Diagnosed today...or well have I..??

Thunderbird 4

Back from docs today after two fasting blood test over a week both reading 6.9 and 7.1 respectively. However my HB1 was just 5.5.

The doctor has put me straight on medication 'Metaformin' without any further thought, or consultation over diet etc. His comment was...well your Diabetic and I start people on medication straight away as they will end up taking it sooner or later'

Do you think I should ask for a second opion before going down the med route?


sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
A Quote from the NICE guidelines.

Management of diabetes typically involves a considerable element of self-care, and advice should, therefore, be aligned with the perceived needs and preferences of people with diabetes, and carers. People with type 2 diabetes should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care and treatment, in partnership with their healthcare professionals.

You can try and control your diabetes with diet and exercise for a while and if you can keep your levels down without medication so much the better.
Diabetes Type 2 does not need to be progressive if controlled. Keeping the daily blood glucose levels down can help prevent long term complications.

Here is the advice we usually give to newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics.This forum doesn't always follow the recommended dietary advice, you have to work out what works for you as we are all different.

It's not just 'sugars' you need to avoid, diabetes is an inability to process glucose properly. Carbohydrate converts, in the body, to glucose. So it makes sense to reduce the amount of carbohydrate that you eat which includes sugars.

The main carbs to avoid or reduce are the complex or starchy carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, starchy root veg and also any flour based products. The starchy carbs all convert 100% to glucose in the body and raise the blood sugar levels significantly.

The way to find out how different foods affect you is to do regular daily testing and keep a food diary for a couple of weeks. If you test just before eating then two hours after eating you will see the effect of certain foods on your blood glucose levels. Some foods, which are slow acting carbohydrates, are absorbed more slowly so you may need to test three or even four hours later to see the affect that these have on your blood glucose levels.

Buy yourself a carb counter book (you can get these on-line) and you will be able to work out how much carbs you are eating, when you test, the reading two hours after should be roughly the same as the before eating reading, if it is then that meal was fine, if it isn’t then you need to check what you have eaten and think about reducing the portion size of carbs.

When you are buying products check the total carbohydrate content, this includes the sugar content. Do not just go by the amount of sugar on the packaging as this is misleading to a diabetic.

As for a tester, try asking the nurse/doctor and explain that you want to be proactive in managing your own diabetes and therefore need to test so that you can see just how foods affect your blood sugar levels. Hopefully this will work ! Sometimes they are not keen to give Type 2’s the strips on prescription, (in the UK) but you can but try !!

As a Type 2 the latest 2010 NICE guidelines for Bg levels are as follows:
Fasting (waking).......between 4 - 7 mmol/l.
2 hrs after meals......no more than 8.5 mmol/l.
If you are able to keep the post meal numbers lower, so much the better.

It also helps if you can do 30 minutes moderate exercise a day. It doesn't have to be strenuous.

If your doctor does not subscribe to you having a say in the management of YOUR diabetes then perhaps a second opinion may be advisable.



Active Member
spiders, rude people
hi there, i was diagnosed a couple of months ago.Fasting test was 13.1 and hbac1 6.5 doc told me i could go 3 months with diet and excersice to get it down which i am doing.
Your GP doesnt sound very helpful, i think that i would ask for a second opinion.

Thunderbird 4

Hi thanks for th replys,

Was just slightly concerned that the med route should be considered so soon ans with relitivey on the edge readings. I have no problem with taking the GP's advice but as with many health situations medication may not always be the best first course of action. Yes, I have been feeling quite off colour for a while and very....very exhausted, thus the reason for the tests being undertaken to check this out.

I am not looking at my recent diagnosis of Diabetes as a negative, moreover a positive as it brings you up short and makes you realise you just need to look after yourself a little more. Although I have picked the meds up from the pharmacy I still have not taken them, as I know I am not in any imminent danger, so a I will be making an appointment for a second opinion.

The GP's did not give me any leaflets, advice on diet or anything, what he did do was handed me a piece of paper with a web address (diabetes uk) and said go and have a look at this site there is loads of useful information on there to help you..!!

I suppose..yes its shock to find out you have diabetes but reading the posts on here life can be fine as long as you look after yourself.

