Type 2 cholesterol spike after childbirth


T2 before pregnancy. LDL was in range 3.4-3.9 in the past few years without taking meds. Slightly went up to 4.4 in my first first trimester. then i took my one month postpartum blood test. it shows LDL spike to 8.

dose pregnancy affect cholesterol control? My
GP put me on atorvastatin recently 20mg/day. But I found it really worsen my blood sugar control, FBS reading go up from 6.5-7.2 (without meds) to 6.9-7.8 (with 500mg/day metformin) , post reading up from 6-7 to 7.5-8.5.

I want to off statin but LDL is too high (8mmol) after
My childbirth.

Any suggestions on these situation. Thanks and will it get back to my normal reading as before my pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cholesterol levels remain high after childbirth for about a month. Or until breastfeeding stops. I would expect it to drop, but i cannot diagnose, only impart what i have read. My logical thought before reading about it, was that your body should be going through a time of repair, and cholesterol is the repair kit.