Did your GP fail to diagnose diabetes?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am 58 year old male I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago, it for me was a complete surprise, my parents were not diabetics and none of my five siblings have it - so, for me it was out of the blue..
I am somewhat upset with my GP in that he told me I was borderline 3 years ago and never explained what that meant or that I should be taking steps. So, I just went right on eating like I always I have, until about a month ago I started having some problems and I called my doctor, he sent me for a blood test and my glucose level was over 400, they called me at work and told me to start drinking lots of water and had me come in the next morning first thing.
So, now I am on oral medication twice daily and my diet as changed completely.
It is somewhat reassuring to see that my glucose levels are now within a normal range, the oral medication is
doing the job for now.
It is life changing.
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I had been doing a long commute between Bristol and the Welsh Valleys for seven months. Originally, it should have been for seven weeks but the contract kept getting extended. I was getting run down, getting by on four hours sleep a night, and not noticing anything amiss. When things did being to go wrong, the women in the office assured me it was 'man flu' - it's always man flu, they'd seen it a million times. Since I had had no more than a dozen sick days in a thirty-year career, I didn't think anything was amiss. A couple of times, I found that I was bursting for a pee before getting to work, but so what? Then one morning, I was feeling weak as a kitten and worse, also feeling ravenously hungry. Nothing I ate quenched those hunger pangs. I went to the GP's surgery and I was told to come back at the end of the day and I might be seen if there was an empty slot. This was a group practice in Pontypridd. I'm not naming it since it would be redacted and nearly all the medical practices in Pontypridd can be described thus.

This guy was my GP but I'd only seen him twice before over a year earlier. Without any preamble and no examination, he brusquely told me that I had an ulcer, scribbled a prescription and showed me the door - all done in five minutes. It made no impression on him that I was so weak I couldn't stand and that it had taken me so long to make my way down the corridor to his office he'd thought I would be a no-show.

Two days later, my health deteriorating, the staff in the local Co-Op were alarmed enough to call an ambulance. Later, I was told I was dying when I'd been brought in with a BG reading of over 50 and I was a very naughty diabetic for letting myself getting into that state. That was the Royal Glamorgan for you. I had to assert, hand to God, five times that I had not been a diabetic before they grudgingly believed me. As you can see, the news was broken to me fairly brutally and it was two weeks later before they began to realise they had been remiss in their duty of care to help me deal with the new situation.

When I was released from hospital, I returned to that practice but made it clear that I'd have nothing to do with that doctor. Perversely, I'd been told he was the practice's go-to guy for diabetes. When I told them a year later that I was leaving the country, one of the GPs rang me to see if it was true. Since I'd never heard of this happening before, I was pretty sure they'd been looking for the earliest opportunity to get shot of me and destroy the medical records the practice had of me.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Overall I was satisfied. However, I did visit the doctor concerning large abscesses I was getting under the arm and sometimes in the groin. It was diagnosed as Hidradenitis Suppurativa and I was put on low dose antibiotics with discussion of other treatments if needed. However, earlier this year, and within a week, I got one large one on the crease of my leg that burst, a large one under my right arm that burst but the third one under my left arm just kept growing and I had no choice but to have it drained and treated. Thankfully this doctor asked immediately about Diabetes and wanted me to have a fasting blood test done. That's when they found it. It was his shock at the size of the abscess and the amount I was having that ended up with me getting tested as Type2

I'm niggled that the other doctor didn't suggest this as the HS on it's own is agony but at least the other doctor did do something about it for me. My mother and uncle have Type2 too which should have been a factor originally but I was never asked about it.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Yes I was treat for 11 months as type 2, when in actual fact, I am type 1!! I even had to request a specialist appointment, when things weren't getting any better and just getting worse. In fact I was worse at this point, than when I was mistakenly diagnosed as type 2. Unbelievable eh?!

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Sancho panza

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Can't fault the doctor I had been feeling tired all the time but as I'm self employed and there never seem to be enough hours in the day I put it down to that. Then I started being thirsty all the time and waking every two hours for the toilet at night, as my partner is T1 I had an idea what was happening so I phoned the docs was seen the same day had to do a fasting test got the results back the following day the docs phoned me told me to go in the same day was told I was T2 and booked in to see the nurse the next day.
On the other hand no available spaces on the Desmond course till November.

Not waving but drowning


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Noisy dogs and loud music especially low-note drumming
I went to the doctor because I was experiencing shortness of breath and had recently lost two stone in a very short period of time without even trying (dieter's dream ha ha ha) but had no other symptoms. Reluctantly and as an afterthought she took a blood sample telling me the following day by telephone that I was a Diabetic.

However, I now realize that she should have sent me for an echo cardiogram because, yes, I was a diabetic but with congestive heart failure with enlarged heart left ventricle probably caused by the Diabetes (?) but not the cause of the breathlessness which has gone undiagnosed until a month ago meaning that I have had the problem for some 10 years.

