropriate.

If you ever get severe eye pain accompanied by nausea, headache, blurred vision and haloes around lights, you should visit eye casualty ASAP.


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I agree with @Brunneria that it would be best to make an appointment with your optician for an examination - if there is an eye problem they will be able to advise you or refer you, if appropriate.

If you ever get severe eye pain accompanied by nausea, headache, blurred vision and haloes around lights, you should visit eye casualty ASAP.

Iv got eye pain at the moment. Went through lots of routes, opticians (twice) , rang the hospital & got checked out there, GP (several times). They all said it’s nothing to worry about as it is mild damage but also said I shouldn’t be getting any pain so I’m still left in limbo. I do have a referral with the hospital eye clinic this week for more checks. My vision remains perfect though. Is this urgent? I’m not sure but my anxiety levels are through the roof at the moment.
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I have a HBA1C of 66 working to get this down been diabetic nearly 14 years and I am have bad pains in my eyes anyone else suffering with this?

how long have you had the pain? When was your last eye screening check up & has there been any issues on those checks?

Iv been diabetic 14 years also.

Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
Iv got eye pain at the moment. Went through lots of routes, opticians (twice) , rang the hospital & got checked out there, GP (several times). They all said it’s nothing to worry about as it is mild damage but also said I shouldn’t be getting any pain so I’m still left in limbo. I do have a referral with the hospital eye clinic this week for more checks. My vision remains perfect though. Is this urgent? I’m not sure but my anxiety levels are through the roof at the moment.
If you are worried about retinopathy, that does not cause pain.

Did you have your eyes examined at the hospital eye casualty due to your eye pain? If so, the ophthalmologists would have identified any conditions which needed immediate treatment. Is your eye clinic referral this week as a result of visiting eye casualty ? If so, then you will be seen with the appropriate degree of urgency and should only worry enough to attend the appointment. It's important to realise that if your hospital referral was via diabetic eye screening that tests for retinopathy will not identify the reasons for your eye pain.


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If you are worried about retinopathy, that does not cause pain.

Did you have your eyes examined at the hospital eye casualty due to your eye pain? If so, the ophthalmologists would have identified any conditions which needed immediate treatment. Is your eye clinic referral this week as a result of visiting eye casualty ? If so, then you will be seen with the appropriate degree of urgency and should only worry enough to attend the appointment. It's important to realise that if your hospital referral was via diabetic eye screening that tests for retinopathy will not identify the reasons for your eye pain.

I was referred to more frequent screenings in December due to the lowest level of Malcupathy. However after my scan in February it has now been referred to hospital after ‘minor changes’. The pain has always been there though. When I went up to A&E they also sent me to the eye clinic they did check my eyes but didn’t find anything that would be causing the pain. So I’m abit stuck really. I will mention it when I go to my next screening tommorow just hoping they can come to some sort of solution.


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When I visited the GP they did also send for a referral to see an ophthalmologist but wasn’t sure whether to book that or wait to see what they say at the hospital screening tomorrow? Didn’t want to double book as wasn’t sure if they would check all that out when I go. I just need to be seen by the specialists as i don’t think that happened when I visited A&E.
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Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
I was referred to more frequent screenings in December due to the lowest level of Malcupathy. However after my scan in February it has now been referred to hospital after ‘minor changes’. The pain has always been there though. When I went up to A&E they also sent me to the eye clinic they did check my eyes but didn’t find anything that would be causing the pain. So I’m abit stuck really. I will mention it when I go to my next screening tommorow just hoping they can come to some sort of solution.
It's possible that you may not be examined by a doctor at the eye clinic - people with just maculopathy may be given an OCT test by a technician and a doctor reviews the results later. In that case, the person doing the test would not be able to comment on your eye pain. If you are examined by slit-lamp as well as having an OCT, the slit-lamp examiner may be an ophthalmologist so you could mention it to them.

As the eye clinic have not previously found a reason for your pain, it is possible that your pain is coming from somewhere else near to your eye and you are experiencing it as eye pain (referred pain). For example, sinusitis is sometimes felt as eye pain. You should go back to your GP and ask them to continue unvestigating the cause of your pain.
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It's possible that you may not be examined by a doctor at the eye clinic - people with just maculopathy may be given an OCT test by a technician and a doctor reviews the results later. In that case, the person doing the test would not be able to comment on your eye pain. If you are examined by slit-lamp as well as having an OCT, the slit-lamp examiner may be an ophthalmologist so you could mention it to them.

