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Hi everyone just wondering is there any type 1s who did not have the vaccine r who would not take it at all.


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Hello @Bridie9408 Are you asking because you don't want it ?

I have already taken it, personally I am keen for life to resume to some sort of normal again, so the more of us who can get the vaccine the better, I see it as a moral duty towards others, not just myself.


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I'm so lucky to be in New Zealand. I'll be taking the vaccine the moment I'm offered it. (Later this year?)
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Hello @Bridie9408 Are you asking because you don't want it ?

I have already taken it, personally I am keen for life to resume to some sort of normal again, so the more of us who can get the vaccine the better, I see it as a moral duty towards others, not just myself.
I have not had vaccine yet because I have a cold and sore throat and was told to leave it and I will be contacted by my GP surgery in few weeks. The longer I wait I am listening to other people who have doubts about taking it and I am having second thoughts. That is why I asked if any type 1s have not taken vaccine r will never take it.


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Hi @Bridie9408 in this current climate you have to weigh up the risks for a t1 against getting COVID vs taking a vaccine, I haven’t come across any t1’s refusing it, everyone I know has been anxiously waiting for their jab, personally my anxiety lessened once I’d had mine knowing I stood a better chance with the virus once I’d had it, you need to discuss your fears with your GP as no one else is better placed to give you guidance on this. I feel the hype around the Zeneca jab and blood clots is so over played as you only have to look at France and their battle with wave 3 to see that their scare mongering has had such a detrimental effect on their ability to manage the virus. It really is a no brainer.
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The longer I wait I am listening to other people who have doubts about taking it and I am having second thoughts.

Whilst not a T1 I'm in a very similar position.
I decided to wait for as long as possible as we currently have no idea of the long term effects of what is still an experimental treatment.
The entire population has been "encouraged" into a phase 3 clinical trial without really being informed of the possible risks.
The official trials of this treatment don't end until 2023. Anyone claiming it is "safe" or "effective"is at best guessing and at worst lying. As yet we simply don't know.
I sincerely doubt that any GP will inform their patient that they are taking part in a population wide trial even though "informed consent" means that they should.
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The thing is Covid is a serious disease and still a new disease about which we have a lot to learn. I tend to home in more on people with long term damage after survival than the chances of dying from it. I think if you don’t have personal experience of this or know anyone affected by this it is easy to be dubious about the vaccine. I have two friends who were badly affected, one died at 70 after contracting it in hospital last June. The other a fit woman in her 50s, non smoker, non drinker, no underlying conditions has ended up with so many blood clots on her lungs that she will never fully recover. Three months later she is unable to walk the length of her garden.
I personally salute the scientists who worked day and night to find a solution to stopping this epidemic in its tracks and have been hugely grateful and privileged to have received the first dose the vaccine. Thats just me.


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I knew that trials hadn't yet been completed. I am happy to have been a guinea pig.

I think it's only fair that those who have been vaccinated get a passport to give them more freedoms than those who aren't so public spirited. There should be an exemption passport too for those who genuinely can't have the vaccine for medical reasons.

It's true that we don't know how safe the vaccine is, but we never will if people don't have it. We do know how unsafe covid19 is. A year on my BGs have still not recovered.


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You get an info sheet when you have the vaccine. People are also encouraged to report any side effects using the yellow card scheme (as with any medical treatment).

If I worked in an office based job which was still being told to work from home if possible then I might have waited a little (or tried harder to get my preferred vaccine). As I have not had that luxury and work in contact with hundreds of different people a day I took what was offered when it was offered.

By the time I'd been offered my first vaccine millions had had theirs. This isn't like other medications in that so much more money has been offered to trials accross the world. A big factor in slowing down trials is usually applying for funding, which didn't apply this time, so wasn't able to delay these vaccines like it delays other trials. The fact that so many people from different ages and backgrounds are having these vaccines accross the world has increased numbers beyond those which would be included in other trials. I did a lot of reading of research papers which many might not wish to. It now means I feel more protected when I go into work, which I have no choice about, so was an easy decision for me. The effects of the virus would cause more negative impact on my day to day life so I chose to have the vaccine.


