COVID 2019 Comorbidity with Diabetes


Type of diabetes
Hello everyone, do not post much but thought this stat would shed some light. Taken from an article I came across.

The study adds that more than 99 percent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths have been people who were previously ill or had some type of pre-existing medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Among those who have died from the Wuhan virus in Italy, more than 76 percent of them had high blood pressure, more than 35 percent had diabetes, 33 percent had heart disease, and more than 24 percent had atrial fibrillation, or “AFib,” according to Italy’s national health authority.


Hello everyone, do not post much but thought this stat would shed some light. Taken from an article I came across.

The study adds that more than 99 percent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths have been people who were previously ill or had some type of pre-existing medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Among those who have died from the Wuhan virus in Italy, more than 76 percent of them had high blood pressure, more than 35 percent had diabetes, 33 percent had heart disease, and more than 24 percent had atrial fibrillation, or “AFib,” according to Italy’s national health authority.
Is that supposed be reassuring?
Can't we protect the vulnerable?
Do we now live in a Darwinian dystopian future where who clears the shelves first and is fittest to survive, lives and the weak die?
I hope you dont find mainly the sick dying reassuring.


Type of diabetes
It’s not about reassuring it’s about arming yourself with the facts. I now know for certain to take more care and that is a good thing. Facts are your best defence fighting this virus.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello everyone, do not post much but thought this stat would shed some light. Taken from an article I came across.

The study adds that more than 99 percent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths have been people who were previously ill or had some type of pre-existing medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Among those who have died from the Wuhan virus in Italy, more than 76 percent of them had high blood pressure, more than 35 percent had diabetes, 33 percent had heart disease, and more than 24 percent had atrial fibrillation, or “AFib,” according to Italy’s national health authority.
Thanks for that. I have all of those conditions plus depression. Reassuring for you that I shan't be posting here anymore because of thoughtless comments like this. I have been in contact with someone who has been in contact with someone with the virus. Bye then. Never mind, I was sick and aged 62 anyway. I am sure no one will miss me when I die.


Type of diabetes
And as do I have both diabetes and high blood pressure and now I know the facts I will step up my precautions. I would prefer to know I am at risk and take the extra precautions than not know.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It’s not about reassuring it’s about arming yourself with the facts. I now know for certain to take more care and that is a good thing. Facts are your best defence fighting this virus.

mmhh decisions, decisions

i can listen to world health officials around the globe,

health professional, microbiologist, virologists, experts in a wide range of fields and disciplines.
or some bloke down the pub,
and believe that here in the UK they are all wrong,,
and a cheerful whistle and a cheeky smile is all we need.

mmhh , moneys on the others being right and bozo getting this utterly utterly wrong.

arm yourself with facts and information my friend, but as long as so many are walking around like so much radio active waste, you and yours have as much likelihood of crossing paths with the infected, and catching and spreading this, as anybody else.

and as it's only the young and vulnerable it kills, maybe that is an acceptable risk we should take as society...

and here is a nice guess..but i do know nothing it is just a guess.

Doctors and medical staff, (normally younger then the Vulnerable)
Do die after contracting this in some cases.
the reason i have heard..dosage levels..

too many occasions treating people with the disease, perhaps like in the scenario above IF this was radiation
As the level / exposure increases, people who should not be on that death list, get overwhelmed if they get the virus, when the exposure rate hits a critical level in their bodies ?..again an acceptable risk for any society,

NB just a guess...but perhaps plausible, or why else would the medics be dying of a disease that doesn't affect them
or more correctly a disease that really shouldn't be killing them if they do get it. ?

Medics might die, but not in huge numbers, must be comforting for those currently working who despite this being broadcast around the world since late jan, still do not have enough PPE that they urgently need..almost 3 months later for a health emergency forecast by many...bad prep ?..or a lack of concern

A quote from the above link, that shouldn't leaves ANY of us satisifed that we have all this in hand,

I’m losing faith in the leadership, medical as well as political. It doesn’t look like there’s a plan. We had weeks to prepare and we are still running out of PPE. And clearly, doctors are expendable. Why sacrifice us when there aren’t enough of us as it is? How many of us will still be able to work when the “right time” finally arrives? They are throwing us into the slaughterhouse. This is what they are doing.

