COVID-19: are you wearing a mask?

Are you wearing a mask when going out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 148 51.6%
  • No

    Votes: 88 30.7%
  • Considering it

    Votes: 51 17.8%

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Deleted member 308541

Yours looks like a super-duper one. Most of us in the UK have ordinary masks, shop bought or home made, non-medical types.
I got them when the bush fires were threatening my property end of last year, they're classed as P2 for smoke particulates etc.
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The term “new normal “
In Singapore, it’s a $300 fine for not wearing a mask outside your residence. Unless, you’re actively exercising. Some people jog to the convenience store just to avoid wearing one lol. I grudgingly wear one, very uncomfortable in a hot humid climate


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There's a lot of discussion about what protects the wearer and whether or not its worth it for personal protection to wear a mask but not so much about social responsibility to others. If everyone wore masks it would make a big difference to those who are more at risk and be a very welcome gesture of solidarity. I am mostly staying in as i am at risk with badly controlled type 1 diabetes and I take immunosuppressants but when I occasionally do go out I wear a mask out of respect for others and for what limited protection it gives me even though very few others are doing the same. I have made masks using a pattern which is available through this website along with other patterns:

Diane fluteplayer

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I've been using an FP3 mask for sanding the walls but not for shopping or exercising, I don't personally see the point.
I think the point is that if enough people wear them it will reduce transmission in the community, save lives and allow vulnerable people To go outside occasionally. I started wrapping a cotton scarf round my lower face and chin several times when shopping in the hope of starting a fashion. No success there so far though I believe it’s commoner in London!
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There was a shopper in Tescos this morning who had gloves and mask on and I’m sure she felt it made her invincible as she dashed from one side of the aisle to the other, pushing in, regardless of whether it was a customer or worker, and taking no notice of the 2m apart rule or one way system at all.
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There was a shopper in Tescos this morning who had gloves and mask on and I’m sure she felt it made her invincible as she dashed from one side of the aisle to the other, pushing in, regardless of whether it was a customer or worker, and taking no notice of the 2m apart rule or one way system at all.
That my experience over the last few weeks in the main too, just back from M&S and had to ask a woman who was suited and booted to step back from me as she was over my shoulder, she was quite indignant in her reply.


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That my experience over the last few weeks in the main too, just back from M&S and had to ask a woman who was suited and booted to step back from me as she was over my shoulder, she was quite indignant in her reply.
They obviously haven’t listened to the ‘experts’ telling us that a mask doesn’t necessarily protect the wearer but the people around them!


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They obviously haven’t listened to the ‘experts’ telling us that a mask doesn’t necessarily protect the wearer but the people around them!

This is quite interesting, some recent research. Wearing a mask may not protect the wearer so much but protects others a lot more. This piece of research out of Hong Kong tries to quantify by how much. Please don't think they made the hamsters used in the research wear masks, although the thought is highly amusing.

I fear that as the country starts to 'open up' a bit, the lack of mask wearing is going to be noticed very quickly when the infection rate increase. The infection rate has remained stable for months, despite existing measures. I'm not sure that is going to stay stable once we open up any.
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So many mixed messages on this it's near impossible to know.
The water vapour seems a particularly knotty issue.
It does seem the rest of the world is adopting but whether there are enough to go round in the UK seems unlikely.

Probably doesn't help/
I managed to get some face shields on line from flat shield they are brilliant and not expensive, washable too. £2.00 each. Fit perfectly. For me anything that makes me feel more comfortable out and about is a good thing as stress is a big BG raiser for me. Also the plastic shield stops you touching your face with your hands. I think we should all do what feels right for us. Its how i have managed my diabetes because changing professional opinions have caused me some problems in terms of diet and exercise in the past.
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I'm not going out, so no need for a mask. My mum made me a fabric mask that I will use if I need to go out though.

There dispute about masks,
I wear a fabric mask from my friends laboratory protection from virus/ bacteria and alsorts. I also have a twin filter full face mast from his laboratory. Stops everything, eyes nose and mouth.
Used when working on dangerous
Things! If you don't think masks work? Give them benefit of doubt.
And better tell the NHS who can't get enough of them!!! Don't be dumb. Should be compulsory
Or try plastic bag over head with cable tie? Maybe not. A mask is a barrier both ways. Use it correctly
Remove and wash hands
Some are better than other
Stay safe
Dave B
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I dont go out at the moment. Family and friends comment that although more people are wearing them. I work in a school where government guidelines state we dont need to wear. But I was daft enough at the begining of all this to listen to "it's no worse than a cold!". I think I will feel self conscious if other are not doing it. Really wish it was made compulsory. I am also hars of hearing and rely on lip reading alot. so worried about about that. But have hear that there a clear mask becoming available.


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Slightly off topic, but earlier tonight someone on a local fb group asked a seller if their masks were "breathable". I wouldn't buy one that wasn't would you?


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to much fuss negative people
I'm seeing far more people wearing masks when going to the supermarket now and wondered whether people are wearing a mask or not? I've been wearing a makeshift mask but think I may a "proper" one.

we live in France and we have to wear one for transport including children over 11 as they do in the schools.
lots of occasions everybody has them and they can cut your chances of getting infected by up to 80% according to the medical reports.
Also they stop you from giving it to other people while you are infected but not ill. We wear them where you mix with people who are less than one meter away such as in a supermarket or in crowded areas. We feel safer and are happy to see others wearing them too. I got the pattern offline and made three masks each for myself and my husband ,we can wash after use also we carry the hand wash gel everywhere better safe then sorry .


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I've not yet been anywhere enclosed but I will wear one when I find the courage to go lol. I have 2 on order, 1 for me and 1 for hubby, from a local firm who specialise in these things. Hubby calls himself a taxi for food - with Tesco - and he has been doing his best to protect me all these months after being at work bless him. I am well aware that it's not mainly for me, but it'll help and I'm more than happy to know that I will be protecting other folk. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone wore them with that kind of thought? It would make people in the riskier groups feel safer and happier I'm thinking, along with social distancing which I note from these comments that some do not. I've been taking my dog for walks through all of this and have noted that it's the dog walkers who have been playing by the rules! lol :happy:

Uncle Tony

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I wear a mask when I leave my safe place which is either my home or my car. It is usually to go to the supermarket for essentials where I am either in a queue outside or in the confined space of the shop. I wear a mask made by a lady who lives nearby who sows and knits. It is certainly not an NHS grade surgical mask but it is double layered and can be washed and reused. It does reduce the risk slightly in confined spaces which is better than not wearing an FFP 3surgical mask which should be FIT Tested and of course is virtually impossible to buy at the moment.


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I have also been making masks for myself, family and friends. I think any face covering is better than none and if we seriously want to get rid of this virus then face masks are going to be key in slowing the spread. I found that when I wear a mask people are more inclined to respect the 2m distancing than when I didn’t wear one. I do feel safer although I’m aware it protects people from me.


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This piece of research out of Hong Kong tries to quantify by how much. Please don't think they made the hamsters used in the research wear masks, although the thought is highly amusing.
Looks like I forgot the link, there will be many if you google but here's one for starters.
Hamsters Masks.jpeg
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