Burn out, anxiety and stress

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello to everyone.

I wasn't able to manage a face to face as planned and somehow have realised my appointment is the 9th!!!

I spoke on the phone to a lovely lady who was part of the diabetes helpline and she gave me some reassurance. Having an impartial voice to my situation was nice to hear and of course to everyone else on here who has been very supportive.

I am going to congratulate myself as I have been testing for the first time since 14th July!!! I didn't even realise the horror of what I had been missing. Luckily for me I woke up and was a fabulous 4.8 which did make me feel more comfortable going forward. I've been so afraid of a lot of things but unfortunately I can't ignore my diabetes. Today is the day I'm taking back control. I'm working hard to do this and will be the first step in getting myself back. I know I'm going to get some comments from my team but I'm just going to have to face it head on.

Thank you to everyone commenting, I hope to continue to hear more words of advice and support it's been invaluable.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello to everyone.

I wasn't able to manage a face to face as planned and somehow have realised my appointment is the 9th!!!

I spoke on the phone to a lovely lady who was part of the diabetes helpline and she gave me some reassurance. Having an impartial voice to my situation was nice to hear and of course to everyone else on here who has been very supportive.

I am going to congratulate myself as I have been testing for the first time since 14th July!!! I didn't even realise the horror of what I had been missing. Luckily for me I woke up and was a fabulous 4.8 which did make me feel more comfortable going forward. I've been so afraid of a lot of things but unfortunately I can't ignore my diabetes. Today is the day I'm taking back control. I'm working hard to do this and will be the first step in getting myself back. I know I'm going to get some comments from my team but I'm just going to have to face it head on.

Thank you to everyone commenting, I hope to continue to hear more words of advice and support it's been invaluable.
Full steam ahead! We're rowing with you :)
Extra hug for you, I'm super proud of you. I hope your husband gives extra hugs on the behalf of all of us. You can join us at Type 1's stars R us thread, lots of chat about anything and everything. :)
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
That's great!! I whatsapped the husband this morning for a cup of tea and my tester :) he didn't say anything to not scare me off I think, but I have never had a cup of tea delivered so fast! I guess that's his way of saying he's proud of me.

I will have a lurk on the thread for type 1s. I'd love to get some more insight in to other people's situations. Support clearly is so necessary to any condition. I never saw it that way until now.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Just thought I'd put a quick message on here. I don't know for certain at the moment but the last couple of days I have felt a lot better. I don't think I mentioned this earlier but I came off all forms of contraceptive medicines about 8 weeks ago (hubby had the snip). My period started again on Tuesday, I haven't had one for the last 6 months. I almost feel like a different person. Of course I'm still seeking help and therapy from the team. My appetite has suppressed dramatically, I'm not sweating in the mornings, my blood sugars are more stable and it's only been 2 days.

Those feelings are still there as previously mentioned where I have these anxiety/depression issues with myself, for now I don't feel burdened by them as I once was.

Just to let you all know who have participated or are reading this, diabetes is one thing our minds and chemicals we have in our brain are something different. Our bodies need to be in sync and I finally feel like I'm on to something in my situation.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @Diabeticmumof2

Sorry bit late to your thread but agree contraception can impact on our hormones and mood, some experience no issues but I had the mirena coil for a year and found it had a huge impact on my mood, I asked for it to be taken out and within a day my control and mood improved greatly. I find life a balancing act with type 1 so maintaining a healthy balance with all external influences is vital for good control.

Well done on the testing, take it one day at a time, also speak to you DSN about the libre it’s an excellent tool to help empower you and allow you to live your life but keeping your type 1 in check at the same time.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello @Diabeticmumof2

Sorry bit late to your thread but agree contraception can impact on our hormones and mood, some experience no issues but I had the mirena coil for a year and found it had a huge impact on my mood, I asked for it to be taken out and within a day my control and mood improved greatly. I find life a balancing act with type 1 so maintaining a healthy balance with all external influences is vital for good control.

Well done on the testing, take it one day at a time, also speak to you DSN about the libre it’s an excellent tool to help empower you and allow you to live your life but keeping your type 1 in check at the same time.
Hi there!!