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I knew that trials hadn't yet been completed. I am happy to have been a guinea pig.

I think it's only fair that those who have been vaccinated get a passport to give them more freedoms than those who aren't so public spirited. There should be an exemption passport too for those who genuinely can't have the vaccine for medical reasons.

It's true that we don't know how safe the vaccine is, but we never will if people don't have it. We do know how unsafe covid19 is. A year on my BGs have still not recovered.
I have had an AZ vaccine and I am eagerly awaiting the second dose. I have reservations about Covid certificates however. If you have medical reasons for not having the vaccine it doesn't make you safe, so logically there shouldn't be an exemption, which would be grossly unfair. Also with the government's track record, the whole thing is likely to be an expensive failure. Of course if Serco or Deloitte need more money......


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Whilst I’m very pro jab I am very anti passports, there are a few people in my extended family including my son who can’t have the jab for medical reasons, it sets up a two tier society and reminds me very much of things that happened to people who didn’t “fit” a certain persons idea of a ideal human over 70 years ago. If this comes in my son will lose what little quality of life he has now


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Hi everyone,

A post has been deleted from this thread for Off Topic bickering.

Please consider the original post in this thread, and ensure that your post is relevant.
@Bridie9408 specifically asked whether there were T1s who havenot had the vaccine and who won't in future, so debate about passports is off topic, and accusations and judgements about other viewpoints are not in the spirit of the forum ethos.

Anyone is welcome to start a new thread discussing vaccine passports in the General Chat section of the forum, if they wish.


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I was very happy to have my first jab and will definitely take my second (due in 4 weeks time). My personal assessment is that possible risks of having the vaccine are easily outweighed by the potential outcomes of contracting severe Covid. From what I understand, pretty much all vaccines currently used around the world have reasonable to very good efficacy at preventing severe Covid cases/hospitalisation in elderly and adult populations.

But what won't be clear until further analysis over some time (years?) is how effective these are at preventing transmission (especially if a "silent" carrier or juveniles), plus how long they boost the required antibodies. This is also complicated by the as yet unknown mutation behaviour of the Covid virus. So it will be some time before we know if this is a once on a lifetime vaccination, once every 10 years (like my rabies vac) or an every year event like 'flu vac which mutates rapidly plus with different strains prevalent in different parts of the world.

Unfortunately @lovinglife I fear that the impact of this pandemic will increase stratification in society both health wise and economically. I'm a life long expat, so I welcome the idea of vaccine passports for international travel (not really different from the smallpox vacs certs I needed as a child to travel from New York to Ireland and the current yellow fever certs for South America and Africa?). But I would hope that a domestic exemption passport/certificate would allow your son to resume his life (albeit with good precautions as he will still have full vulnerability to Covid).
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I decided to have one but this was because my family made me feel like i really should as a type 1 aged 49.
I think ethically the decision to take a vaccine must be on an individual cost/benefit analysis based on your age and other risk factors such as diabetes status, gender (males more at risk) and any other co morbidities. If you feel that you are at more risk of serious illness or death than you can tolerate then have the jab being mindful that there are likely to be some side effects albeit the serious ones are most likely rarer than the issues of being infected with covid.
I very much hope that nobody gets this simply because they have been coerced into it for fear of not being able to live their lives. After all if the more vulnerable are protected from serious illness and covid is endemic it is up to the individual to decide if they want to acquire natural or pharmaceutical immunity.
As a reminder the WHO published the Ionaidis paper in December esitmating the infection fatality rate to be 0.23% across the whole population. Diabetes type 1 is a 3x risk multiplier so still very low.
Personally I will not use a business that requires me to show my 'freedom' pass for this very reason! It is unethical.
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I decided to have one but this was because my family made me feel like i really should as a type 1 aged 49.
I think ethically the decision to take a vaccine must be on an individual cost/benefit analysis based on your age and other risk factors such as diabetes status, gender (males more at risk) and any other co morbidities. If you feel that you are at more risk of serious illness or death than you can tolerate then have the jab being mindful that there are likely to be some side effects albeit the serious ones are most likely rarer than the issues of being infected with covid.
I very much hope that nobody gets this simply because they have been coerced into it for fear of not being able to live their lives. After all if the more vulnerable are protected from serious illness and covid is endemic it is up to the individual to decide if they want to acquire natural or pharmaceutical immunity.
As a reminder the WHO published the Ionaidis paper in December esitmating the infection fatality rate to be 0.23% across the whole population. Diabetes type 1 is a 3x risk multiplier so still very low.
Personally I will not use a business that requires me to show my 'freedom' pass for this very reason! It is unethical.
Unfortunately I can only agree with 50% of your logic - 100% agree that ideally every individual should be able to make an accurate informed opinion re their personal risk factors and subsequent pros/cons of their own individual vulnerability to serious covid infection and subsequently whether to take the vaccine and carry proof of this.

