complications with diabetes


I have a friend that has had diabetes since he was a child and it is Type1 where he has to inject himself but he also developed complications with his eyes where he had to have injection in his eyes and also lazer treatment on his eyes at the moment he is registered partially sighted, he has not had any further treatment for 12months he says he can see well enough its just things futher away, can anyone tell me if they know someone who has had similar problems and if this is a condition with his eyes that may eventually turn to blindness. I just would like to understand it a bit better and how the treatment works if they can prevent his eyes from getting worse or is it just a delay whereby he will eventully be blind?


Well-Known Member
Hi bluetears

Welcome to the forum.

Its great you are trying to get more of an understanding of your friends condition and tribulations.

There are a number of members with eye problems who can help you with your enquiry.

Un-be-li-eeeeee--verrrrrr where are you? lol

Mary x


Well-Known Member
Her Maryyyy!
Hi Bluetears! I am still waiting for the floaters in my eyes to disappear after my last injections last friday so please iforgive my ypos.

Sounds as though your friend's treatment has been successful if he hasn't needed any treatment for the last twelve months.
I think the treatment is much better these days and it is unusual for anyone to completely lose their sight with this condition.
For most people much depends on your bg control. Improvements in control can take quite a while to improve the ondition.
and can sometimes make things worse in the short term. It is a VERY good sign that your friendd has now gone for dso long without needing firther treatment.
After four years and more of treatment nothing seems to work for me except for a very short time. I understand that this happens with a very few people but obviously your friend is not among that number.

There are many new treatments in the pipeline so no need for you to worry too much even if your friend needs more treatment.
in the future

If your frend's vision is OK than there seems to be nothing much to worry about providing the bgs are kept stable and under control.

I hope that your friend coninues to do well and doesn't need any more treatment.


I know he is going for a routine check up next month, i know his eyes are not great as he said when he looks at me it could appear that i have shaved my eye brows as there is bits missing it also seems to be worse in dark conditions and from a distance, he did tell me once that his left eye went completely dark but that he regained his vision slowly after a couple of days. I think he had about a couple of years of treatments with injections and lazer treatment i ask him if he could go blind but he said he could not tell me as he does not know what the future will be, i just hope everything is ok next month when he gets them checked.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yes its true - noone really knows what will happen which is why they can't give you a prognosis. The thing is that although the reatment may be successful in stopping the condiion from progressing it doesn't restore the sight that has been lost.

At least he has had the injections. When they work they are very successful. When i was first given laser reatment it didn't wok because there was too mch fluid in my eye but it did damage the retina quite badly. Nowadays they would nebver laser eyes in that condition. Consequently I have had problems with that particular eye ever since. The other hat was treated with injections first is in a much better state.
I know exacly what your friend means about bits missing etc. I also get wavy lines insead of straight oneseverywhere I look and often see things as being something else. I suffer equally from dark ness and extreme light , can't jusge angles , slpopes and stairs etc etc. Thing is you learn to cope and to adjust.

I had 100% close vision when i all began but need a magnifying glass to read anything nowadays. glasses just make the problems worse.
I suppose the worst hinhg is that it is necessary o depend more on others. if your friend neeeds help you just have to learn the best way to help him.

I certainly wouldn't despair on his behalf. hope all is well at the check up but even if it isn't they will be able to help. :thumbup:


My uncle having the same problem, he couldn't see with his left eyes. He had a high level of diabetes.Doctor advised him for an eye surgery ,but the sugar level should be brought down, and the complications are high as well. I want to know if there is any other treatment by which he can gained his eyesight.

[mod edit daisy1: link removed - no advertising]


Well-Known Member
The only tretatment for retinopathy is laser and for some injections. There are other procedures which may become necessary with some at a later stage but the only way o stop it is to control bgs and bloood pressure . Laser and injections heplp treat damage to the eye. Leaksage of fluids into the retina sometimes clear by themselves.

There are different ypes of injections too. They don't all work for everyone but when they do they can sop the condition in its tracks,
Can you explain the ype of treatment you mentioned in your post without the adverticsing component?

it is difficult o answer withiut knowing what you had in mind.