Blood test coming up.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Since being diagnosed (114mmol) as type 2 in January (complete shock, no symptoms) I have been on a low carb diet and my BG readings have dropped from an average of 17-20 down to 6-9. My weight has dropped 6kg. I have another blood test booked for Tuesday. With reading like I’m getting now is it likely that my hbac1 results will reflect this? Feeling quite nervous about it as I really don’t want to start taking tablets.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Really well done on your success so far!

Your readings will be over a 3-month period so will not necessarily show just how well you've done this time, as while our blood glucose is adjusting, the lower readings are most recent. BUT if you carry on doing all those things you are doing, it all settles down over its own time, and you may well not need to take any meds at all, or else only for a short while. Treat this as interim information and keep your eyes on the horizon. We are all here to offer encouragement and many of us have been where you are now.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Reality tv
Well done on being proactive changing your diet and losing some weight.
I'm confident that your next set of results will reflect your hard work but there is no point in feeling anxious over any results, they will be what they will be, no amount of worrying will alter them.
T2 is a very individual condition, we all have our own version of it. With the positive changes you have made, although there are no guarantees, there is every chance that like many of us you will be able to manage without medication.
When you consider that is high blood sugar that does the long term damage to just about every part of us. If you do need medication to help control your diabetes so be it, it's not a failure, it's just how it is for you.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Good evening @Sadsac@21 and welcome to the forum.

Well done for changing your lifestyle and losing some weight.

You cannot extrapolate from finger prick blood glucose tests or CGM readings to HbA1c results, because they measure different things.

The fingerprick test measures blood glucose at that instant. You only have data for the times you test, so no information about what happens while you're asleep, for instance.

The HbA1c test counts the number of glycated red blood cells; that''s the cells that have had a glucose molecule attached to them. Because red blood cells live about three months, glucose levels from three months ago still affect an A1c reading today.

Although HbA1c results are skewed towards the most recent weeks, you cannot expect BG readings to forecast your A1c result. That said, it sounds as though you're well on your way to managing your diabetes.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
So feeling a little pleased with myself today. Got the results back from my first HbA1c test today since being diagnosed in January. I am now 57mmol. I know this isn’t ideal but as I was 114mmol in January I think things seem to be going in the right direction


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So feeling a little pleased with myself today. Got the results back from my first HbA1c test today since being diagnosed in January. I am now 57mmol. I know this isn’t ideal but as I was 114mmol in January I think things seem to be going in the right direction
Seem? Yeah, I'd say so. ;) Congratulations on your progress!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Sadsac@21 - a massive well done. This just shows what you can achieve when you take control of what is within your control. And you don't have to be modest - my GP notes for a similar drop say 'huge improvement'. :) Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So feeling a little pleased with myself today. Got the results back from my first HbA1c test today since being diagnosed in January. I am now 57mmol. I know this isn’t ideal but as I was 114mmol in January I think things seem to be going in the right direction
And so you should - that's a great reduction! Very well done.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feel very pleased - you are doing really well. A great incentive to keep going.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Great work - and great to hear; I`m winding up to my next set of blood tests, and it's always good to see others having success, well done!