Christmas dinner plans


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Pork pie for breakfast, full christmas dinner, pudding with cream, or custard, and turkey sandwiches for tea.
Or maybe some Iceland party nibbles.
But the portion size will be a lot less than previous Christmases', and I've lost my taste for sweets and chocolate, so probably a bit of dark chocolate, and a bit of the kids chocolate orange.

And I will be trying the Thorntons truffles.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I shall probably be getting roast chicken as that's what my husband always chooses to cook - so I miss Christmas turkey anyway. I'll have some sprouts with nutmeg and butter and roast (I hope!) celeriac, as that tastes very much like roast parsnips which I love. I might sneak a half roastie as well. I once managed to make a fairly reasonable stuffing using coconut flour but haven't been able to reproduce it since... but shall have another go. And maybe make some cranberry and orange sauce. I'll have smoked salmon and cream cheese rolls for starters, and finish with a very large Scandi style chocolate orange muffin with lots of chocolate cream. So I think I can manage a fairly decent lowish carb Christmas meal.

I'm starting to investigate some of my favourite Christmas treats to see how "carbiferous" they are, and I hope I might be able to indulge myself in moderation... otherwise I might well have to sin. :wideyed:

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This is such a helpful thread, thank you @KittyKatty

I'd started collecting low carb recipes for Christmas and realising just how much hard work will be involved in producing a low carb alternative of everything just for me.

I shall now try and find my guilt-free inner self and enjoy a spot of indulgence and raise a glass to you all, knowing I'm in excellent company! :p
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cold ethyl

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I suspect we'll have to go to parents this year again. I'll just have the turkey and sausages and bacon and whatever veg my mother cooks along with one roast spud. I'm not a massive roast dinner fan so am saving my binge day till boxing day which is always cold turkey, Makeway curry sauce and a pile of homemade chips. Obviously fewer chips this year. Don't like mince pies, Christmas cake or Xmas pudding so will probably just have some nice berries and cream for a pudding if I feel like one. Tbh I'll probably pass and save my calories for a cheese fest .
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Randburg, really? It's my first Xmas as a Type 2 and it's kind of been drummed into me that there are no "off" or pig out days to be had, unlike a normal watching-the-weight diet.

I've been scrupulously good since June and would love a Yuletide reward but then I suppose it's a bad pattern to see food as a reward.

I have no idea what I'll have Xmas day. I might push the boat out and have a couple of roast potatoes and maybe a slice of coffee buttercream cake. But I sympathise with the other poster who said he would stress out if he had something naughty to eat.

I think my first Christmas I had similar feelings, but by the second I had got things under pretty good control, so let go, and it had no really bad effect.
Think before you were diagnosed you were having bad things on most days, and you have now changed.
So one day in a while will not be to bad ?
Of course I will be careful, on the amount I eat, but its a open house day for me, if it looks good "Down it Goes"
I know Im going to have a happy Christmas, and wish you one as well ;):)
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My mission statement is "everything I eat and drink is my best effort to manage my diabetes without medication," so because we don't have a family Christmas as such, but just get around to meeting up where and when we can, I'll have a go at the nice cakes in the menu.
I've ordered a turkey crown and will make gravy with one of the alternative flours. Mrs DeeJayR will have her mince pies as usual, starting this week probably. Oddly, she doesn't like cream. But we do, don't we!
New Year's Eve will be interesting since we've decided to go to a pub with a rock band.
Y'all take it easy, dudes


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have the full turkey dinner . Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for day and boxing day I'm having mainly what I fancy within reason. Its once a year and I'm looking forward to it..we will be 10 for lunch...I'm not a sweetie person really so will have some 80% orange dark choccie
And lots of champagne :)
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I expect I'll be on my own & as I hate both roast dinners & cooking, as yet I have no idea what I'll be eating!! Don't like xmas cake or pudding either. Do like a decent stollen though & saw Aldi were selling mini stollen bites so may buy a box, have 1 & donate the rest to either any one I see or the bin lol. Hope you all have a great day whatever you are doing & eating.

Smartie xx
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smartlady please don't put the stollen in the bin donate them somewhere, someone will eat them for you, I hate the thought of wasted food.


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So what are you other Type 2's planning on having for Xmas dinner?

Actually I'm type 1 but here goes anyway.

Going to the youngest daughter's this year and her hubby is doing a really nice gammon joint recipe he's concocted. He says he's fed up with no-one eating the bird when he cooks this gammon so he's doing a small beef joint to help with the roasties and gravy, there'll be lots of veggies along with flower sprouts and chestnuts as no-one likes ordinary sprouts.

