Becoming Disheartned


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Hi Guys,

I'm 38
5ft 6
currently 17st 5 down from 19st

I'm after some advise and a gee up. Was diagnosed T2 in May. Straight onto Metformin starting a 1000mg per day. I've reduced my carb intake (although my downfall is bread I'm having burgen soya & linseed which I already liked) Now on 2000mg metformin, but my fasting bg was 18.1 this morning. I've olst 1 1/2st and know I need to lose a lot more but am slowly heading in the right direction, but it just seems however hard I try my bg isn't coming down. Waiting for the results of my follow up HbA1c blood test, but all my dn seems to worry about is my bp which at a average of 83/116 I don't think is a real problem. At the minute I just feel like saying sod it, the drugs and my diet changes aren't making ANY difference, I'm just going to eat what I want and sod the consequences. HELP :( :(


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It's a great weight loss so far. What were your levels before weight loss? Do you feel any better, regardless of levels?

Why don't you put a few sample meals and some of the low carb experts can help.
I have a similar amount of weight to lose. I've swapped rice for cauliflower and pasta for courgette ribbons and I really like both.

In fact I suspect I will always have the cauliflower rice with curry!

Have you been able to exercise at all?

How about setting your self a small goal and working towards that? Say half a stone by end of Sept or more exercise? Something to aim for?

Cricket Lover

Hi Lessci

Don't be disheartened your weight loss is good, it will take time, but it does take will power.

I'm finishing my Newcastle diet today after 8 weeks, I have lost 30lb taking me from 12st 9 to 10st 7, I'm 5ft 6 1/2, my bg when diagnosed in January was 28 & I was really feelng very unwell! when I started the diet my bg was normally in range 6.5 to 9 but had peaks over 13. my average 30 day from my meter now is 4.7. the diet reduced my bg down to readings under 5 within 2 weeks, but think that increasing my execise has really helped. It has also helped my bp which is now regularly between 100 to 120 over 60.

The diet might work for you, it is simple so no calorie counting just meal repacement shakes/soups & 250gm's of green veg a day, quite extreme but I found easy to manage, no confusion over what you can & can't eat, I also found that daily bg testing & weighing my self was great as I could see constant improvements which kept me motivated.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Hi Both,

Thanks for your advise and support.I'm actually planning to start the Newcastle Diet at the weekend, and I'm hoping it make a big difference, once I've done that I see where I'm at, but the Cauliflower Rice and Courgette Ribbons sound good. I'm not formally exercising atm, but I am more active than I was. BG at diagnosis was 23+ so it has come down, but I'm not looking forward to going back to the DN and having to take another drug (she was talking about Glicocide?) but as I'm not back for a couple of weeks hopefully the newcastle diet will have started to take effect. Breaksfasts are proving the most difficult for me, the onlt thing that does seem to bad is eggs or a full english! and I really don't want to only to be eating that every day for the rest of my life. Any suggestion would be welcome


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Do you only do a morning glucose reading? if so you might find you have a dawn phenominon (S?) which would be inaccurate as an overall reading. whats your HBa1c? do you test yourself and how often ?


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I think the fact that your numbers are lowering is a good sign and proof that it is worth the effort.

I was a big toast fan for breakfast, or granola. Both higher carbs.

I had so many cheese omelettes I was sick of them. Quorn bacon and tomatoes was good (I'm vegetarian) but too much effort. So I'm having a meal replacement shake in the morning. It suits my hectic morning of school/work preparations and is quite filling.

I am going to do the Newcastle Diet next month when I am in a routine with school runs etc

Keep at it and think of some exercise you can fit in and even enjoy! It will help

Have a good day today.


Active Member
lessci said:
Hi Guys,

I'm 38
5ft 6
currently 17st 5 down from 19st

I'm after some advise and a gee up. Was diagnosed T2 in May. Straight onto Metformin starting a 1000mg per day. I've reduced my carb intake (although my downfall is bread I'm having burgen soya & linseed which I already liked) Now on 2000mg metformin, but my fasting bg was 18.1 this morning. I've olst 1 1/2st and know I need to lose a lot more but am slowly heading in the right direction, but it just seems however hard I try my bg isn't coming down. Waiting for the results of my follow up HbA1c blood test, but all my dn seems to worry about is my bp which at a average of 83/116 I don't think is a real problem. At the minute I just feel like saying sod it, the drugs and my diet changes aren't making ANY difference, I'm just going to eat what I want and sod the consequences. HELP :( :(

I have lost 5 stone but my metformin over this time have been increased from 1000 to 2000 a day, that said i am still a very chunky 16 and a half stone and im only 5 foot 7 inch. Luckily my levels are fine but i do have to work at it (walking, swimming etc.), im sure if you stick at it you will get there, dont buckle no matter how fed up you get, you are saying what you are doing and taking are not making any difference but they are no matter how small the changes they are in the right direction.

My BP on diagnosis was 220 over 150, the nurse at the time nearly had a heart attack :mrgreen: its about 140 over 90 now and has always been my biggest worry but when i first started taking meds for it it dropped to the aforementioned 140 over 90, for about 6 months i was playing competitive 5 a side football twice a week, swimming 1 mile a week and walking 30 miles a week and my BP never altered, even after considerable weight loss its not altered so i can understand why you are getting cheesed off.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Thanks guys for your encouragement and personal stories. I've decided to try the Newcastle diet to see if that helps being the bg levels down (and my weight too) next step exercise! It's just finding something I can fit in and enjoy. I used to be quite sporty when I was young and enjoy it when I'm there but the idea of going after a long day just puts me off. Tried walking in my lunch break but only have 1/2 hour and I like to eat away from my desk so I know that I've done it (conscious eating) rather than eating on the hoof and not realising just how much you've put in your mouth.

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