Diabetes and other conditions


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I was told just over a week ago that I am diabetic, currently waiting on more blood results then an appt with my GP so at the moment I’m not sure what type or how it’ll be managed. I’ve made a good start on reducing my carb and sugar intake but since doing so my IBS symptoms have returned with a vengeance.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I have had awful constipation, and now also really struggling with the pain of trapped wind and can only assume it is because of my diet change. I had gotten really good at managing my IBS with diet, but my usual ‘go to’ foods send my blood glucose high so I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and it’s really getting me down.

Does anyone else have diabetes and IBS? If so have you had the same problem and how do you manage it? My concern is that I wont be able to keep diabetes under control without constant abdominal discomfort. I get that not controlling the diabetes can lead to bigger problems, but I also dont want to be constantly in pain with IBS either :(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
What were your 'go to' foods for constipation? Are you on any medications where it's a side effect - a lot of BP meds are culprits because of the way they work.

I suspect with IBS - I don't know as I don't have it - that a sudden change in diet can make it flare. You could start by eliminating sugars and keeping the carbs the same, sugars being actual sugar added to drinks and used in cooking at home, manufactured foods with more than a smidge of sugar in the nutritional breakdown, and many fruits, especially bananas and mangos.

I do get constipated, have tended that way since my gall bladder was removed. Until I was on BP meds simply eating a high-ish fat diet did the trick. Now I take psyllium husk twice a day, and that's despite a diet with plenty of fibre and plenty of liquid during the day.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Again, I don't have IBS but I do have a hereditary polyp condition which make my bowel movements tend to overshoot in both directions.
I find that Chia seed (soaked in water or milk/yogurt) helps for both conditions.

I know there have been several members on Low Carb/Keto who's IBS has improved or even vanished due to their diets. I just can't remember their ids at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I use inulin powder from H&B or water with lemon juice first thing and it keeps me going
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I suffer with IBS, mine is predominantly with diarrhoea. My A1c came back at 44 mmol in early June and I’ve since been following a low carb high fat diet. The result for me has been the opposite to you in that I have had no flare ups in the time since changing to this diet, just some bloating and wind on occasions.
I wonder if the difference the diet change is having on our IBS is because of the difference in symptoms we generally have or if it’s very much an individual thing? Other more knowledgeable than myself may have a better insight.

I hope your IBS symptoms clear up soon. It’s miserable for you x


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I was told just over a week ago that I am diabetic, currently waiting on more blood results then an appt with my GP so at the moment I’m not sure what type or how it’ll be managed. I’ve made a good start on reducing my carb and sugar intake but since doing so my IBS symptoms have returned with a vengeance.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I have had awful constipation, and now also really struggling with the pain of trapped wind and can only assume it is because of my diet change. I had gotten really good at managing my IBS with diet, but my usual ‘go to’ foods send my blood glucose high so I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and it’s really getting me down.

Does anyone else have diabetes and IBS? If so have you had the same problem and how do you manage it? My concern is that I wont be able to keep diabetes under control without constant abdominal discomfort. I get that not controlling the diabetes can lead to bigger problems, but I also dont want to be constantly in pain with IBS either :(
If your diet suddenly changed, yeah... Flares can happen. Especially if you're suddenly eating things like cauliflower rice or cabbages, onion, garlic and the like. Anyway, if you want to get dislodged some, try drinking low carb kombucha (Nexba is good), and full fat yoghurt with something like Purition put in. Between the fibres in the Purition and the gut bacteria getting a boost, things should start moving again, and soon. Possibly explosively though, so make sure you spend the day near a toilet.

Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
If your diet suddenly changed, yeah... Flares can happen. Especially if you're suddenly eating things like cauliflower rice or cabbages, onion, garlic and the like. Anyway, if you want to get dislodged some, try drinking low carb kombucha (Nexba is good), and full fat yoghurt with something like Purition put in. Between the fibres in the Purition and the gut bacteria getting a boost, things should start moving again, and soon. Possibly explosively though, so make sure you spend the day near a toilet.

Good luck!!!

I see psyllium husk is one of the ingredients adding fibre...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
MCT oil in my morning coffee gets me going …… and rather urgently I might add. The dogs have to wait for their walk until I’ve ’been’ :p


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My IBS is usually of the diarrhoea variety, which is much improved with my lower carb way of eating, on the rare occasions I get "bunged up" I find animal fat (just eating lamb without removing the fat/skin works best for me) and/or black coffee seems to do the trick, if it's the dreaded bloat this can be more problematic and sometimes it's just a wait it out, but a bid change in diet will trigger, and being female hormones also play a big part


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I see psyllium husk is one of the ingredients adding fibre...
It is. And it's the first time I can actually use it without problems. (Have tried before from the pharmacy, couldn't tolerate it. In Purition it wasn't a problem somehow. Can't explain it either.)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thanks for all the helpful replies folks! I’m pleased to report that after a good few gallons of laxido things are on the move again!

I’ve really cut down on carbs so have been munching on fruit and veg to as I feel constantly hungry, but fruit especially is bad for bloating/constipation so I’ve kinda come to terms with the fact that I’ll need to take Laxido (or similar) regularly to keep things moving. I have an appointment with the diabetes nurse on the 22nd so might ask to be referred to a dietician to help find a good balance between keeping the IBS and my sugars under control.

Really appreciate the replies and a few things to try so thank you!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Thanks for all the helpful replies folks! I’m pleased to report that after a good few gallons of laxido things are on the move again!

