Diabetes does kill


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diabetes and cbeebies
So sorry for you and the kids. You did your utmost to save him from himself condolences from me and my family you truly are an amazing young lady I'm truly gutted for your families loss all the best with the future


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Diet only
I am ever so sorry for your loss - I too remember reading the posts and how you tried so very hard to help Gerard - you are an amazing girl and very brave for having the courage to post this - ((((hugs))) to you and your family



I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, i pray that this would never happen to anyone else, your brave women, and very strong. My heart goes out to you and your children, also all his family and friends.



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liars, animal cruelty
hya ellen,
my deepest sympathies for you and your family,
we all read yours and your husbands posts and it was clear you did everything in your power to help him,
sadly some people will not accept help or dont think it will happen to them,
im sure this post will help others
if u ever need a chat we are all here for you (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))
amanda xxx


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Really sorry to hear this. My condolences go out to you.


Active Member
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Awful news. I'm so sorry. Sympathies to you and your children.


Well-Known Member
Ive come later to this thread and was very shocked by it :(

Ellen I am extraordinarily sorry for your loss. I too have followed your trials and how much you tried to help and how frustrating it was for you. There was nothing you could do, Diabetes must be managed by the individual and help given if required, but 98 percent of my care is down to me

I only hope that time brings you some healing, and that you dont have too much anger.

Sending my thoughts and best wishes to you and your son for the future, and to Gerards other children.


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Hi Ellen, I am so very sorry for your loss. I remember reading your earlier posts and how you tried so hard to help your husband. I send my warmest wishes to you and the children.


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I'm so sad to read this. Having seen your and Gerard's earlier posts, at times I've been reluctant to log on here for fear of reading something like this. I hope you will take strength from knowing that you did everything you could, over a long period, to save Gerard from himself. You did not succeed, yet you did not fail him.

My condolences to you and your family.



Well-Known Member
unbelievably sad!

my sincere condolences to you and your family.

you can move on in the knowledge that you tried your best and did everything you could have.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
What a tragic loss, Ellen. Our deepest sympathy to you and your family and thank you for sharing Gerard's story with us.
Very best wishes to you and yours,



Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Wow that made me cry. I guess because we don't feel poorly all the time, we don't always realise what we are doing to ourselves. THIS MAKES YOU SIT UP AND TAKE NOTE.
My sincere condolences Ellen and thank you.


Can't stop thinking about your story Ellen - so sad but thank you for sharing.

Condolences to you and yours.


hi ellen my condolensces go out to you and your family i know exactly what you are talking about with being in denial about diabetes i have lived as a type 1 diabetic since year 2002 so roughly 8 years and for a very long time i was livving in denial about having the diabetes i would fool myself that injections took too much of my time and that blood sugar readings where a waste of time

to tell you the truth it is only these past 3 months that i have started to deal with the fact that i have diabtes in my life. it is hard at times as many people will tell you and i have been admittied into my local diabetes ward in hospital since i have had diabetes roghly coming upto 30 times mainly because i wasnt looking after myself. and about the difficulty breathing i know all about this because i constantly hear about it when i am consulting with doctors ,

sometimes when blood sugar levels are running at a high it can make it very very difficult to breathe not as bad as an asthma attack of course but still pretty bad. i have had this sensation many and many of times.

but its just thing you must deal with is diabetes wether it be type 1 insulin injection controlled or type 2 either tablet or exercise controlled,,me i am type 1.
and know a lot about diabetes and im only 20 lol, but anyways hope you found some of this useful and hope everything gets better for you.

kind regards
kieran taylor


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Diet only
Self serving politicians
cugila said:
Ellen, my thoughts are exactly the same as Sue's.

As a sign of respect to you and to Gerard this topic has now been 'Stickied' so that it will be here permanently for all Diabetics to read and consider.

cugila (Ken)


My heartfelt condolences go to you and your family.

I have to agree with Sue and Ken here, Gerard was a grown man and made his own choices using his own free will. In life we must all take responsibility for our own actions.

Your story reminded me of another true story that happened to a friend of mine up in Scotland. When his wife was diagnosed with betes she flatly refused to change her lifestyle and continued to smoke, eat and drink what she wanted when she wanted. She subsequently had both her legs amputated and went on to have one serious health problem after another; eventually dying before she reached retirement age. Her husband now has T2 himself and you better believe he has radically changed his lifestyle. Like myself, he has taken his diagnosis positively and sees it not just as a wake up call, but also as a second chance.
Dear Ellen,
I have just joined this site to-day,and your letter was the first I have read,I am so sorry for your loss,What you say is true,I have been diabetic for over 20yrs and I would not except it for the first 5yrs,it was just down to luck that I am still here,your story is so sad and it must have been difficult for you to write but even if one person reads your letter and takes heed then at least you might save a life.
I wish you the very best for the future

I know that most on here know the seriousness of diabetes for the people in denial like my husband was, please believe me it does kill.

I lot of you know the problems i've had over last few months especially, but i want to share this with you.
Christmas eve Gerard wanted to go drinking so as always he did what we wanted. I went with my little boy to mums to wait for Santa. Gerard would follow the next day when he woke.

Christmas day, lunch time, friends phoned to see if Gerard was with me, i explained i thought he would be sleeping as he'd been drinking for 12 hours night before. By 3.30 i hadn't heard anything and i was worried. I phoned friends and asked them to break in. They found Gerard breathing but only just.

He was inject with glucogon but urinated and bit his tongue so he was rushed to hospital. By time i got there he had 6 doctors working on him and his sugar levels were now 8 but he hadn't woken. They moved him to Intensive Care and sedated him and did a CT scan but results looked good. They stopped his sedation at 8am boxing day but Gerard never woke up. It came apparent over the next few days that Gerard was brain damaged neurologically. On New Years even they removed the ventilator and waited for my husband to die. They were waiting for him to either choke on his fluids or starve his body of oxygen. Two and a half days later, at 11.55 on 2nd January, i lay on his bed, holding his hand, with my head on his chest. He took his last breath and passed away.

He left me, 29 (well i was 30 on monday) our son who is 4 and his two daughters 15 and 11. All because he couldn't listen and accept he was a diabetic.

Please, if anyone reading this is having problems, seek help. I tried my best for Gerard and myself and his family all know that. He didn't help him self, but you can if you want to. You don't think now of the hurt you cause to others when you pass away. Please get help before its too late.[/quote]