As the eye clinic have not previously found a reason for your pain, it is possible that your pain is coming from somewhere else near to your eye and you are experiencing it as eye pain (referred pain). For example, sinusitis is sometimes felt as eye pain. You should go back to your GP and ask them to continue unvestigating the cause of your pain.

thanks for your help. I will see what happens tommorow & take it from there.


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A little update. So I didn’t see an actual ophthalmologist as the NHS are under a lot of pressure at the moment. I did have however, an OCT scan which then an ophthalmologist looked at & confirmed mild Maculopathy but they don’t think treatment is needed at the moment so they will continue to monitor. I didn’t get the opportunity to mention the pain to an ophthalmologist so I guess I’m stuck with that even though i can just about live with it as I have done since December (sometimes needing pain killers). Vision remains perfect.
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Apparently background retinopathy is quite common after 10 years according to my pump consultant.. he said the sim of the game now is to keep it background

I don’t have pain from that and you shouldn’t…. But the last few years my eyes have deteriorated and my prescription changed if I don’t get new glasses or wear them then I start to suffer


Well-Known Member
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Apparently background retinopathy is quite common after 10 years according to my pump consultant.. he said the sim of the game now is to keep it background

I don’t have pain from that and you shouldn’t…. But the last few years my eyes have deteriorated and my prescription changed if I don’t get new glasses or wear them then I start to suffer

I got background after around 8 years. Iv never had problems until now the pain is only recent & is only in 1 eye & has come at the same time as getting a hospital referral for the minor leak so I don’t think it’s a coincidence. The eye clinic at the hospital is under so much pressure at the moment it was so busy when I went.


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The eye clinic at the hospital is under so much pressure at the moment it was so busy when I went.
So have you actually got an appointment now? How far out is it? I don't think you should be suffering in silence with the pain. Maybe talk to your GP? They should be able to tell you whether you need to be seen more urgently...


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So have you actually got an appointment now? How far out is it? I don't think you should be suffering in silence with the pain. Maybe talk to your GP? They should be able to tell you whether you need to be seen more urgently...

I went to my GP over the pain & they can’t really do anything other than refer me to the eye clinic which is currently a very long wait for GP referrals & even then will I get to see an ophthalmologist or will it just be an OCT scan like i have just had? My next appointment will be in 3/4 months with the hospital to keep a check on the leak from the diabetes eye screening referral but that will probably just be another OCT scan. It even said on my result letter they are under a lot of strain from coronavirus. I’m hoping eventually I will get to see the ophthalmologist but they said no treatment is needed yet so I guess I’ll just have to wait & keep my control within range. Could the pain be nerve damage? I’m not sure.
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Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
I went to my GP over the pain & they can’t really do anything other than refer me to the eye clinic which is currently a very long wait for GP referrals & even then will I get to see an ophthalmologist or will it just be an OCT scan like i have just had? My next appointment will be in 3/4 months with the hospital to keep a check on the leak from the diabetes eye screening referral but that will probably just be another OCT scan. It even said on my result letter they are under a lot of strain from coronavirus. I’m hoping eventually I will get to see the ophthalmologist but they said no treatment is needed yet so I guess I’ll just have to wait & keep my control within range. Could the pain be nerve damage? I’m not sure.
If you are referred to the eye clinic for eye pain, you should see an ophthalmologist and be given a slit-lamp examination. OCT for maculopathy is a separate pathway and will not be helpful in diagnosing the cause of your pain. Diabetic maculopathy is painless.


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If you are referred to the eye clinic for eye pain, you should see an ophthalmologist and be given a slit-lamp examination. OCT for maculopathy is a separate pathway and will not be helpful in diagnosing the cause of your pain. Diabetic maculopathy is painless.

Thank you. I have taken up the GP referral for the pain about 5 weeks ago but looks like I might be waiting a while for an appointment for that.


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So 18 months later…

The Maculopathy completely cleared up so I didn’t need any treatment at all as it was very mild. I got discharged not long after & everything is now perfectly normal.

The pain however seems to be nerve damage, something that was very scary & confusing at the time as it came on all of a sudden but also something I have learnt to live with.

Diabetes control best as it can be with help of the Libre.