Can't be wrong result but...


Had a review at the docs today and I'm a bit shocked at my hba1c.. It's lower than I thought!
I wouldn't say my control is great, I can have readings from 2-18 (although rarely that high, usually up to 12ish).
I'm on levamir and novorapid. The levamir doesn't work 24 hrs so my levels will rise in the morning, usually into low double figures.
I work at home on the farm so am quite active. I don't feel safe if my levels are at 4 because they go down too quickly. I will usually have a hypo or two in the afternoon, is it possible that this is giving a lower hba1c than my 'true' reading? (I have no idea!)
My DN is recommending to my specialist that I go on a pump to get my afternoon and nighttime bolus' accurate. See how we go on that (I'm not sure how safe a box on my side would be as I tend to break things!)
However, all isn't good news, cholesterol is up to 4.8- apparently 4 or below is ideal! :S

My level is 7.4% (58), down from 61 in march. I know they are not fab but would they be worse if I wasn't having hypos?

Charlie :)

Type 1 diabetic since 2007

Hba1c Oct '13= 58.
March '13= 61


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Hey Charlie :)

Are you sure your Basal isnt lasting 24 hours and you arent experiencing Dawn phenominon (sp?) I tend to have that trouble myself.

Bloods raise in morning and will keep going without food so I normally need to bolus fairly quick after getting up (not that it helps!)
I can also sympathise with afternoon hypos i seem to get more insulin sensitive around then.


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Have you done overnight testing? it would require a couple of nights testing every 2 hours (every hour if your keen) and if your blood is raising from between 2 and 4 am onwards its generally seen as DP.

Hope it helps!


Sorry, pressed the wrong button!
I have my levamir in the morning, I did have it at 7am but they would rise from about 3am. I now have it at 10-11 am and it still rises some nights a unit or two from 3/4am but from 7-10 it will rise 3 units or so.
The afternoon hypos are a nightmare, lucozade is my best friend!! They are inconvenient more than anything else, I can always feel them thankfully. Dad notices about 10 minutes before I feel anything- he says 'go get some lucozade, you're about to grow horns!!!'

Type 1 diabetic since 2007

Hba1c Oct '13= 58.
March '13= 61


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Are you splitting your levemir dose seeing that it doesn't last 24 hours? I would speak with DSN about doing so if you don't already, also ask them to explain to you about conducting some basal fasting tests as this might be the reason for your morning high's and afternoon hypo's.


Hi noblehead, no I'm not. DN suggested taking levamir later in the morning so I could have a couple of units of novorapid first thing to counteract the rise. Splitting it sounds good, is it a 50:50 split 12 hours apart? (Obviously need to have a chat with her). Another idea may be to have my whole levamir dose at tea time in the evening, may get rid of the afternoon hypos?? :)


Type 1 diabetic since 2007

Hba1c Oct '13= 58. March '13= 61


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LadyFarmer said:
Hi noblehead, no I'm not. DN suggested taking levamir later in the morning so I could have a couple of units of novorapid first thing to counteract the rise. Splitting it sounds good, is it a 50:50 split 12 hours apart? (Obviously need to have a chat with her). Another idea may be to have my whole levamir dose at tea time in the evening, may get rid of the afternoon hypos?? :)

Just a quick reply as I'm running late. Most levemir users find they need to inject twice daily for the same reasons as doesn't last 24 hours unlike lantus. I don't have any experience to offer as regards to dosage as I was only ever on levemir for a short time and didn't fair well with it, as I said have a chat with your DSN about it.


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On the subject of afternoon hypos whats your lunch time ratio? could you drop it or miss it altogether if its really regular?


I rarely eat a lot for lunch so don't often have a jab! Have spoken to my DN and am in the process of switching my levamir to evening time, hopefully eradicating my hypos!

Charlie :)

Type 1 diabetic since 2007

Hba1c Oct '13= 58. March '13= 61