Diabetes and Disabled Badges...

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Disrespectful people

I find both your comments and attitude towards type 2's highly offensive and totally uncalled for!



Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Pheebs said:
I would never want help or advice from a Type 2. Ever.

Lets hope your not disappointed by a passing someone with T2 stopping to help you when your parked illegally on those double yellows searching for your bottle of lucozade whilst you struggle to get into the passenger seat eh! perish the thought :shock:


Well-Known Member
Tablets, Mums with pushchair who push in ,Bus and WC
T2 occurs when not enough insulin is produced by the body for it to function properly, or when the body’s cells do not react to insulin. This is called insulin resistance.Then not enough insulin is produced by the body for it to function properly,

You could develop Insulin Resistance , are your going to kick your self ?

Sports Man Diver HSE Medicial every year
Healthy diet Spot on BMI ? I was over 50
GP told me due to age, very common in men over 50 we may never know ?

Is it also my fault i had an accident ending up in a wheelchair and not born Like this :?:

Which box do you put 1.5 diabetic in :?:


Was this what you had in mind 8)
Drop my phone badge , Left the Iron on badge, Needed to text Badge,
T1 Only pull over and park anyplace badge, T1,Storm trooper badge
kick a T2 Day badge. Need to get rid of chip on shoulder (too many carbs) badge :)



Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Pheebs said:
Is type 2 not generally caused by lifestyle? In all of it's variations. I have someone close to me that is Type 2, and can honestly hand on heart say it was her fault she developed the disease. To me, that's appalling. That is something she could have avoided. It was only the other day I was talking to my Diabetic Nurse about this and she said "For the most part, Type 2 can be avoided." Her words, not mine! I accept there are instances where it's hereditary. However, it does frustrate me that someone can willingly put themselves in that position. I didn't choose to be this way. And although you may have hypos too and are at risk of similar complications, I don't have any sympathy for it.

Did you not say the following in your first post on this forum...
"Over the years, what has frustrated me most (second to having the disease) is the way people assume all Diabetics are the same, that we have all caused ourselves to be this way through lack of exercise and overeating. It couldn't be further from the truth for most of us."
That is how a lot of us type 2s feel.....I am somewhat confused now!!!


Type 2's who have caused themselves to have the disease (Not sorry), Pop/Dance/RnB/Disrespect/Fish
No sympathy for Type 2's who have brought it on themselves badge, yes definitely. As I said before, I know there are exceptions. Maybe I should change my written opinion to Dislikes: Type 2's who have brought it on themselves. And Angie, yes I did write that, meaning that people assume us Type 1's are like the Type 2's who are overweight, who have been lazy and caused themselves to have the disease.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.
Seen these before?


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Pheebs said:
No sympathy for Type 2's who have brought it on themselves badge, yes definitely. As I said before, I know there are exceptions. Maybe I should change my written opinion to Dislikes: Type 2's who have brought it on themselves. And Angie, yes I did write that, meaning that people assume us Type 1's are like the Type 2's who are overweight, who have been lazy and caused themselves to have the disease.

That is a better sounding comment.
We all know some folks don't help themselves with certain conditions but that doesn't mean we can be spiteful and hurtful towards everyone that has that particular condition....that would be discrimination. There is right and wrong, good and bad in everything and everybody. Learning to differentiate and respect according is part of life.
Please don't pick on us 'genetic' type 2s who are fed up of being labelled as you are yourself. We are all in this together, let's all help each other regardless of our labels.


Well-Known Member
if you say type 2 is caused by lifesyle then why are there type2 diabetics are thin and healthy and there overweight people who take little or no excercise and still are not diabetic.
not all type 2 are overweight and not all overweight people are diabetic can you explain this.
there is a theory that being overweight is actaully a symptom of type rather the cause, and its contribted to insulin resistance.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.
louiseb said:
daisy1 said:
Seen these before?

sorry what is that supposed to mean im confused

Wouldn't call anyone that.... :wink: (PM me if you want to know the word)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.

I am quite honestly exasperated over the T2 and T! etc diabetes. For me perosnally, and it is only my opinion....I actually think that type 2's have a pretty worse time than us type 1 diabetics. For one, they cannot alter their doses of insulin etc to have hugely varying types of carbs as I did at Christmas....they as far as I see have a much tougher time than us type 1's.......I actually prefer that as I have diabetes, that I have a diabetes type 1 that allows me to eat as much or as little as I like, when I like. If I decide to have a huge bar of chocloate (that I never do!!), then I could bolus extra without any significant rises in my levels. Type 2 as far as my perspective is, is far worse than our type 1 to manage.

To me, it doesn't matter what causes the disease, it is managing it. Personally, I think I used up my lifetime supply of insulin in the first 20 years of my life as I was such a chocoholic, but I don't blame myself or others, as it is just life, fullstop. Yes, many of us could do more exercise etc to avoid disease, but the same applies to non diabetics, ie looking after ourselves to avoid heart disease etc....