I’ve really cut down on carbs so have been munching on fruit and veg to as I feel constantly hungry, but fruit especially is bad for bloating/constipation so I’ve kinda come to terms with the fact that I’ll need to take Laxido (or similar) regularly to keep things moving. I have an appointment with the diabetes nurse on the 22nd so might ask to be referred to a dietician to help find a good balance between keeping the IBS and my sugars under control.

Really appreciate the replies and a few things to try so thank you!
Eh? Most fruits contain a lot of carbs. Unless you count veg treated as fruit (rhubarb) or fruit treated as veg (tomato, cucumber, courgette etc.).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm a bit late to this thread as I've been away, but I'm another one who found low carbing has cured my IBS. I haven't had an instance of ibs in the 3 years since diagnosis. With hindsight I think my gut was reacting badly to the carbs/sugars. I used to think it was lactose or stress but now I realise that I used to eat carby comfort foods thinking they were safe ibs wise but in fact my gut was just trying to get rid of them!

@netmasters please don't get in the vicious cycle of taking laxatives to correct for bad (for you) foods.
I manage my digestive transit by adding a tablespoon of milled seeds, either linseed, flax or chia, to 10% fat greek yoghurt with no more than 6 raspberries or 3 strawberries. This daily, keeps me regular. If anything throws me off then I might increase the seeds by a tablespoon or 2 until things move again. Once I'm back to normal I can now skip the seeds for a few days.
My gut, my IBS, is sooo much better for going very low carb
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I have had IBS for nearly 60 years. To start off with it was nameless but slowly I got to grips with what to eat and what to avoid. Mine has now been controlled for the last 20 years by avoiding more and more processed foods. Supermarket bread went about 35 years ago and white rice shortly afterwards. Next to go was white flour along with pies and flour based puddings. More recently since becoming prsdiabetic that even wholemeal pasta spikes. Seem thus far to have got away with wholemeal spelt couscous?? Oats are still on the questionable list. As are any potatoes not in their jackets. So you can see my IBS and PDB are easy bed fellows. But then each IBS is unique. Mine is quite happy spices and onions and berries and most veg.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was told just over a week ago that I am diabetic, currently waiting on more blood results then an appt with my GP so at the moment I’m not sure what type or how it’ll be managed. I’ve made a good start on reducing my carb and sugar intake but since doing so my IBS symptoms have returned with a vengeance.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I have had awful constipation, and now also really struggling with the pain of trapped wind and can only assume it is because of my diet change. I had gotten really good at managing my IBS with diet, but my usual ‘go to’ foods send my blood glucose high so I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and it’s really getting me down.

Does anyone else have diabetes and IBS? If so have you had the same problem and how do you manage it? My concern is that I wont be able to keep diabetes under control without constant abdominal discomfort. I get that not controlling the diabetes can lead to bigger problems, but I also dont want to be constantly in pain with IBS either :(
I'm Type 2 with pretty bad constipation & nothing I tried helped.Then a friend told me about a tea called Midro Cha & it's the best laxative ever.I've recommended it to friends & like me it's a life saver.
You can get it on Amazon or I get it direct from the Company in Portugal.
Warning ,don't take too much ,just a small scoop which comes with it & some hot water or else you wont be wandering too far from the loo.
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Deleted member 475901

Not IBS but I was on codeine when I went low carb and cut out most fruit and a lot of veg (I eat berries, rhubarb, green salad and green veg plus cauliflower). It was really a major issue for my digestive system.
I made up a porridge mix of mainly milled flaxseed plus chia seeds and a little oatbran (originally I did use some porridge oats until I got used to the taste). Made with extra seeds or nuts plus cinnamon, cooked in hot water then coconut milk added and topped with double cream.

If you can tolerate flaxseed and chia seeds they can fix constipation!
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I'm on a number of drugs, some of which cause constipation, eg tramadol, and the only sure way for me to 'go' is my daily easy peelers, usually clementines.


Thanks for all the helpful replies folks! I’m pleased to report that after a good few gallons of laxido things are on the move again!

I’ve really cut down on carbs so have been munching on fruit and veg to as I feel constantly hungry, but fruit especially is bad for bloating/constipation so I’ve kinda come to terms with the fact that I’ll need to take Laxido (or similar) regularly to keep things moving. I have an appointment with the diabetes nurse on the 22nd so might ask to be referred to a dietician to help find a good balance between keeping the IBS and my sugars under control.

Really appreciate the replies and a few things to try so thank you!
Watch the fruit and veg you eat - many are high in sugars! I find the Low Carb diet with it's 'traffic light' system really helpful, it can be downloaded and I've printed it out and stuck it on my food cupboard doors!


Well-Known Member
I was told just over a week ago that I am diabetic, currently waiting on more blood results then an appt with my GP so at the moment I’m not sure what type or how it’ll be managed. I’ve made a good start on reducing my carb and sugar intake but since doing so my IBS symptoms have returned with a vengeance.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I have had awful constipation, and now also really struggling with the pain of trapped wind and can only assume it is because of my diet change. I had gotten really good at managing my IBS with diet, but my usual ‘go to’ foods send my blood glucose high so I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and it’s really getting me down.

Does anyone else have diabetes and IBS? If so have you had the same problem and how do you manage it? My concern is that I wont be able to keep diabetes under control without constant abdominal discomfort. I get that not controlling the diabetes can lead to bigger problems, but I also dont want to be constantly in pain with IBS either :(
I Have IBS and find low carb can cause issues if you are not eating the right type of fibre. I sprinkle flax seeds on to yoghurt in a morning, drink plenty of water, eat plenty of green leafy veg, include pulses and nuts in my diet. If you look on you tube you can find videos showing you pressure points to press for relief.work for me! I think any drastic change in diet affects IBS. My dietician said the body likes routine so eat at the same time each day.