Will come back with outcome.

Thanks again.
I had the same with my Dr. Found I was type 2 and immediately put on Metformine, Ramipril and Simvastatin with no explanation, apart from his comment, well your very overweight so what did you expect!! Hence I made a complaint and requested I never see him again.

I did seek a second opinion and was told that because Diabetics are more prone to Heart attacks/strokes, it is advisable to have Ramipril to keep blood pressure down. Also Simvastatin for cholesterol benefits. I was put on Aspirin too but I must admit I do not take these daily as I heard they can cause stomach bleeding.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Iff you take "soluble" aspirin, dissolved, with food, It won't cause bleeding


Well-Known Member
Intolerance, airports, having to plan my meals
This has always puzzled me, why do a fasting test when on waking, (at 5am in my case), when my bs levels are fine 4-6, but by the time I get to the docs at 9-10am my liver is dumping and they have gone well up, usually 6+. If I have had some Bergan toast and a cuppa they are usually well below 6 by that time :D . Is the HB1 not a better indicator? Mine was 6.2 and after an oral test doc tells me I am pre diabetic and just to keep on with my diet. Got my yearly check in a few weeks and am now a bit concerned wether my doc knows what he is doing! :roll:

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Firstly, congratulations on your HBA1c of 5.5

As jumbleannie says, I would think the dawn phenomenon is probably to blame here, with an A1c of 5.5% I would think you are probably fine with just diet and exercise, but I am not a medical professional so I would advise you to ask your doctor for a referral to a diabetic clinic and let them be the judge of your future medication.

It is common on here to read of some GP's treating all their diabetic patients as though they are all going to suffer complications, you are entitled to be referred to a diabetic clinic where you may well find the team there more optimistic about your future.


I've just been diagnosed with an HbA1c of 10.6, and while the doctor wanted to put me straight on Metformin, I asked to be allowed to try to manage it with diet and exercise first, and she was happy to let me do that. The diabetes nurse at the practice backed this up this week.

I wouldn't be happy with someone telling me I *must* take medication without discussing the options with me ...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Self serving politicians
haggis1972 said:
hi there, i was diagnosed a couple of months ago.Fasting test was 13.1 and hbac1 6.5 doc told me i could go 3 months with diet and excersice to get it down which i am doing.
Your GP doesnt sound very helpful, i think that i would ask for a second opinion.

I agree with ramtops and haggis.

Those levels you stated are not very high IMHO and I would opt for diet and exercise for a few months before resorting to meds. I've a feeling that if you do so the meds wont be necessary.

If I can do it anyone can. :oops:

Thunderbird 4

Thanks everyone for the replies,

Clearly as I am new to all this, there seems to be many whom follow the diet route as against the medication option.

As some of you have said, and after further research my numbers are not way off the scale and in particualr the important factor of the HBA1 being just 5.5. I have also read that in the states they are starting to use the HB1a as a stronger indicator, due to peroples spikes in glucose prior to a fasting test.

Thanks all for the advice.



Well-Known Member
Having no energy as this is so limiting.
Hello Thunderbird 4 and welcome to the forum. :)

Do follow the advice given by Ken/Sue as it will be of the greatest benefit. 8)


Hi Thunderbird, welcome to the forum, everyone is very helpful here. I am a 73yr old lady diagnosed with T2 just over 2 years ago. My practice tried to give me Metformin to start with, but after 6 weeks of being really ill, I said no more and opted for the diet and exercise regime. I lost 4stone in 5 months. 2 years on and I am still doing really well. I walk around 2miles a day, plus all the normal household jobs. You will find that certain food agrees with you and others dont, we are all different. Good Luck, if I could do it you certainly will be able to. Sheila.


Well-Known Member
Bad manners, bullying

my fasting results are similar to yours, just over 7 each time.
However, the Practice Nurse said I was "borderline" and I just needed to lose weight, but that she would "treat me as Diabetic" ???

So although I'm relieved not to be on medication, or worse, sticking needles in myself, I'm a bit confused, especially after reading your post.

I'm due back mid-June for a monthly check-up, I shall go along with lots of questions as a result of finding this website/forum :)