Catching everything going!


Hey all,

Well since the summer ive been on and off sick, catching everything! Have been having really bad periods so i think that knocked a lot out of me aswell, anyways got a virus in all my glands had to go on bed rest for a few days with that, that took a month to fully clear up, got another bad period and when that finished i got an awful cold! It just seems non stop, picking up everything and of course with me being sick my levels are all over the place.

I was supposed to start carboyhdrating counting about six weeks ago but sure there's no point with my levels sky high. My levels are about 15 when i wake in the mornings. Only a couple of days out of six weeks have my levels been normal. It sooo frustrating. Now that im getting back to feeling normal, ive forgotten what my dietician has told me all about the carb counting although ive a book im still all confused.

Ive an appointment with my doctor in November and im dreading it, she wont be happy, i know myself im all over the place. Im finding it very drepessing soemtimes and down. My partner has been excellent supporting and looking after me!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Argumenative barstifferous (new word *lol*) types who think that they know everything *wink*
IrishBird said:
Hey all,

Well since the summer ive been on and off sick, catching everything! Have been having really bad periods so i think that knocked a lot out of me aswell, anyways got a virus in all my glands had to go on bed rest for a few days with that, that took a month to fully clear up, got another bad period and when that finished i got an awful cold! It just seems non stop, picking up everything and of course with me being sick my levels are all over the place. . . .
. . . Ive an appointment with my doctor in November and im dreading it, she wont be happy, i know myself im all over the place. Im finding it very drepessing soemtimes and down. My partner has been excellent supporting and looking after me!

There is a condition know as ME (Myalgic Encephalopathy) and from youir brief description of repeated infections etc, you may possibly have contracted it. I have married a daughter who suffers with ME and she is up and down from week to week. Her's started after a prolonged and severe does of flu, or at least thats what her specialist thought.
I think rather that dreading your GP's appointment, you should preparing for it by writing down exactly what you have been and are still going through so that you do not forget anything. I always write down what I want to say when I visit my GP and just hand the notes over for him to read.

If you want to find out about ME the link below will take you to the ME Association homepage and you can browse from there.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not sure how long you've been diagnosed, IrishBird, but if it's relatively recently, within past year or so, you could be in the honeymoon phase, when pancreas kicks out some insulin, often irregularly, which makes keepng blood glucose levels very difficult.
General advice for anyone, diabetes or not, in preventing / limiting numbers of infections, is to eat a healthy balanced diet, particularly with lots of fruit and / or vegetables; maintain good hand hygiene; have any vaccine eg seasonal flu is offered free to anyone with diabetes in UK.
Doubt your doctor will be unreasonable, and if you're worried, can you get an appointment before November?


I forgot about the honeymoon period, i reckon thats what im going through! Im only diagnosed since feburary!

Im going to ring my diabetic doctor up tomorrow and talk to her and see what she says.

I got my flu jab last week



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hope your diabetes doctor can help - always best to get advice from someone who knows your medical situation in full.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I agree with copepod, best to get advice from your GP. Numerous infections can well be something that will need a full review of your medical history before any proper diagnosis can be given. We can only guess at what may be your problem. 'Honeymoon period' is definitely one of the things I would think of first. If not then start thinking about other things.........

I went through a period of getting all sorts of infections about two years ago.....basically I was just run down. So lots of rest, plenty of good healthy food and I was soon back on my feet and much fitter and healthier.

Let us know how you get on.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Spicey food, taxi drivers, hypos & hypers, pigeons, hospitals, dentists, my GP, my ****** immune system.
Hi There

Also have this problem myself from time to time. Unfortunately, it's something you may be prone too due to the Diabetes lowered immune system. As far as I'm concerned prevention is better than cure. Try to keep your blood glucose levels as tight controlled as possible, drink plenty of water to keep your bladder and kidneys clear, observe hand hygiene while you are out and about i.e. carry a little bottle of antiseptic gel for your hands after touching door handles/holding grab rails on buses etc. Also, if you are traveling by plane turn off the air conditioning above your head and drink water on the flight as well because air travel is notorious with getting colds! (If I can get away with it - say in Winter - I'll also wear a light scarf round my neck to discreetly cover my mouth and nose).

I know it sounds like a hell of a lot to do but in time it becomes pretty routine. I only do it because getting a cold or sickness puts anyone out for weeks when you have Diabetes on top it just makes for a longer recovery.

If I do get a cold I take effervescent Echinacea drinks and Vitamin C and Paracetamol and keep warm, again drink plenty of fluids and above all else keep taking your insulin! I don't pretend to be a perfect diabetic by any means but I hope this has helped. Go see your GP too though for added reassurance.

All the best