How can I sleep? I feel sick. They are making it impossible for me to do my job. I’m in shock. I feel betrayed. Who is going to look after our patients if we are ill or dead?

and as to those the younger victims, ?
possibly, disproportionately spending more time together during this as part of their 'tribe'

Not neither, so lets just leave them to increase their numbers before WE do anything about it
or perhaps start warning them more forcibly, this might not just pass them by..

decisions, decisions.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
And as do I have both diabetes and high blood pressure and now I know the facts I will step up my precautions. I would prefer to know I am at risk and take the extra precautions than not know.
well technically you don't have diabetes i might have said..pre..means before, unless your status is wrong
and it might be you are also suffering from that latest fad..panicking over Flu..***, get a grip...:rolleyes:

as so many seem to think, don't panic, stay calm, whistle louder. :happy:

You ARE so right to take actions,
but it's the blasé way so many are looking at the data and saying, it's all going to be ok, boris is on the case,
i've taken action...we are all good.

reality check.
we ARE infected on this island of our, the virus IS here, we can not eradicate, contain or affect it in ANY way near sufficiently enough, if it's done piecemeal, it's a UNITED effort, or else it's a waste of time.

Stay well
Stay healthy

best wishes looking after yourself,
we are all going need them over the coming weeks.

The rest of Europe is decontaminating to prevent the worst case scenario and so they can get back to a level of recovery and normality as quickly as is possible. anyone convinced we are ?


Slight overreaction to @overlander 's contribution, in my opinion. Nothing wrong with rationally sharing what one believes to be the truth. Facts can obviously be disputed, but there's no need to put words in someone's mouth just because you don't appreciate their message.

Just sayin'
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
religious extremism
The BMJ are also.concerned about ACEs and ARBs in no need like lisinipril.
Just off the phone to my doctor. THEIR latest scientific information is that ACEs are not to blame for the high numbers of deaths we see in hypertension sufferers (those who took meds that are ACEs) e.g. in Italy.
(ACEs and ARBs are also found in some diabetes medications but not Metformin I think.)
The deaths are caused by smoking, age and those that are respiratory challenged. If the scientists do find a definite link in the future then they inform their respective government's who in turn will let our doctors know and cascade it down to us.
So, keep taking our meds.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Slight overreaction to @overlander 's contribution, in my opinion. Nothing wrong with rationally sharing what one believes to be the truth. Facts can obviously be disputed, but there's no need to put words in someone's mouth just because you don't appreciate their message.

Just sayin'
fair point jim

wasn't meant to come across as that.
apologies @overlander

Things just very fraught here.
missus stressed to high heaven, like many forced to continue working
Despite London being the epicentre of the uk's outbreak, weeks ahead of the rest of the country so they say
Little or no real action taken or decisions made.

Thanks for the post.
stay well.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Those in good control, or who are pre-diabetics, are still people with wonky blood sugar control.

When we get ill, and our blood sugars rise in response, some can adjust their foods and meds to get control back. For some of us its not so easy. Control for some is difficult even under the best circumstances, and a daily struggle.

If we end up very ill, diet control goes out the window if we end up in hospital, or too ill to feed ourselves our choices, or our blood sugars react and get a lot higher.

This is why we are at more risk. Its what can happen to our control and blood sugars. We are still diabetic at the end of the day.


I hope they have medals ready for the ones who have retired, of the doctor and nurse professions, who come out of retirement to help cope with peak virus.

If what overlander said is true, these characters will be unselfishly putting their lives on the line.
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Well-Known Member
I am a 69 year old diabetic, on blood pressure tablets and cholesterol tablets, I have just had a cold, and still got a blocked nose and slight cough, so not coronavirus, but although I get good readings some days, other days I get a mixture of highs and lows, especially if I get a cold, so how much would I suffer, if for some reason I got coronavirus,


It is a beautiful day in Cumbria, the next house is c.100 yds away and we are surrounded by fields. The migrant birds are coming back and the hedgerows are showing green.

My wife's friend came up at lunch time, she lives in the same hamlet.
They spent some time talking in the front garden, my wife's on sticks after a hip replacement 4 weeks ago, so I took out her special high stool to sit on. Her friend had brought up some paracetomol and the local paper my wife wanted.

I joked with them that they could stand closer than the four meters they appeared to be apart.

It's hard to believe amidst all this beauty so much hardship is taken place.

We are very fortunate, two members of the local Methodist church have promised to bring us groceries, because they have care groups for the isolated, and those at risk.

I feel for those less well off and I keep reminding myself, one should give money to the food banks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And as do I have both diabetes and high blood pressure and now I know the facts I will step up my precautions. I would prefer to know I am at risk and take the extra precautions than not know.
Sorry I reacted so badly earlier. My nerves are on edge right now having been in contact with someone who had contact with someone with the virus. If they had bothered to tell me then I wouldn't have put myself at risk by shopping for an elderly person. I never got my own shopping done as I am now self isolating.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I forgot that I receive regular updates for physicians so going through them this morning.

This was interesting...

Other significant findings included an average time from illness onset to hospital discharge of 22 days and 18.5 days for death. Of concern was the long average period of virus shedding of 20 days (range = 8 to 37 days) found in these patients.
It sounds like the virus takes about three weeks to run its course. Am I reading that right?

Here's the link...