
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Im currently away in México at the moment.
Ive been bitten so many times and after getting a potential infection on one of the bug bites i went to the DR. Though they deemed a blood test necessary. (does anyone else get constantly bitten? I have 25%DEET spray, it doesnt seem to be working)

Somehow there test has come back with confusing and unexpected results.

Small backstory.

I was diagnosed on 9th January with type 2 and overactive thyroid. My level was 61mmol/mol at that point. On the 14th Feb i had another test 58 mmol/mol.

Then before i went away 12th April 44mmol/mol i will be honest, i have been having some fruit juices. A cheeky cola here and there and some proper sugar in my coffee, every other day. The meat has been alot fattier and meals alot more sugary than ive been having back in the UK, ive had a stressful time and ive forgotten my metformin a few times. However the results were 8.4% converst to 68.3mmol/mol! 9th May. Now i do not see how that is physically possible to have a 3 month average go from 44mmol/mol to 68.3 mmol/mol and not be insainly ill. I have had a migrane here and there, however, i do sugger from migranes.

They took my fasting glucose. Which was 110.1 mg/dl.

I go back to the UK on the 5th June landing 6th June. I already have a open blood test waiting for Hb1ac and Thyroid function on my return.

But I would love to know anyone else's experiences thank you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My personal experience is that HbA1c, while measuring your average glucose levels over the last 2-3 months, can be influenced by more recent food consumption trends. My HbA1c levels went down from 95 mmol/mol to 56 mmol/mol within 6 weeks of me starting a very low carb diet. I imagine this could as easily go in the opposite direction. I'd say it is probably not the fattier meat that's causing this, but most likely carbs in your food (you mention juice and sugar in your coffee). Your BG could potentially be elevated due to infection you describe, but for HbA1c to be affected that significantly it would have to be a more prolonged period of illness.