Well needless to say I've been running between 4s and 6s all day yesterday!! I had the odd 8 but feel like I'm much tighter controlled now. I don't want to assume everything is back to "normal" but I'm on track now to keep going. I didn't feel like that would be possible to achieve in such a short space of time previously.

I had my review with my consultant and I felt really lucky. I wasn't as bad as I thought I was going to be, I went from a1c in the high 6s from 6 months ago to the high 7s, so there's much improvement to be made. I need to get in to the 5s and going back in 4 months to review. He also wasn't too concerned about my mental state which I found confusing. I am going to the doctors in 2 weeks so will discuss further.

I would ADORE a libre, I need to keep going like this for a while I think, testing lots and improving a1c. My previous consultant retired recently which is annoying as he was going to discuss this with me next time.. there was no next time.

Feeling a lot more like myself now so I would think outside factors were at play here. It's a strange thing diabetes. More walks and testing for me!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there!!

Well needless to say I've been running between 4s and 6s all day yesterday!! I had the odd 8 but feel like I'm much tighter controlled now. I don't want to assume everything is back to "normal" but I'm on track now to keep going. I didn't feel like that would be possible to achieve in such a short space of time previously.

I had my review with my consultant and I felt really lucky. I wasn't as bad as I thought I was going to be, I went from a1c in the high 6s from 6 months ago to the high 7s, so there's much improvement to be made. I need to get in to the 5s and going back in 4 months to review. He also wasn't too concerned about my mental state which I found confusing. I am going to the doctors in 2 weeks so will discuss further.

I would ADORE a libre, I need to keep going like this for a while I think, testing lots and improving a1c. My previous consultant retired recently which is annoying as he was going to discuss this with me next time.. there was no next time.

Feeling a lot more like myself now so I would think outside factors were at play here. It's a strange thing diabetes. More walks and testing for me!!

Hi there, don't be too concerned about the Consultant's (dismissive?) attitude to the mental state, he's there to discuss diabetes and like any Consultant will not stray into another's area unless it's immediately critical, otherwise he would have to do something specifically about that right there and then. Your normal GP is probably better placed to discuss such things and refer you to an actual specialist if necessary. When my Mum was in hospital for a variety of things, we would always introduce another medical aspect into conversations with the Ward Consultant and EVERY time they would take a big step back and steer us onto the specific thing they were there for. x
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there, don't be too concerned about the Consultant's (dismissive?) attitude to the mental state, he's there to discuss diabetes and like any Consultant will not stray into another's area unless it's immediately critical, otherwise he would have to do something specifically about that right there and then. Your normal GP is probably better placed to discuss such things and refer you to an actual specialist if necessary. When my Mum was in hospital for a variety of things, we would always introduce another medical aspect into conversations with the Ward Consultant and EVERY time they would take a big step back and steer us onto the specific thing they were there for. x
I agree with you there. Even when you're going for a routine appointment at the GP you can only discuss one thing at a time (sometimes I forget that!) He was very friendly and able to put me in the right frame of mind for how to deal with my sugars.