The lesson I am passing on is that breathlessness can mean heart failure - if your doctor will not order one - pay for it yourself - it is not terribly expensive.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My type 2 diabetes was diagnosed and treated. However I complained to my GP about memory issues for nearly 3 years but was told that my poor memory was not a problem. They give you a short term memory test where they draw a shape on a piece of paper whilst you watch and you have to draw it on your own piece of paper. Its too easy!! In desperation I complained to the NHS via the Local Pals link and had a number of more detailed tests done by a specialist department. I have vascular dementia. At least I know now even if there is no cure.

I should say that the nurse at my local surgery is terrific and now deals with all my diabetic reviews and coundnt be better so its not all negative.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Did your GP fail to diagnose diabetes or did you choose to ignore the symptoms?

Our forum has been proven as providing invaluable support to the diabetes community not just in the UK, but across the globe, and we are working with trusted health journalists to help spread the word.

One of our contacts is writing an article for the national press about Silent Killer Diseases of which diabetes is one. Can you spare 5 minutes on the phone to tell us your story? We don’t need to identify your GP but just want to illustrate what happened and the frustration it caused you or your loved one. You'll be helping others affected by diabetes get the support you are experiencing. Thank you.

Please contact [email protected]
iI have had D, well as i thought 10yrs, I was going on holiday abroad for the first time I had no one to ask what to do with my insulin. I decided to phone the diabetic clinic for advice and for the first time in yrs i felt that someone was wanting to help me. She told me what to do about my insulin and made sure i got enough medication to do me for a month . She asked me to come back to see her when i came back , I did go see her and she organised an appointment with a Diabetic Consultant . my 2 brothers have had type 1 since they were in there 20s and 30s . I was told by the consultant i have prob been type 1 since i was about 30 yrs old going by my back ground illnesses i am now 53 yrs I feel so let down by my G.P.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
liver and onions, kidneys, offal
I was diagnosed in March 2013 after a lot of frustration and begging.
My symptoms were
Excessive thirst
Losing weight without trying
Bruises taking an age to heal
Constant headaches
12 months of CONSTANT thrush
excessive sweating (night sweats)

I kept going to the doctors and all they would do is give me thrush treatment that didn't work and suggested I take paracetemol for my headaches. I asked for a hormone test as I thought I may be going through the menopause, which they did, and it turns out I am. They put all my other symptoms down to that.

I was eventually diagnosed when I went to the opticians who told me to go to the doctors and get tested for diabetes as I had macular oedema.
I had a fasting blood test which came out as 11.5 and then the ball was rolling.
I was diagnosed as type 2 and was put on the maximum dose of piaglitozone, metformin and glicazide.
I was on max dose for 6 month. BG readings between 15 and 25.
I was eventually diagnosed as type 1 in December 2013 when I was put on insulin.

In the 3 months of being on insulin my HbA1c went from 13% down to 7.5% and boy do I feel so much better now.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
No problem with the T2 diagnosis itself, but I've since unearthed blood test results from 2008 which showed fasting BG of 6.2 and HbA1c of 44. DN said that if that had been now I would have been flagged as prediabetic. Gee, thanks.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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i was diagnosed 17 years ago by my gp (RIP) as i had all the symptoms he put me on metformin straight away it took me a year to get an appointment st the hospital im under them now the hospital put me on another drug as well but as the medication was not having any effect i went onto insulin 12 years ago which i take 60 units 3 times a day my recent 6 monthly check up reveilled my readings to be high but with some dropping to the 4 mark the specialist wanst me now to take metformin with the insulin, because i now have stage three kidney desease and im very overweight he wants me to keep my units down below 55, i am 69 years old have CHD and asthma and have problems walking let alone running so any strenious excercise is out


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Unappreciative people, Stress, Facebook
I was ill over my third birthday, had lost a lot of weight etc and my mom took me to the doctors. He said I had some sort of infection. A week and a half later I collapsed, was rushed to hospital and went into a coma. 1 blood test at the doctors would have shown exactly what the situation was. Lucky to have made it through.

DCUK Press

I was ill over my third birthday, had lost a lot of weight etc and my mom took me to the doctors. He said I had some sort of infection. A week and a half later I collapsed, was rushed to hospital and went into a coma. 1 blood test at the doctors would have shown exactly what the situation was. Lucky to have made it through.

Hi innilus,

The press office would love to have a chat with you and hear more about your story. Would you be able to send a contact number and the best time to call at [email protected].

Thank you.


Type of diabetes
Yes. It took over a year from the first high bg until I was diagnosed, and half a year from my first HbA1c until I was allowed OGTT. I felt I wasn't taken seriously. Both parents diabetic so high risk. Maybe because my major complaint was tiredness and honestly, how many GPs will take middle aged women seriously when they complain of tiredness? Or maybe because I am of normal weight.

Anyway, I should have been diagnosed in January 2013 at the latest, but it didn't happen until February 2014.[/QU


Type of diabetes
Yes. It took over a year from the first high bg until I was diagnosed, and half a year from my first HbA1c until I was allowed OGTT. I felt I wasn't taken seriously. Both parents diabetic so high risk. Maybe because my major complaint was tiredness and honestly, how many GPs will take middle aged women seriously when they complain of tiredness? Or maybe because I am of normal weight.

