Best time to excersize.


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Today I spent 40 minutes pushing weights up and down, then 40 minutes on the waterrower, according to my Heart rate monitor that burned 660cals. Is that enough to have half a peshwari naan?

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i think theres just under 400 calories in a naan so yes apart from the fact you have DIABETES lol


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i went to a marathon seminar last night and they told us that you burn 100 calories a mile (roughly) so to make up for a full course meal in the local indian restaurant you would have to run a marathon plus another 10 miles lol I'm not sure how exactly true this is but it illustrates what we were talking about

That's about right, but remember you've got your basal metabolic rate to take into account and your increased metabolism after the exercise. Of course you win't burn off ac curry with half an hour's jogging, it's all about overall lifestyle.


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Half a nann is better than no bread:D


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i went to a marathon seminar last night and they told us that you burn 100 calories a mile (roughly) so to make up for a full course meal in the local indian restaurant you would have to run a marathon plus another 10 miles lol I'm not sure how exactly true this is but it illustrates what we were talking about

I should be alright,my Indian is 30 miles away leave the car at

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Filled in my tax return and paid the amount due before the deadline. That's got to be worth 1000 cals burnt off in nervous energy. Too knackered to get on the exercise bike now.
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happy girl 1949

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I am type 2 and having a lot of problems coping with this I am on gliclazide 2 a day and still having problems in getting ushers down can anyone give me some as ice on what is best to eat I do eat lots of salads and chicken soups brown bread with bites in it.still no luck on keeping hb thing down please help if anyone can THANKS.

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I am type 2 and having a lot of problems coping with this I am on gliclazide 2 a day and still having problems in getting ushers down can anyone give me some as ice on what is best to eat I do eat lots of salads and chicken soups brown bread with bites in it.still no luck on keeping hb thing down please help if anyone can THANKS.

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Hi Happy girl, Carbohydrates i.e.. bread, rice, pasta and potatoes to name the main but not only, are the problem, try to reduce or cut out these foods groups and you should see an improvement in your bg, salads are great but better when jazzed up a little with jalapeño peppers, gherkins, olives etc etc, all meat is good (assuming your not veggie) eggs are awesome, vegetables (the ones that grow above ground are much less starchy, starch is carb so needs to be avoided) if i were you i would have a look at the low carb diet forum on this site, theres lots of info and menus to help you out

hope this makes some sense, ask away if not :)

happy girl 1949

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Hi Happy girl, Carbohydrates i.e.. bread, rice, pasta and potatoes to name the main but not only, are the problem, try to reduce or cut out these foods groups and you should see an improvement in your bg, salads are great but better when jazzed up a little with jalapeño peppers, gherkins, olives etc etc, all meat is good (assuming your not veggie) eggs are awesome, vegetables (the ones that grow above ground are much less starchy, starch is carb so needs to be avoided) if i were you i would have a look at the low carb diet forum on this site, theres lots of info and menus to help you out

hope this makes some sense, ask away if not :)
Thanks for that I will give it a try,I do eat a lot of veg re carrots peas Brussels peppers cucumber
Onions I will try and cut out rice paster I do have a little bread brown broccoli etc.

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Tablets (oral)
Thanks for that I will give it a try,I do eat a lot of veg re carrots peas Brussels peppers cucumber
Onions I will try and cut out rice paster I do have a little bread brown broccoli etc.

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its not really a cut out method as such, yes you cut out certain food groups but you add others to compensate, its just a matter of working out which ones to add that you like, you never need be hungry, add fat instead of carbs, you can have a full english minus the toast and baked beans for instance, so its easy to follow, fat dosent hardly have any effect on your blood sugar, fat dosent hardly have any effect on your weight, heart or cholesterol so its the way to go for many, this is just my opinion, but its well known around theses parts :) and you don't have much to lose by trying it, where as you may and probably will find your bg goes down and you lose weight (if you want to) is a great website to find out about it
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Hi Guy's, Straight to the point, I need to lose weight I am not into gym's so I have to find an alternative.
So what I want to know is what time is the best time to both lose weight am/pm as does the fat /cal's burn better am or pm, also I have a couple of times walked to work and enjoyed it ( 30 mins ) and was thinking of walking home as well (uphill) 3 days pw.
So what do you think all advice kindly appreciated TY..

Hi there,
I think you've had your question answered.
Better to think of exercise as a means on helping with blood glucose levels and as a way to improve insulin sensitivity and general well being rather than as a means to lose weight.
For more information to help decide when you should exercise have a look at
Have fun!:)
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i went to a marathon seminar last night and they told us that you burn 100 calories a mile (roughly) so to make up for a full course meal in the local indian restaurant you would have to run a marathon plus another 10 miles lol I'm not sure how exactly true this is but it illustrates what we were talking about

I remember in my fitness fanatic days of over 25 years ago, I bought a book on running by Jim Fixx. In there it said a mile = 100 calories. I was never overweight but I could fluctuate 21 pounds within my range. If I wanted to lose weight I would be quite anal with calorie intake and how many miles I ran each day, to work out how much weight I would lose.

Jim Fixx's book was quite popular in those days. If I remember correctly, I think he died of a heart attack...

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Best time for exercise is morning time as pollution in air is low as compared to afternoon or evening. As you are trying to lose weight so engage in regular workouts and follow balanced diet plan. Break meals in small frequent meals and drink more water than routine.
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happy girl 1949

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Why are we told all the time to keep fit I am 65 and I am not going to run all day
Did do swimming three times a week and it made no difference,thAt was when I was doing a mile a day, what else can one do besides walking.everything is do dear.

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Hi Guy's, Straight to the point, I need to lose weight I am not into gym's so I have to find an alternative.
So what I want to know is what time is the best time to both lose weight am/pm as does the fat /cal's burn better am or pm, also I have a couple of times walked to work and enjoyed it ( 30 mins ) and was thinking of walking home as well (uphill) 3 days pw.
So what do you think all advice kindly appreciated TY..
Hello, as far as I am concerned any exercise is better than none.
14 months a go, I hardly walked now 3 stones lighter I am back to my walking and enjoying it ....( it was the sugar and other health problems that caused the weight gain ) a large 12 in stomach tumor did not help my health ( that was a few years ago now )
4 miles in one hour....
Now I am back to nearly being me again ....;)
I think it is a great feel good factor , exercise .....
I tend to do my longer walks after my lunch so I have a bit more engery ...and I take water and glucose tablets with me....( whatever your body needs)
I can't work out the cals for you, but someone else I am thinking of might ....
Good luck with your exercise and enjoy it wishes Kat
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Why are we told all the time to keep fit I am 65 and I am not going to run all day
Did do swimming three times a week and it made no difference,thAt was when I was doing a mile a day, what else can one do besides walking.everything is do dear.

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Walking and swimming are great ....joining a club is so expensive I agree
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Why are we told all the time to keep fit I am 65 and I am not going to run all day
Did do swimming three times a week and it made no difference,thAt was when I was doing a mile a day, what else can one do besides walking.everything is do dear.

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Exercise has great benefits health wise, and particularly if you have diabetes it's an aid to help manage blood glucose levels. It sounds as though your base level of fitness is great! Swimming is excellent, walking, dance classes, workout video, gardening, energetic hoovering - it's all good because it raises your heart rate and gets the body moving.
Something is always better than nothing - you don't have to go running if the thought isn't appealing! Just do something that you find enjoyable - even walking at a much faster pace will be a good workout.
Make whatever you do fun not a chore.:)
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happy girl 1949

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Thanks for all the help ,I have taken it on board, the only thing I don't like is what ever I do
It is always. On my own family not infested in what I do so I really need to sort myself out.

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