Bad foot cramps



6 yrs ago at my sons wedding i wore some high shoes that killed me all pre diabetes, the 2nd toe on that foot as since given me grief at times, and feels slightly numb, to be honest i never gave it much thought..5 yrs later i was diangnosed type 2, and was boderline a few years before that!!, i was diangnosed over a year ago my last bloods was good :) now i'm due to go tomorrow for testing again, Hba1c, chol, etc, oh and foot pulses, the last 6 months the said foot keeps cramping for no reason and can be quite painful, the sensation hasnt got any worse, i was wondering if them doing foot pulses would pick up any delcine since my last test over 12 months ago? any light shed on this Q would be apreciated please, also going to have the chunck i took out of my thunmb checked , xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Ciao e benvenuto al forum Michele. :)

Your tests tomorrow should pick up any problems such as signs of neuropathy so try not to worry. Hope it goes well.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
michele51 said:
Anybody please? x

Hi michele just to let you know that I suffer from foot cramps and calf cramps. Sometimes the pain in so bad during the night, I am limping in the morning because the leg is so tender. I dont have type 2 but I have had diabetes for many many years now. I dont take any medication. It could be a sign of diabetes or just getting older :wink: or having D for a long time, I dont know. I hope you can some relief soon. Good luck. RRB


Thanx for your reply Robinredbreast,

I dont get legs cramps as much...but the foot cramps can be really bad, last week i was stood ironing and the pain and cramps was really bad, even walking up and down stairs putting it away was just making it worse, i go to see the nurse in an hour so will tell her, x


Thanx for your reply Robinredbreast,

I dont get legs cramps as much...but the foot cramps can be really bad, last week i was stood ironing and the pain and cramps was really bad, even walking up and down stairs putting it away was just making it worse, i go to see the nurse in an hour so will tell her, x
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
michele51 said:
Thanx for your reply Robinredbreast,

I dont get legs cramps as much...but the foot cramps can be really bad, last week i was stood ironing and the pain and cramps was really bad, even walking up and down stairs putting it away was just making it worse, i go to see the nurse in an hour so will tell her, x

I hope your appointment goes well, your cramps sound really painful :( RRB X Just had a thought, could it also be your tendons, maybe?


Well-Known Member
I get cramps easily if my fluid intake has been too low or if I have been sweating too much. I can generally sort that with potassium high food - like tomato juice, almonds or fruit (banana is nono for most type 2s, but I'm type 1.5 and can get away with a half one) and water-water-water, lol.

My old grandma has the strange advice of taking a piece of wool yarn or string and wear it under your sock or in bed - however stupid this sounds, it tends to help. Yay for humbug or placebo or whatever makes it so - can't hurt to try. Wear it loose so you don't get any trouble with limited blood supply of course!



Thanx mileana :)

i'm all for old wivess tales lol like you say it cant hurt...i went for my feet checked yesterday and there is some decline in the foot that gives me the most trouble!!, but we'll see what ny Hba1c comes back at....she said tonic water could help xxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I was getting terrible leg cramps every single night. I'd be hopping round the bedroom in agony some nights.

Someone suggested magnesium supplements and to be honest since I started taking them (touch wood) have not had any cramps!

Got to be worth a go. Got mine from Morrisons £2.50 for 50

Hope it works for you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I used to get bad foot cramps which progressed onto cramps in my calf. Stretching type leg exercises help greatly. Warm feet is also a must. Keep them warm at all times. I now wear bed socks. Also keep them dry. Beware of wearing shoes that get damp. For me standing in wet grass could cause cramps.

I can eat bananas and have one a day. They are very high in potassium and very much higher than a multivitamin. As I get older, I find looking after myself helps a lot of the problems which develop with getting older and less active, wrapping up warmly, wearing gloves and a hat on cold days, making a conscious effort to breathe deeply - I am an ex smoker and still breathe shallowly. A big breath of fresh air often works wonders.


I suffered with bad foot cramps at night I bought some diabetic socks and my feet are much better at night and there are so comfortable to wear