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Hi, I did a post a few weeks ago about my insulin resistance suddenly increasing (which I expected) but now I seem to be going back the other way again.. Some days I've having quite a few readings of 3, I'm not getting spikes as much, I did adjust my pump so basal is higher but I've had to reduce some of that back down, does this sound ok or should I maybe get checked out?
I am still being sick quite often which I know will have an effect on bg's but even the odd day when I'm not sick I still get the lower readings, nearly 27 weeks now X


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hey @Mrsass not sure if i've said it already but congratulations !

It would be wise to get it checked out - hormones can be tricky things in pregnancy, so have a chat with your team to go through this. The sickness should wear off soon, I found it was the smell of perfume which made me sick, put me off wearing it for years !
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I'm having the same thing @Mrsass, I'm almost 28 weeks, I was at the clinic yesterday and team didn't seem too concerned about it as baby can have growth spurts at different times so reckon the resistance a few weeks back was due to growing (and with my bump growing over that time I'd certainly agree!) Last 3 nights I've had 2 hypos even after correcting so back down my basal goes. I can remember experiencing the same in my last pregnancy, keep a good eye on it but defo worth mentioning, for peace of mind too :) take care Xx
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Hiya my readings went up and down. They had been down for a few days and had to reduce insulin with my daughter. I actually had pre eclampsia. They went down with my twins and decided that they needed to get them out too. It can be a sign the placenta is failing so definitely mention it in your next clinic or if concerned go in and get checked out. Better safe than sorry xxxx
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Hiya my readings went up and down. They had been down for a few days and had to reduce insulin with my daughter. I actually had pre eclampsia. They went down with my twins and decided that they needed to get them out too. It can be a sign the placenta is failing so definitely mention it in your next clinic or if concerned go in and get checked out. Better safe than sorry xxxx
Thanks for that they told me my placenta was ragged and they never really explained why?? Also at around 30wks everything went wrong,hypos,colistasis&pre-eclampsia. Hope my next one runs smoothly. Coming off my implant January. Needless to say I had my Lil girl 2yrs ago she was 6wks early but weighed 6lbs9oz.


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Hi. I am now 34+4 and still on less insulin than I was before I got pregnant! I had a couple of odd days where I thought my insulin resistance was increasing but basically it was just large meals! The consultant said that they are starting to see this more often now, typically in slim T1s that don't eat lots of carbs. I definitely eat carbs but not loads of them compared to other people. Could it be that?
I have had loads of extra scans and checks and there are no concerns about the baby. I have also gained the right amount of weight (just over two stone so far) so it is not like I am not eating enough!
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Thank you for the tips & comments :)

My DSN wasnt too concerned when I saw her as I'm still getting some higher readings but is keeping check on me by phone to make sure they aren't becoming more frequent until I see her again, got growth scan at next appt so interested to see how baby is coming on as I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead yet I'm still 1/2 stone lighter than I was at the beginning of my pregnancy (because of the constant sickness)