Carbs and Metformin


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

This has probably been asked previously but.....

In Oct 2013 I was diagnosed as Type 2 (17 stone in weight) and my 3 month test showed a number of 68 in new terminology.

The Nurse wanted to put me on Metformin immediately but I persuaded her to 'give me a month' of diet/exercise only.

In 1 month they did the test again and I had really watched what I was eating (very very low carbs) and hit the gym and streets, running, rowing etc. Either an 8km row or a 5 km run and 5 times a week total.

The new test came back as 50 which was significantly lower in just 1 month and just above the high end of normal (48). She was sure I would control my diabetes myself.

Within 3 months I was down to 37 after being tested again.

Then............things changed. I was started working 90 hours a week, travelling 1500 miles a week for work and life just overtook. I don't think I have/had ever been so stressed in a job before.

The weight started coming back, the gym and running outside virtually stopped for 6 months.

I went for an annual check and the number came back as '53'. This took me by surprise as I honestly thought it would be worse, but no excuses, 53 is still poor. I am so disappointed and angry with myself for letting this happen. I have a new nurse and the old one left the GP's and the new nurse has now put me on tablets (Metformin 500g). I only have to take 1 tablet a day and she has said that it's the lowest possible dose so I shouldn't beat myself up over it, but I am. I could've lasted a few more years on just diet and exercise and maybe even had it licked.

I have to go back for another test in 3 months so that the nurse can check the dosage etc is working.

I have of course immediately changed my diet again, hit the gym and streets and am sure levels will fall. The question I have is that previously I low carb'ed and the leaflet with the tablet states that I must eat carbs....but I don't want to as I want to get off the tablets....if I can. Is it possible to come off medication again? Do I low carb or consume 'normal' carbs like the leaflet says?

I should also say that the nurse has only issued 2 x 28 days worth of tablets, said that I'm not entitled to test strips (I used to buy them all and test like a nutcase) and also didn't mention that I was entitled to a medical exemption card so I am paying for the prescriptions too.

That aside.....can I low carb on these tablets? Could I get off them again?

Sorry for the questions but I am so very annoyed with myself.

Thank you for listening
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi there.. Don't be annoyed at yourself. Stress is the worst and causes havoc on our bodies. You can low carb on metformin and I bet if you have a read around the forum you will most certainly see lots of type 2's who have reduced/stopped taking metformin altogether due to lifestyle changes. This is the best place for motivation.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
  • Not sure why she told you you were not entitled to a medical exemption because you are now on medication for diabetes which is one of the qualifying criteria. Unless she thinks that you may only need them for a short period just to give you a little help -which is encouraging for you
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
In my case I monitored my BG while taking Metformin and again later when I had stopped taking it. I couldn't detect a difference. I went low carb and detected a big difference. My thinking was that when I went back to see DN this large drop in my Hba1c would be taken by her as success for the pills. I didn't want confusion which is why I stopped taking the pills so the real reason for the improvement was clear.

DN apart, in my case, I can take them or not take them but I cannot stop low carbing without problems.

Stop worrying and keep low carbing. Take the pills if DN prescribed them. Get her agreement to stop them if you don't want to take them. It's your choice,


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes you can low carb on metformin. Since eating a LCHF diet I have brought my bs down sufficiently so that my dr has reduced the metformin. I actually have found that while taking metformin the carbs cause me to have an upset stomach... The less carbs I eat the better my stomach is.

Good luck - I know you can get back on track


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks everyone for your responses

Only on my second day taking.a tablet and took it with low carb dinner then went for a brisk 4.5k walk. Felt a bit wobbly when I was out so took a reading when I got in....3.5!

Don't like these tablets :(
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks everyone for your responses

Only on my second day taking.a tablet and took it with low carb dinner then went for a brisk 4.5k walk. Felt a bit wobbly when I was out so took a reading when I got in....3.5!

Don't like these tablets :(
Sounds to me like you don't need metformin, all the best manc603


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks everyone for your responses

Only on my second day taking.a tablet and took it with low carb dinner then went for a brisk 4.5k walk. Felt a bit wobbly when I was out so took a reading when I got in....3.5!

Don't like these tablets :(
Maybe you should look as taking a low carb snack with you when doing exercise. Most people need to increase their food levels when they increase their energy. It is all a balancing act Perhaps you are not eating enough fat to balance out the loss of carbs. I don't think you can blame the metformin it's doing its job.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
The thing about Metformin is that it only ever has a small effect on blood sugar. It slightly reduces the liver's glycogen output and reduces insulin resistance. To be honest it doesn't make a vast difference whether you take it or not, but it does help most if you are overweight. You can choose whatever diet approach you want and not worry about the Metformin affecting it. I would stop worrying and if your low-carb diet works then you may want to stop taking the drug but do discuss with the GP/nurse. When I asked my DN last time to stop the drug she suggested, rightly according to web info, that it also reduces cancer risk so I still take it. I have no diea how much evidence there is for that.