Blood Glucose Meter


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Don't blame the messenger - in this case your meter! You WILL most likely get different readings on repeat tests: you're not some controlled robot in a lab - you're a living human being and your body's in a permanent state of flux with blood that constantly circulating, and with it your glucose, which will be changing all the time - being replenished when you eat and depleted as your body requires more or less fuel to keep it functioning, so all you get is a snapshot of glucose levels at that certain point in time. You wouldn't expect the petrol gauge in a moving car to always show the same fuel levels, and your body's no different. However there will be patterns and trends that emerge over time, and it's these that you need to consider, and act on when you've gathered enough information to start making some sense of it.

Meters may not be 100% accurate but IMO they do tend to be consistent and that consistency is generally enough to provide us with useful data that can help us manage our diabetes.

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