Bohr Me-Increasing Blood Flow Can Help in Diabetes Mellitus Management


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Hello! The impact of Diabetes on the circulation and particularly the microcirculation has been studied and found to be significant (microcirculation in diabetes/ microcirculation in hypertension). The Bohr effect explains cells' oxygen release or why red blood cells unload oxygen in tissues, while carbon dioxide (CO2) is the key player in O2 transport due to vasodilation and the Bohr effect itself-The phenomena describes how oxygen levels increase in tissues exposed to higher concentrations of carbon dioxide, which is exhaled or escapes through the skin. there are now technologies that claim to be able to deliver this affect-not hyperbarics or spacesuits-Any thoughts on how this could be huge for those of us who are impacted by this? Delivery of CO2 into the microcirculation to potentially affect disease states by the significant oxygen offload into targeted tissues?