Covid vaccine halted in other countries


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Hi @AndGydragon,

Here is a link to an article which has some information on this, unfortunately it's in German -- maybe Google translate can help.

Seems that they suspect some interaction with the birth-control pill.
This make sense as the birth control pill can cause blood clots in a few women anyway, so the combination of the jab and the pill may well tip things over the edge. So if anyone knows they already have sticky blood it may be best not to have the jab, or to switch to another type of contraceptive.
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
To look at things from a slightly different perspective, the PIL that comes with the Ibuprofen that we have in our medicine stash at home states that 1 in 10,000 people may suffer liver damage from taking it. That extrapolates out to 100 people per million.

In contrast, approximately 17million doses of the AZ vaccine have been administered and there are around 40 cases of blood clots recorded. So that's less than 3 cases per million even if cause and effect was established.


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Does anyone know what the usual brain clot rate is in the general public anyway, before the vaccine?


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Both MrSD and I have had the AZ vaccine with some minor side effects.........We have had clots in the past and MrSD had a stroke a couple of years ago but we decided to go with whatever one was offered as the risks of dying from Covid or suffering long lasting health problems after is greater than those posed by the jab.........roll on 22nd April when we get the 2nd..........we may be old but are not ready to kick the bucket just yet.


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Does anyone know what the usual brain clot rate is in the general public anyway, before the vaccine?

Based on the information I've had, the rate is approximately the same for the time being. The concern is, however, that these brain blood clots have occurred in such a short period of time. So, once we take into account that these brain blood clots have occurred in approximately a month's time, the rate seems to be elevated by a factor of 7.

The reason that rates seem to be more elevated in Germany, as compared to Britain, might also be due to the fact that in Germany primarily young people (among these women between the ages of 20 to 50, which seem to be the primary risk group) were vaccinated with AZ (due to the fact that until recently it was only approved for those under the age of 65 in the EU) while in Britain it was primarily older people who have received the vaccine (and therefore fewer women in the relevant age range).

Also based on what I have heard/read in the news, the mechanisms seems to be an autoimmune attack on the platelets in the blood, leading on the one hand to clotting, especially in the brain, and on the other hand to increased bleeding due to fewer platelets in the blood. This is also why they think that blood thinners might not work.


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Got to agree with this, Italy / EU stopped a shipment of AZ vaccine to Australia, I hope Italy remembers this next time they have a disaster happen and Australia is very slow to supply urgent aid like they did last there was a major earthquake there.

Australia is supplying poorer countries in the pacific region with the vaccines, this reason they are buying more that we need for local consumption.

As to exports of various COVID vaccines, here are some numbers just to provide some perspective:

The EU has exported 34 million doses of vaccines so far while only having used 30 million doses so far. The exports halted so far, as you rightly say, where 250,000 doses of AZ destined to Australia from Italy (so less than 1 percent). At the same time, AZ will only deliver 30 million doses until the end of March and not the 90 million doses promised and they cite as a reason export restrictions from places outside the EU.

Also, President Biden hasn't rescinded the order by President Trump, which essentially prohibits the export of any vaccine produced in the U.S. essentially leading to zero vaccine exports from the U.S..

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had the pfizer one, no issues at all.

do understand the worry over AZ, but I'd have that,
preferable to the risk of covid, for me.

maybe of interest BBC today
Vaccine side effects: My experience of them and what they mean

and one for the more mature of us..
"The older you are, the less the side effects - the over-70s have almost no side effects."


similar post earlier


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do understand the worry over AZ,
It's a big sendup as far as I can see, there have been 17 million plus doses of AstraZenca vaccine administered injected in to people against 37 cases of blood clots reported. Pretty good odds, and they are good enough for me to have the AZ vax this month or early April.
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Mike d

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idiots who will not learn
It's an administrative joke from where we sit, much of it political.
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Has anyone experienced low blood sugars after the Covid vaccine like this doctor did?



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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
I suppose it’s all down as everything in life to numbers , let’s face it everything with COVID is down to numbers , how we are put into lockdown , when we’re in when we’re out of lockdown all numbers , number of deaths numbers of cases ! I’ve had the AZ vaccine as I’ve said before didnT really want it but if I’m to lead any sort of normal life after the lockdown I have to have it , I do look at numbers and to be honest the chance of me having a clot due to the vaccine is probably about if not less than me having one anyway, the number of people with reported clots is very small and even they aren’t proven to be caused by the vaccine , why we are scared by small numbers ( number of blood clots caused by vaccine) and disregard high numbers ( 11,000 people dying of flu every year oh and btw it was nearly 50,000 in the winter of 2017 ) , life is a risk every time you cross the road we take a risk we just need to keep perspective a bit . As always this is how I feel , I totatally appreciate peoples concerns .


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Has anyone experienced low blood sugars after the Covid vaccine like this doctor did?

Yes I did for a few day,s having the second jab soon and have heard the second jab makes you feel worse so time will tell, I had the phizer jap