I personally think that if anybody who has any 'type' of diabetes needs help and support from others it is actually type 2's, because their regimes are not so flexible as ours.

You can be recognised as having type 1 i.e from injecting, from hypo's etc...type 2's haven't. Like people that also have 'hidden' diseases such as fibromyalgia (me!!)-people think you look good, but you feel cr*p, and because people think you look ok, they expect you to be okay....and I think the same applies to type 2 persons, you don't see them inject, hypo's etc so how would you know they are type 2 unless they told you...you wouldn't...and yet you would not want help from people that literally have the same classified disease as you....just that you can't see it.

As a fellow type 1 to you, I am appalled by such an attitude toward an other human being. All of us whether diabetic or not will have some disease before the end of our lives, otherwise we wouldn't have death. Please do not judge others, as some day somebody very close to you will have type 2 or another disease and you will be making bad judgements upon them.


Type 2's who have caused themselves to have the disease (Not sorry), Pop/Dance/RnB/Disrespect/Fish
Wholeheartedly disagree, my opinion. I appreciate you too have one, and I respect that. I just don't and probably will never agree with what you are saying.


Well-Known Member
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Football. Bad manners.
Everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions.

There were some people in Germany about 70 years ago, who had similar opinions on a different subject. Or in Rwanda, more recently, on yet another subject. Or in Northern Ireland. There's a very thin line between 'dislike' and 'prejudice'.

And most of it is purely down to ignorance and misunderstanding.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Are you so judgemental about everybody in life??

Do you believe for example that those poor babies born so many years ago with limb deformities deserved it because their mothers were prescriber thalidomide??

Do you believe that some people deserve to be absued in life because they are different with having learning disabilities etc?

Can you not just accept that ALL human beings are equal and that we ALL deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at all times, no matter who or what we are?


Type 2's who have caused themselves to have the disease (Not sorry), Pop/Dance/RnB/Disrespect/Fish
Does a rapist or paedophile deserve to treated with such compassion? No. Not all humans are equal. I'm not talking about equality and comparing me to a fascist and instigator of a holocaust is **** right disgusting! I'm not suggesting people should die, I'm not suggesting they have no right to life or right to be treated fairly. I am saying I have no sympathy with someone who has caused themselves to have a life threatening illness! I'm not suggesting EVERY Type 2 has done this. You people are taking things to the most ridiculous extreme, it is my opinion and one that I have very strong views on. I think perhaps you should read up more on your history if you're going to make comparisons as strong as that. And as for the people born with abnormal limbs, my father's best friend suffers with the limb deformality you talk of and no, it isn't her fault nor was it her mother's fault. I honestly can't believe some of these comparisons. Maybe I have shocked some of you Type 2's with my opinions, and although arguably you have completely valid points in that not all of you have brought it on yourself, but there is a vast majority that have!


Well-Known Member
viviennem said:
Everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions.

There were some people in Germany about 70 years ago, who had similar opinions on a different subject. Or in Rwanda, more recently, on yet another subject. Or in Northern Ireland. There's a very thin line between 'dislike' and 'prejudice'.

And most of it is purely down to ignorance and misunderstanding.


this is going way off topic now and please dont bring northern ireland into this as I find it offensive :evil:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Pheebs said:
comparing me to a fascist and instigator of a holocaust is **** right disgusting."

Why? Hitler didn't like some people because they had dark hair or came from the wrong place....labels again!!

"I honestly can't believe some of these comparisons. Maybe I have shocked some of you Type 2's with my opinions, and although arguably you have completely valid points in that not all of you have brought it on yourself, but there is a vast majority that have!

Vast majority....got statistics to back that up?
And 'vast majority' still does not mean ALL of us and yes you have shocked us, no maybe shocked is not strickly true....disgusted and appalled would be better adjectives. This is the 21st century when all said and done.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Ok Folks......... :(

This has gone far enough. It's like a 'never ending story' and is now way off topic. There will be no end to this discussion and it is now degenerating into other spheres where we believe no one needs to go on a Diabetes forum.

Forum Ethos is this :

Do not be rude or offensive
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please try and go by the rule of only speaking to people here as you would on a face to face basis. Do not try and shock, upset or offend. Debate and discussion are fine, as are controversial opinions, but each individual should be treated with respect and tolerance. Remember, everyone is different in age, experience and the nature of their diabetes. Finding common ground and sharing help is the purpose of this forum.

And this from the Administrator :

The ethos of this forum is quite simply to help people with diabetes better understand, treat and manage their condition. This applies to all forms of diabetes, no matter the type, progression or severity. Through providing this forum as a free platform, Diabetes.co.uk offer a valid place for the diabetes community to share ideas, help each other and help themselves.

In the interests of Community harmony and to stop things getting worse we are locking this thread for now. It may or may not be re-opened in the near future. Anybody who has a problem with that then pm one or other of us.

sugarless sue & cugila
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