

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
My last two HbA1c readings were 38 and 37 and at my recent review my DSN never mentioned the words 'cured' or 'remission' only 'well controlled' which is how I prefer to look at it. I know if I were to eat a wonderful Waitrose jam doughnut from their bakery counter then my BG reading would very quickly hit double figures and I'd be struggling to keep awake. I know this to be the case as I did this once a few months ago. I slept for nearly three hours and was still in double figures when I finally woke. And that's why I'm happy with 'well controlled' as that accurately describes where I am.
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this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
My last two HbA1c readings were 38 and 37 and at my recent review my DSN never mentioned the words 'cured' or 'remission' only 'well controlled' which is how I prefer to look at it. I know if I were to eat a wonderful Waitrose jam doughnut from their bakery counter then my BG reading would very quickly hit double figures and I'd be struggling to keep awake. I know this to be the case as I did this once a few months ago. I slept for nearly three hours and was still in double figures when I finally woke. And that's why I'm happy with 'well controlled' as that accurately describes where I am.
Me too.
I know I am not cured. But feel I am doing well
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Mark James

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
not eating food, or drinking
Well done on your results, my results are very much like yours in December i had a fasting bg of 10.4 i was tested again in jan and it was 6.8 in May it was 5.8 with a hba1c of 34 the doctors want to stop my test strips because they cannot give a definite diagnosis of diabetes if only i was cured as they suggest, mind you my bg does drop lower after eating, e.g 5.2 pre meal and 4.8 2 hours after, strange thing this diabetes
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
i have to agree im afraid, i love what i eat now and definately feel better and look better, but would i like to eat my own body weight in chinese food? hell yes!
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this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done on your results, my results are very much like yours in December i had a fasting bg of 10.4 i was tested again in jan and it was 6.8 in May it was 5.8 with a hba1c of 34 the doctors want to stop my test strips because they cannot give a definite diagnosis of diabetes if only i was cured as they suggest, mind you my bg does drop lower after eating, e.g 5.2 pre meal and 4.8 2 hours after, strange thing this diabetes
Have you had any HbA1c tests?

cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done. I suppose I am looking on this the same way as my mum describes her relationship with cigarettes...she calls herself a smoker who doesn't currently smoke and I think that even if I get my figures down to non- diabetic levels and lose weight, I'll always be a diabetic who isn't diabetic for now.
I think I miss not having to think about my diet so much more than the actual food- we went out today and were late back and in the past we'd have just stopped for a meal or got fish and chips but tonight I had to start cooking the veg I'd prepped this morning. I guess kicking out once in a while wouldn't hurt, but I'm afraid that it would be all too easy for one off day to become two and so on..
I'm trying to imagine a World Cup free World Cup ;-)
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this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done. I suppose I am looking on this the same way as my mum describes her relationship with cigarettes...she calls herself a smoker who doesn't currently smoke and I think that even if I get my figures down to non- diabetic levels and lose weight, I'll always be a diabetic who isn't diabetic for now.
I think I miss not having to think about my diet so much more than the actual food- we went out today and were late back and in the past we'd have just stopped for a meal or got fish and chips but tonight I had to start cooking the veg I'd prepped this morning. I guess kicking out once in a while wouldn't hurt, but I'm afraid that it would be all too easy for one off day to become two and so on..
I'm trying to imagine a World Cup free World Cup ;-)
I also do not currently smoke.
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this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done. I suppose I am looking on this the same way as my mum describes her relationship with cigarettes...she calls herself a smoker who doesn't currently smoke and I think that even if I get my figures down to non- diabetic levels and lose weight, I'll always be a diabetic who isn't diabetic for now.
I think I miss not having to think about my diet so much more than the actual food- we went out today and were late back and in the past we'd have just stopped for a meal or got fish and chips but tonight I had to start cooking the veg I'd prepped this morning. I guess kicking out once in a while wouldn't hurt, but I'm afraid that it would be all too easy for one off day to become two and so on..
I'm trying to imagine a World Cup free World Cup ;-)
I am trying to imagine a football free forever.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ignorant people, diabetes!
Hmmmm I don't smoke anymore, but I AM a diabetic. Football is the way forward.
We all follow the West Ham over land and sea, we all follow the West Ham ON TO VICTORY all together now........
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
I just had my 4th HbA1c. It has dropped from 67 to 38 in under 4 months. He said that by their testing standards I am not diabetic and seem to be cured.
I will continue with my new eating style as I know that is what gives me the low result.
Congrats! All the hard work has paid off, :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Unfriendly and bigotted persons; i.e. persons who do not have an open or enquiring mind - but all within reason - persons may have a reason to appear as such - we will never know their backgrounds or where they come from ...
Way to go! - And good to see your attitude about being so-called "cured" ... - I too prefer the word "well-controlled" ...

On one occasion when - on seeing my numbers - my doctor happily proclaimed me to be 'cured' , I couldn't help myself in saying, 'But I am only one meal away from being very diabetic ...'

Oh, sometimes the ignorance of doctors ...

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Mark James

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
not eating food, or drinking
Have you had any HbA1c tests?
Yes my Hba1c was 5.4 so in the normal range when i told the doctor i wanted it lower he said there was no need as i am doing well and they could not give an accurate dx on my condition because i have only had one high reading, morning readings are the worst for me anywhere between 5.7 and 6.7 and stay that way for a couple of hours after that they drop to mid 5s and in the afternoon and evening around 4.5 to 5.5 same as prebed. i try to adopt a lchf policy but i dont exercise as much as i would like perhaps only running twice a week. message to myself i must do better



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Yes my Hba1c was 5.4 so in the normal range when i told the doctor i wanted it lower he said there was no need as i am doing well and they could not give an accurate dx on my condition because i have only had one high reading, morning readings are the worst for me anywhere between 5.7 and 6.7 and stay that way for a couple of hours after that they drop to mid 5s and in the afternoon and evening around 4.5 to 5.5 same as prebed. i try to adopt a lchf policy but i dont exercise as much as i would like perhaps only running twice a week. message to myself i must do better

Modern life is busy and sometimes it's not possible to fit it all in. I deliberately buy too little milk then avoid the local shop and walk to the one 30 mins away. Not always possible! Don't beat yourself up!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hmmmm I don't smoke anymore, but I AM a diabetic. Football is the way forward.
We all follow the West Ham over land and sea, we all follow the West Ham ON TO VICTORY all together now........
I prefer it with the 'over land and sea....and Leicester' bit! And now that Leicester are back in the Premiership.....Yep football is definitely the way forward. I just wish I was going to the World Cup.