Type 1 Bumps and bruises


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Hello, how is everyone

It's coming up to summer and I am starting to wear shorts again and I have just noticed all the bruises on my legs where I have injected myself. I was wondering if you have any advice that could help stop them from showing as much as I have them pretty much all over my thighs sometimes. I mainly do them in my thighs and sometime in the stomach.

Also I get small/big bumps on my legs where I have injected myself sometimes and can be very sore and I was wondering if that was because of where I am doing it or something. Any advice in how to stop that?

Thank you,



Retired Moderator
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Disrespectful people
Is it your basal insulin that your injecting in your legs? You can use your bum instead.

To avoid the area getting sore make sure you use a new needle every-time, also injecting the insulin slowly (not forcing it in) makes a difference.


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Hey I ise arnica as I bruise a lot and find it works well. It's a natural herb from a plant so all natural. Also what is good for skin to help it heal and be tighter is any cream with vitamin e in I use palmers coca butter it's smells of coconut too yum!

If your getting lumps find leave them a month and they will ease down and in the heat it will ease them too. I was told when you get lumps due to injections that the site needs time and space but like us humans lol
Also if there is something I feel concious about ( which for me was my arms and holes) I use to use two things one when I was going to bed vitamin e and a arm sock over it( as when cream is in a heated area over night it works quicker and heals more it works with spots too lol) and when I was going out is feel co axioms I would rub cream like more on my face or neck as cream shines naturally and by putting it on my face it attracted it from my concious area

Man I know random stuff lol hope it helps


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
When I was on injections, I used to try to choose my injection place on my thigh really carefully, looking for even tiny blood vessels and avoiding them. Noblehead's advice about injecting carefully is really good too. I found taking my time helped a lot.

I never managed to totally avoid bruises all the time, but I did reduce them a lot.


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
all good here willow:)
it has been some nice weather the last few days.

i got them on my thighs quite a bit and generally used my bum for long acting. instead.;)


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Totally agree with @noblehead, also make sure you cycle around locations as much as possible, perhaps even put biro marks near where you last injected (crazy?). I always tried to move around, but now have areas of lipohypertrophy especially on my legs where I favoured particular spots... to the extent that my handedness shows... Been on a pump for a few years now, but it is not going away.


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
hi willow:)
rotating sites is a right pain in the aSs
but over many years becomes really important.

using anywhere pretty much there is a bit of fat ( not the visible OMG i look terrible kind )
the places where you can pinch with a finger and thumb
any of those will do -- the reason is you are injecting sub-cutaneously --( just under the top fatty layer of skin)

using the shortest needle you can get away with helps too -- are you using 4mm needles ??
( i would imagine you are )


Well-Known Member
I was bruising a lot since starting on basal bolus in Feb . I've changed to 4mm needles and am not bruising as much,good luck


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I use Venaforce capsules by A Vogel (can get it in Holland&Barret) to strengthen capillaries. It's mostly horse chestnut and strengthens capillaries. I found it makes a difference. If sometimes I get a small bruise a bit of concealer works wonders, makeup on legs - why Not?

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