I don't think my mental health issues are too uncommon from what I've been seeing. We all get to the point where you hit a wall with things. Hopefully when I see the Dr I will be able to see my options going forward.
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Well-Known Member
Bridlington Yorkshire
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Diet only
Rudeness,people being unkind
That must hv been very rough for you. I used to be loud and bubbly but now realise I was high on sugar before I was diagnosed. I had delayed shock about my diagnosis.
I'm guessing a trauma started yours too.
As a child I would say that I suffered mild depression. I did not know it then, but now I do. I lost my parents within 24 hours of each other. I was 25. Dad had cancer, was given 3 months to live. My mother when told by the doctor at the hospital, died the very next evening. My sister found her in bed after visiting dad. Mum had died around 6 pm in the evening. She had taken herself off to bed really early for her, she even had straightened the cushions, and turned the lights off. She knew that my sister was going to visit her after dad. We think that she knew that she was going to die. My father did not make 3 months, he died the next day after mum. We did not tell him about mum passing. We think that he knew. The autopsy did not show why she died. The coroner said that her heart had just stopped. He said it is what we call a broken heart. So really from then on my depression got worse. This was over 30 years ago. So really what started off as a mild depression at a young age, got worse through losing both parents within 24 hours. Don't get me wrong I do have good days also, and can go months and be fine. I have just lived with it really. You say that you used to be bubbly cos you were high on sugar. I have heard that can affect people's moods. I was only told that my sugars where high Pre-diabetic 3 years ago..I never had a problem before then as I get yearly Blood checks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
As a child I would say that I suffered mild depression. I did not know it then, but now I do. I lost my parents within 24 hours of each other. I was 25. Dad had cancer, was given 3 months to live. My mother when told by the doctor at the hospital, died the very next evening. My sister found her in bed after visiting dad. Mum had died around 6 pm in the evening. She had taken herself off to bed really early for her, she even had straightened the cushions, and turned the lights off. She knew that my sister was going to visit her after dad. We think that she knew that she was going to die. My father did not make 3 months, he died the next day after mum. We did not tell him about mum passing. We think that he knew. The autopsy did not show why she died. The coroner said that her heart had just stopped. He said it is what we call a broken heart. So really from then on my depression got worse. This was over 30 years ago. So really what started off as a mild depression at a young age, got worse through losing both parents within 24 hours. Don't get me wrong I do have good days also, and can go months and be fine. I have just lived with it really. You say that you used to be bubbly cos you were high on sugar. I have heard that can affect people's moods. I was only told that my sugars where high Pre-diabetic 3 years ago..I never had a problem before then as I get yearly Blood checks.
Your lose was so great due to the amount of love invested in your lovely workable family relationships. If they were anything but absolutely brilliant your loss wouldn't cut you so much to its core.
Also their legacy is you. So go out there and shine hun!


Hello everyone,

I need some help and advice. I was doing really well a couple of months ago and reduced my hba1c to an acceptable level and even made my diabetes specialist really proud.

I haven't tested my blood sugars for just over a month now... I feel absolutely awful and so guilty about it and I know that I need to do it too. I have terrible anxiety about it. Every time I test I get a sense of failure. I recently got married but it was so overwhelmingly stressful I think I shut down and disassociate from every thing going on around me.

I worry all the time about my kids too. I had an 8 week old that almost passed away from sepsis 3 years ago and I remember falling in the road when he was in a carrier. I still get flash backs from it to this day.

The other thing that is driving me nuts is the constant picking on myself that I do every day. I'm not a size 10 anymore but I can't stop grabbing parts of my body or touching my face and just tearing myself down all the time.

In particular I haven't been able to be intimate with my husband for months now and it's taking a toll on him too.

I'm a bit lost as of what to do. It doesn't feel like I'm living my life anymore... like I'm talking about someone else.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Where do I go from here?

I have been a new member to this forum. So I could read your post just now.

I will strongly suggest stopping blaming yourself . All these negative emotions such as blaming, anxiety etc lead to release fatty cells in your metabolism and raise your blood sugar.

It is all ok to have those feelings because we all experience those feelings at some point.

How about seeing bright sides of the occasions you mentioned? For example you have a baby who is healthy now and you can hug? How about the nice memories you can remember from your wedding? So thinking all those positive and replacing negative with those positive will help you to release 'happiness' hormones and these will help your metabolism to function effectively. So you will have many benefits by seeing the positive side not only emotional but also physiological.

And one more thing there is no failure.. There is learning by experience.. We all experience that..

Hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

I have been a new member to this forum. So I could read your post just now.

I will strongly suggest stopping blaming yourself . All these negative emotions such as blaming, anxiety etc lead to release fatty cells in your metabolism and raise your blood sugar.

It is all ok to have those feelings because we all experience those feelings at some point.

How about seeing bright sides of the occasions you mentioned? For example you have a baby who is healthy now and you can hug? How about the nice memories you can remember from your wedding? So thinking all those positive and replacing negative with those positive will help you to release 'happiness' hormones and these will help your metabolism to function effectively. So you will have many benefits by seeing the positive side not only emotional but also physiological.

And one more thing there is no failure.. There is learning by experience.. We all experience that..

Hope that helps...

No it probably doesn't, not if it is clinical depression. You may as well tell someone with a broken leg, think happy thoughts, you don't need surgery.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
No it probably doesn't, not if it is clinical depression. You may as well tell someone with a broken leg, think happy thoughts, you don't need surgery.
Depression is a personal state of negative emotion caused by chemicals from the brain. That is why anti-depressants work.