Type 2 Diabetes spike after ICU


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I was going for an operation but ended up in ICU with anaphylaxis reaction to the drugs.

Since then I have been incredibly fatigued and find it hard to regulate emotions etc.

I practice mindfulness and started to notice sugar highs and lows.

I have been technically diabetic for a few years but ate what I thought was reasonable diet as veggie, lactose and gluten free.

Since my ICU visit though my body has definitely changed e.g oily face rather than normal etc

I trialled a free libre monitor and have been quite shocked at how high my levels seem to often be and so now on a massive diet overhaul re carbs and eating some fish and meat again that have no carbs.

Wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences in changes after extreme anaphylaxis?

Thankyou, elly


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No experience here, so I'm just throwing some stuff out there. Your body, and your mind, went through quite a bit of trauma, and that'll take a little while to recover. Stress can elevate blood sugars. Besides that, I'm assume you were treated with epi? That might have triggered quite a bit of liver dumping of glucose as well. I don't know what the op was intended for, but that too can be raising levels, if you're in constant pain or dealing with inflammation, maybe on steroids? Your body's under a lot of strain, you're probably on medication you weren't on before, so anything and everything can trigger higher blood sugars.

You say the anaphylaxis was extreme... I don't know how close you were, -from the sound of it, very- but the people I've known who had a serious brush with death, became very emotional ever since. People who never let a tear in their lives, cried at the drop of a hat. There might be all sorts going on, give your body and mind some time to recover.

Anyway, hope you'll feel better soon. Hang in there, eh...


Well-Known Member
I was going for an operation but ended up in ICU with anaphylaxis reaction to the drugs.

Since then I have been incredibly fatigued and find it hard to regulate emotions etc.

I practice mindfulness and started to notice sugar highs and lows.

I have been technically diabetic for a few years but ate what I thought was reasonable diet as veggie, lactose and gluten free.

Since my ICU visit though my body has definitely changed e.g oily face rather than normal etc
Do you know what drug you had your
I trialled a free libre monitor and have been quite shocked at how high my levels seem to often be and so now on a massive diet overhaul re carbs and eating some fish and meat again that have no carbs.

Wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences in changes after extreme anaphylaxis?

Thankyou, elly


Well-Known Member
Do you know what drug it was you had your anaphylaxis shock to. It’s important as if you have operations in the future the anaesthetist Needs to be made aware of your allergy to the drug. It will be one of three drugs you have when being anaesthetised . The induction agent which is the drug that puts you off too sleep, the muscle relaxant which they give to you.to allow them to insert a tube into your lungs so the anaesthetist can connect you to a ventilator while having your operation
Or the pain relief which numbs the pain after your operation. I’ve worked in an operating theatre so you must find out what drug you were allergic to. They can do allergies tests to find out what drugs you had during your surgery and please do this ASAP. Don’t agree to any operations until this is done and once the drug is found what you’re allergic to don’t have any operations without informing the Ansesthetist about your allergy.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
This would not be unusual after a stay in hospital for reasons you describe. If the drugs causing the anaphylaxis were not those used to anaesthetise you, the effects you are describing(tiredness, labile emotions) can be an after-effect of anaesthesia. Plus, often people forget that a stay in ITU can be extremely stressful on the mind and body, and almost causes a type of PTSD. I suspect this may be what’s happening here. So, be kind to yourself, don’t try to change too much at once, and rest and recover. I had a severe anaphylaxis in 2010, which led me to have 17 days in hospital, then 18 months off work to recover, so know where you’ve been……..if you think you need to speak to someone, contact your GP, the services are there.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thankyou very much - this is reassuring. Sometimes feel like a different person now and challenging to deal with all the issues.

I was on intravenous adrenaline for quiet a while after the EPI didn’t do the job twice so that makes sense.

Plus I was on steroids for only a couple of weeks but high dosage.

Yes was a brush with death that has been quiet traumatic to say the least so bring patient but challenging.



Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thankyou very much - this is reassuring. Sometimes feel like a different person now and challenging to deal with all the issues.

I was on intravenous adrenaline for quiet a while after the EPI didn’t do the job twice so that makes sense.

Plus I was on steroids for only a couple of weeks but high dosage.

Yes was a brush with death that has been quiet traumatic to say the least so bring patient but challenging.

I experienced similar following surgery. it is very, very, frightening. I was referred to an allergy consultant who checked with the anaesthetist, who had cared for me during the operation, what drugs had been administered, and worked out with her which drugs had been the problem. For my next surgery a year later, was seen by consultant anaesthetist for pre op assessment, and booked for a bed in Post Operatative Intensive Care unit. Unfortunately, although the anaesthetic drugs were fine for that time, I was found to be allergic to the morphine and other analgesics. So another severe allergic reaction. Further immunology testing has given insight into other triggers for allergies. Mainly medications.

I would urge you to get a referral to an allergy consultant and have investigations to find out which of the anaesthetic or other drugs cause your reactions. As previously mentioned by @glenmoray , you could be at risk for future reactions if needing anaesthetics. Best to be prepared. Also, think about a referral for support for the emotional impact of the incident. It took me a while to realise I had PTSD and seek the help needed.
It takes time, but things do get better.