Desperate. Type1 daughter.


I'm mum. Maz. My daughter is type 1.

Please, I need help.... She's 18, diagnosed at 11, always run high, unstable, mismanaged whatever you want to call it.m

5 days ok, she went in to DKA THIS time bad.. Very bad... In ICU, on a ventilator , sedated, seizing, talk if brain damage, she won't wake... It's now day 5 of this... Only discovered she was seizing today.. But constant... Still 50/50 if she will pull through... If she does its how much brain damage.. Not like before when it was if... The numbers don't add up... On admission ketones of 3.2, blood sugars 16... Why ? Why has this happened ?? Last 7 years we have struggled to get her numbers lower.. Always run high, or in the teens or twenties... Insulin switched so many times... I'm at a loss... It's surreal... This can't be real ?

My daughter...

Please.. I don't know what I'm asking for here... I want her home, whole, ..


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axle 222

Well-Known Member
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Not being able to do what I would like to be able to do
Have no answers,nothing.
But just want to say am thinking of you......


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Very sorry to hear about your daughter @Maz73

Ketones usually occur when bloods are running high.. does she manage everything herself or do you help with bg monitoring & medication?

Keeping my fingers crossed for you
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Very sorry to hear about your daughter @Maz73

Ketones usually occur when bloods are running high.. does she manage everything herself or do you help with bg monitoring & medication?

Keeping my fingers crossed for you
Aye, I know when ketones usually occur.. Forgive any thing I may say that offends as right now I can't think straight.

She won't let me help, she's had all the help that can be given, always I'm told she's in denial, it's attention seeking... But when you have a child that refuses to take her insulin and you cannot give it to her without her consent as its classed as assault, what can I do ? Everything g I can do over the years I have done... But once she turned 18 last year I was then constrained... She had to ask for the help from others ...m. She would tell me I'm 18 you can't stop me/ do anything... Over the last 7 years... On average she has been in hospital every 6 weeks for a stay of between 24 hours and 2 weeks because of her diabeties. We've had social sercpvices, family action, cahms, councillers, so many involved and yes there has been times she's let me do it for her... But before thus... She'd had a cough... Was unwell.... Her boyfriend who she was with for the night, did not see, did not recognise that she was dropping fast... She was unresponsive when found in the morning.. No response to pain, would not wake... She's been in DKA MORE TIMES than I care to think... But this is the worst...

It's been a battle the last few years...


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Don't have diabetes
I have no advice but just wanted to send strength and I pray your daughter is well soon. Big hugs to you.
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Tablets (oral)
Your words and photo of your daughter are heartbreaking. As a mum myself of a young adult daughter who has been very ill since birth and hosptialised many times (although with conditions unrelated to diabetes) I know something of your sense of concern, helplessness and fear. As others have said, you are in my thoughts too.

Can I suggest to the moderators that this post is moved to the Type 1 section so that others with T1 can comment with their knowledge, support and wisdom?

Be strong and look after yourself so that you can support your daughter when she pulls through, as I pray she will


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thinking of you both and sending my love xx

I hope your daughter makes a good recovery and soon. I don't know what to say except to send you my love and sympathy.

Take care of yourself too and stay strong for your daughter

All my love again XX
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Diet only
Like others, I have no answers but my love and thoughts go out to you; you know that you have done everything you possibly can. I hope & pray for you that given time for healing your daughter will come through this.
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Holding you and your daughter in the Light.

I know the helplessness you are experiencing. My daughter has two different chronic illnesses (not diabetes). Fortunately, she is medically compliant. But chronically ill kids tend to engage in more dangerous activity - so we have struggled with extremely dangerous behavior - do we keeping her as safe at home as we can (tolerating behavior we would not normally tolerate) or tell her to grow up and toss her out on her keister if she doesn't (knowing that that act cuts of any control we still have over her medical care)? There is nothing more heartbreaking than watching your beloved child self-destruct (or be unable to pull herself up and live her life).


Thank you all for your replies... I'm sorry... I'm at a loss for words as I feel like I'm sinking rapidly... I want her home.. To open her eyes... This feeling ... It's's surreal...


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Tablets (oral)
Thank you all for your replies... I'm sorry... I'm at a loss for words as I feel like I'm sinking rapidly... I want her home.. To open her eyes... This feeling ... It's's surreal...

This is temporary and it will pass. In the meantime, stay strong - for yourself and for your daughter. And remember you are loved and that people here care about you and your daughter
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I'm a single mum of 4... No family no close friends. My 14 yr old is autistic, I recently lost my driving licence . I was relying on a friend to give my lifts to and from the hospital. This evening... I opened my mouth without thinking after the events of today and spoke my mind about a situation... I lost that friend. My youngest is 12.

But my daughter is my priority. I know all my kids need me but I cannot split myself into several pieces much as I would like... I feel so overwhelmed... I desperately want my eldest to wake.. Which she doesn't when they decrease the sedation.. Her eyes open but are vacant... No life in them... It's killing me.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Give her time, Maz. The human body is stronger than we realise. keep,strong for her.

If you're having trouble getting to the hospital, have you asked them if there's any help you can get? I don't know how young your youngest child is but there may be support available if don't have the help you need at this very difficult time. It's worth asking.
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Maybe give your friend a call and explain how stressed you are and maybe they will understand.. Hope things get better soon for you and ur daughter xx
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hi Maz73, you are crying out for help, understanding and questions as to why your beautiful daughter is like this now, it is truly heartbreaking. The picture of your daughter has brought tears to my eyes, This must so traumatic for you and your heart must be breaking, I am so sorry.
Sending you my heartfelt good wishes, to your family and your daughter X
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Dear Maz, nobody who has read this can fail to be moved deeply. The pain is something no parent should ever feel. Azure is right, the body can rally when it seems all hope is lost, and you and your girl are in all of our thoughts. I'm positive that those who have faith will pray, and those who don't, will be sending all the positive vibes in the world. For a particular reason, I especially hold you in my thoughts this evening. We will be here for you, you are not alone now. There are also parents of autistic children here too xx
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Morning @Maz73, you have been in my thoughts throughout the night. How are things this morning ?
Take care X


Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello Maz, I read your post last night and couldn't find the words to respond, so sorry to see your daughter in this state, I hope she pulls through and that you also speak to your friend, I am sure they will understand, stay strong X
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Hi. I hope things turn out OK for your daughter. I wonder in the future whether her boyfriend could encourage her to do the right things now that he knows how serious DKA can be?
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