But this doesn't take into account your personal impact on society at large. What is unethical about being able to reassure family, schools, employers, customers, and any contacts, etc that you have good immunisation status?


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I decided to have one but this was because my family made me feel like i really should as a type 1 aged 49.
I think ethically the decision to take a vaccine must be on an individual cost/benefit analysis based on your age and other risk factors such as diabetes status, gender (males more at risk) and any other co morbidities. If you feel that you are at more risk of serious illness or death than you can tolerate then have the jab being mindful that there are likely to be some side effects albeit the serious ones are most likely rarer than the issues of being infected with covid.
I very much hope that nobody gets this simply because they have been coerced into it for fear of not being able to live their lives. After all if the more vulnerable are protected from serious illness and covid is endemic it is up to the individual to decide if they want to acquire natural or pharmaceutical immunity.
As a reminder the WHO published the Ionaidis paper in December esitmating the infection fatality rate to be 0.23% across the whole population. Diabetes type 1 is a 3x risk multiplier so still very low.
Personally I will not use a business that requires me to show my 'freedom' pass for this very reason! It is unethical.
As of 6th April, the UK fatality rate is actually 2.9%. Though that isn't really what people should be thinking about. The effects of Covid-19 on 'survivors' (I won't say they've 'recovered' because there's a huge difference between surviving covid and recovering from it!) is immense. Apart from the permanent heart damage, the permanent lung damage, the strokes, the neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination and the neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function that many survivors are left with, there's also long Covid to consider. It's estimated that 1 in 5 of those infected will suffer from the symptoms of long Covid. That's a lot of chronically ill people.
I don't have diabetes (maybe), but I do have another chronic illness that makes me immunocompromised so I've had my first jab. I wouldn't have wanted to be among the first few hundred thousand but by the time I had it many millions of others had come through the jab unscathed. Side effects are minimal and serious side effects are even more so. It's on a par, if not better, than many other medications we take on a regularbasis. I'd like to be able to live a normal life one day, relatively soon, so the quicker everyone who CAN have is, DOES have it, the better!


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All. Another reminder of the subject of this thread - T1s who havenot had the vaccine and who won't in future.

As @Brunneria said above, debate about passports and/or survival rates is off topic, and accusations and judgements about other viewpoints are not in the spirit of the forum ethos.

Any further derailing posts will be deleted.


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As of 6th April, the UK fatality rate is actually 2.9%. Though that isn't really what people should be thinking about. The effects of Covid-19 on 'survivors' (I won't say they've 'recovered' because there's a huge difference between surviving covid and recovering from it!) is immense. Apart from the permanent heart damage, the permanent lung damage, the strokes, the neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination and the neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function that many survivors are left with, there's also long Covid to consider. It's estimated that 1 in 5 of those infected will suffer from the symptoms of long Covid. That's a lot of chronically ill people.
I don't have diabetes (maybe), but I do have another chronic illness that makes me immunocompromised so I've had my first jab. I wouldn't have wanted to be among the first few hundred thousand but by the time I had it many millions of others had come through the jab unscathed. Side effects are minimal and serious side effects are even more so. It's on a par, if not better, than many other medications we take on a regularbasis. I'd like to be able to live a normal life one day, relatively soon, so the quicker everyone who CAN have is, DOES have it, the better!
Just wondered where you got 2.9% from as a fatality rate?