Anyway, I should have been diagnosed in January 2013 at the latest, but it didn't happen until February 2014.

Ive felt 'not right' for over a year - tiredness, blurred vision, dry mouth and throat, starving hungry all the time, shaking, sweaty, high BP etc etc. My GP blamed menopause every time, but finally a routine blood test picked up borderline T2/T2. The symptoms have impacted so much on my life in the past year or so.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
My experience is very similar. I had been feeling unwell for sometime and making regular visits to the GP. I had a diabetes test in Feb 2013. I was told nothing was found. My symptoms continued as did my regular visits to the doctor. In October 2014 I insisted on another diabetes test and it was positive. The doctor acted surprised but started treatment after I insisted. I then found out from the local diabetes clinic that my Feb 2013 test was also positive. The delay in treatment was a major contributory factor to my having a heart attack leaving me with permanent damage.

The doctor concerned denied liability saying that I only had slight diabetes in Feb 2013, not telling me was an over site and that it was my fault that I had a heart attack and I could have avoided it. Needless to say I no longer attend this surgery. The doctor almost immediately took early retirement and his solicitors have now agreed to settle. Under a new doctor I have made good progress and am moving on.

I feel that most of this should never have happened and would encourage anyone who is not satisfied with a doctor to question things straight away. All doctors are not as bad as the one who let me down but mistakes will happen and it is better to raise concerns than to just accept what seem's to be wrong.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
My experience is very similar. I had been feeling unwell for sometime and making regular visits to the GP. I had a diabetes test in Feb 2013. I was told nothing was found. My symptoms continued as did my regular visits to the doctor. In October 2014 I insisted on another diabetes test and it was positive. The doctor acted surprised but started treatment after I insisted. I then found out from the local diabetes clinic that my Feb 2013 test was also positive. The delay in treatment was a major contributory factor to my having a heart attack leaving me with permanent damage.

The doctor concerned denied liability saying that I only had slight diabetes in Feb 2013, not telling me was an over site and that it was my fault that I had a heart attack and I could have avoided it. Needless to say I no longer attend this surgery. The doctor almost immediately took early retirement and his solicitors have now agreed to settle. Under a new doctor I have made good progress and am moving on.

I feel that most of this should never have happened and would encourage anyone who is not satisfied with a doctor to question things straight away. All doctors are not as bad as the one who let me down but mistakes will happen and it is better to raise concerns than to just accept what seem's to be wrong.
Almost same exact story. Didn’t treat me even though bs was high. Then put me on T2 meds that squeezed my pancreas literally to its death. I was down to 94#’s. Skin and bones on my 5’8 frame. Three hospitals later in one month and finally diagnosed and started insulin. Wrote letters to the docs ( yes, two) Original doc was on leave of absence through my investigation and after I received a small settlement award he retired that month. He just passed away last month.
There was no reason what so ever I ever needed to be that sick, almost dead. Though I have recovered and doing well I certainly a, not the person I used to be nor do I have the strength I used to have.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Lets see if I remember correctly I found I was losing sensation in right foot and then my hands told GP he put it down to my myasthenia gravis told me to ask my neurologist which I did six months later when my neurology appointment came up.

Neurologist diagnosed neuropathy and ordered bloods done including HbA1c came back in the fifties he wrote to my GP advising him of this. GP never mentioned it I received a copy of the letter in the post asked GP about it he denied getting it and said any way nothing to worry about perfectly normal levels.

A year later neuro had more bloods done HbA1c 64 GP still dismissive.

Move on another year change of doctors after moving to new area first appointment doctor says hello sticks needle in my finger does random blood test says thats a bit high heres a prescription for metformin. I ask so does that mean I am diabetic he says well you where last year so yes you still are.

All that time waisted retinopathy for two years now gone, neuropathy still with me and reduced kidney function also still with me.

The thing is I was on long term steroids and as that increases risk of diabetes regular checks should have been carried out but never were.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Cold weather, angry people, queues,
I was 16yrs old and very rarely visited the docs, but a week before my mother and father were due to go on holiday to Scotland and leave me and my sister for the first time on our own I became very ill my kidneys were aching I had blurred vision I was drinking pints of water and constantly peeing ( obvious now), I must have visited the docs 4 times that week and once was told I was just being a silly boy to stop mummy & daddy going going on holiday and can evan remember my father telling me to stop moaning because mother wouldn't go soI did my best to hide the symptoms. Mum and dad went on their holiday and I became more ill, the second day my sister came to my bedroom to wake me up only to find I was in a coma. The next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital bed on a drip and being told I had diabetes, I didn't Know what it was! Mum & dad were contacted and got back as soon as they could. I spent a week in hospital being treated and educated for type one, I remember being very depressed after reading books on type 1 I thought my life is going to be terrible all the stories of amputations,blindness,kidneys failing, That was 43yrs ago and have spent two nights in a hospital bed after two hypos in which I injured myself the last time was 22yrs ago, So it hasn't been that bad and for a 59yr old i'me still in a reasonable shape. For all newly diagnosed don't get depressed like I did your life will be as good as you want it to be!