cereal bars? or similar...



Anyone know of good cereal type bars to take with while travelling? I travel abroad alot with work, so recently being diagnosed T2 wasn't great news! :( Often it's not easy to be able to eat somewhere on the road, so until I can I obviously need to snack/eat etc!

Most bars seem to be full of honey, sugar, dates etc etc... all what we can't / shouldn't eat. I found that Organix "Oat & Tomato" bars seem to be a good choice. Any other suggestions anyone...?


Well-Known Member
I get box loads of Atkins day break bars. Some knock them, but I like them, they fill a gap,and have zero effect on my BGs. some find polyols give them an upset tummy,but I suspect that's in large amounts of polyols. These have no bad effects on me. Try and find out I guess.


Well-Known Member
GrahamE said:

Anyone know of good cereal type bars to take with while travelling? I travel abroad alot with work, so recently being diagnosed T2 wasn't great news! :( Often it's not easy to be able to eat somewhere on the road, so until I can I obviously need to snack/eat etc!

Most bars seem to be full of honey, sugar, dates etc etc... all what we can't / shouldn't eat. I found that Organix "Oat & Tomato" bars seem to be a good choice. Any other suggestions anyone...?

I'm type 1, so you'll have to test this out to see if it works for you, but I have found two cereal bars which work for me, in that they are satisfying but don't spike my blood sugar too much, but remember I'm injecting insulin to cover them:

9 bars - you can get them in health food shops but the ones in Tesco's are 40g rather than 50g and contain 12g carbs. Yes there is sugar in them but they are basically made of seeds so have good fats and protein as well, which makes them lower GI. Slightly smaller but arguably healthier as they contain no added sugar, are Nak'd bars. There are different varieties, some contain a lot of sweet stuff but the ginger bread and pecan pie ones are 12g carbs and quite tasty. They're not as satisfying as the 9bars though but contain fewer calories. They're made of pressed dates and ground nuts with spices.

Since both contain nuts or seeds, they are higher in protein than many cereal bars, and lower in carbs.


yes, seen the Nak'd Bars - they're nice but as you say full of honey, dates etc... so best to avoid. i find it odd no one seems to make a veg bar! Will look for the 9Bars - haven't heard of them...


instant noodles

don't post here much - but thought i'd try... does anyone know of an instant noodles in a tray that would be good for travelling? Seems to me diabetics either give up travelling or no one here travels apart from holiday once a year...

Are there any diabetics who travel a bit and know some handy instant food for flights etc...? Or caught out with nowhere to eat near by etc etc...