I don't like mince pies or Christmas pudding, no problem there, probably have a thin slice of Christmas cake with a good but not strong cheese.

And red wine...2 or 3 glasses over the day.


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Roast turkey and a salad.


Retired Moderator
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Ideally I won't stray too much.

The more I stray, the worse I feel, and I don't want to waste the day feeling headachy, heart racing, hyper, hypo, zonked and droopy.

Brekkie will probably be scram eggs and smoked salmon.
Dinner a huge steak medium rare, green salad, caramelised onion and crumbled Stilton
My intention is to have half a mince pie. Yeah, right. o_O

My colleagues have supplied me with a large box of Thorntons Continental. If I have the self control, I will give them away (they aren't my favourites).
Mr B has given me some Heston's chocolates. They ARE my favourites. I won't be letting anyone else even sniff them.

Mr B will eat his own weight in cheeselets and cheese footballs, fudge and bagels (and eggs and salmon) for breakfast.


Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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My mission statement is "everything I eat and drink is my best effort to manage my diabetes without medication," so because we don't have a family Christmas as such, but just get around to meeting up where and when we can, I'll have a go at the nice cakes in the menu.
I've ordered a turkey crown and will make gravy with one of the alternative flours. Mrs DeeJayR will have her mince pies as usual, starting this week probably. Oddly, she doesn't like cream. But we do, don't we!
New Year's Eve will be interesting since we've decided to go to a pub with a rock band.
Y'all take it easy, dudes

Have you tried arrowroot powder?
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Well-Known Member
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Traditional for me I think: Lots of roast turkey, pigs in blankets (made with 97% meat chipolatas), 2 small roast potatoes, loads of green beans, some cauliflower, sprouts and maybe some leeks topped off with a splash of gravy

As a recently diagnosed T2 who has just managed to get his blood sugar under control, I don't feel confident enough to have any treats on Xmas day yet (I may "splash out" with some mash, but that will be it) - I find abstinence far easier than moderation :)
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Well-Known Member
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Getting old and diabetese
Traditional for me I think: Lots of roast turkey, pigs in blankets (made with 97% meat chipolatas), 2 small roast potatoes, loads of green beans, some cauliflower, sprouts and maybe some leeks topped off with a splash of gravy

As a recently diagnosed T2 who has just managed to get his blood sugar under control, I don't feel confident enough to have any treats on Xmas day yet (I may "splash out" with some mash, but that will be it) - I find abstinence far easier than moderation :)

Since I was diagnosed in May I have given full commitment to my diet and diabetes, taken it very seriously, lost two stone and reduced all my numbers to pre diabetic. Christmas Day will be my reward for all the hard work, I will have a full roast dinner with a pudding to follow (tho I don't like Xmas pudding) I will also have a choc or three some nuts and maybe even a crisp or two. I agree it is just one day out of 365 and I will be happy to put my meter away for the day. One day of enjoyment will not undo 7 months work. Come Boxing day I will face diabetes again with a vengeance but at least I will have enjoyed my Christmas day.
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Well-Known Member
Since I was diagnosed in May I have given full commitment to my diet and diabetes, taken it very seriously, lost two stone and reduced all my numbers to pre diabetic. Christmas Day will be my reward for all the hard work, I will have a full roast dinner with a pudding to follow (tho I don't like Xmas pudding) I will also have a choc or three some nuts and maybe even a crisp or two. I agree it is just one day out of 365 and I will be happy to put my meter away for the day. One day of enjoyment will not undo 7 months work. Come Boxing day I will face diabetes again with a vengeance but at least I will have enjoyed my Christmas day.
Exactly my thinking. Christmas day and boxing day are free! Enjoy. Then back to reality
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Since I was diagnosed in May I have given full commitment to my diet and diabetes, taken it very seriously, lost two stone and reduced all my numbers to pre diabetic. Christmas Day will be my reward for all the hard work, I will have a full roast dinner with a pudding to follow (tho I don't like Xmas pudding) I will also have a choc or three some nuts and maybe even a crisp or two. I agree it is just one day out of 365 and I will be happy to put my meter away for the day. One day of enjoyment will not undo 7 months work. Come Boxing day I will face diabetes again with a vengeance but at least I will have enjoyed my Christmas day.

And another one here with the same thinking. Life is too bloody short.
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