Diet coke


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Anyone spike with Diet Coke? Had a good no carb lunch and took my bloods two hours later with a 10mmol… I didn’t expect that. I had a can of Diet Coke 30mins ago… could that cause the spike?



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Diet only
Anyone spike with Diet Coke? Had a good no carb lunch and took my bloods two hours later with a 10mmol… I didn’t expect that. I had a can of Diet Coke 30mins ago… could that cause the spike?


Possibly. People seem to respond differently to different sweeteners - personally I’m fine with Diet Coke but anything with maltitol in it sends me sky high (as well as running to the loo!).

What was in the ‘no carb’ lunch? Was it purely meat/fish/eggs or were there other elements?
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I had cauliflower hash browns, eggs and a tomato - so I don’t think any of that would give me a spike. Thanks


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I had cauliflower hash browns, eggs and a tomato - so I don’t think any of that would give me a spike. Thanks

Don't hash browns have potatoes in them? Or is it something you've had many times before without spiking?

Marie 2

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I know one of the frozen cauliflower hash browns I looked at does have some real potatoes mixed with them. I think that's because it makes them still taste like potatoes with the right ratio blend, but less carbs. Another had rice flour added. I once went to a vegan restaurant that had potato hash browns blended and you couldn't tell they had cauliflower with them. They did it more as a way to get another vegetable added than to lessen carbs. You can make pure ones yourself too though.

Malitol seems to affect your BG level the most. Erythritol usually not. Aspartame usually not, but not necessarily good for you. So it can vary depending what was used as the sweetener and it can vary per persons reaction. Xylitol is deadly for dogs BTW, even a very small amount.
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Retired Moderator
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Anyone spike with Diet Coke? Had a good no carb lunch and took my bloods two hours later with a 10mmol… I didn’t expect that. I had a can of Diet Coke 30mins ago… could that cause the spike?



Sounds like you drunk from an identified source, out the can..
As a T1 just running on basal insulin during evenings out gigging (could be on tap.from the bar..) I drink Diet Coke. (Driving too.) I see no effect.

Edit to add, with fasting for 10/12 hours? Can't eat prior to a gig..
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Staff Member
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Anyone spike with Diet Coke? Had a good no carb lunch and took my bloods two hours later with a 10mmol… I didn’t expect that. I had a can of Diet Coke 30mins ago… could that cause the spike?

I don't drink Diet Coke but neither Coke Zero nor Aldi/Lidl's zero sugar caffeine drinks affect my BG. There are a number of accounts on here from people who are affected by sweeteners - so worth testing a few times, eliminating any other possible carb source, until you're sure either way?
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Diet only
Thanks. I’ll try again at another point and see if spikes again. It’s a shame, as I don’t drink it that often - just when I feel I need something sweet and it takes the edge off.

The cauliflower hash browns were home made - grated cauliflower, spices, cheese and egg.

I feel sorry for myself sometimes with this restricted diet.

I’m not over weight - 10st 5lbs. But apparently I have lean diabetes.


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Anyone spike with Diet Coke? Had a good no carb lunch and took my bloods two hours later with a 10mmol… I didn’t expect that. I had a can of Diet Coke 30mins ago… could that cause the spike?


Hi @gemlou84.
A few questions for you,
what was your blood sugar levels before your meal, did you confirm the 10mmol result by giving your hands another wash and retesting and were the cauliflower hash browns home made or store brought
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I didn’t test before the meal - sometimes I just check after only.

I did re take the test and washed my hands - same result.

Cauliflower hash browns were home made.

thanks for your help all


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We are all different so it's entirely possible that diet coke is not for you. Although without knowing what your levels were beforehand it really is impossible to lay the blame for your 10mmol on the coke.
Food and drink are not the only reason our blood sugar can be higher than we would like, exercise, stress, emotions, hormones and any number of of other things can effect it. That's why the pre meal test is important when working out what food/drink is suitable.
Its the difference between pre and post meal levels that shows how well you handled it

Marie 2

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Just another note. I don't know how long you have been a diabetic and things can just affect different people differently.

Malitol and a few other sweeteners actually have carbs, they mostly aren't digestible or they digest very slowly. Once they hit, they hit supposedly fast and they aren't as likely to bring up your blood sugar or they only do so for a short time. Erythritol has almost no carbs which is why it's the less likely to do so. Aspartame has almost no carbs too.

But a type 1 can definitely react. You still need some insulin to deal with any small amount of carbs. And we don't have it. But some don't notice a spike, maybe the basal amount takes care enough of it since it's so low. I was taught I might have to dose for sugar alcohols.

Something I just want you to be aware of, sometimes when things don't make sense it could be because you are a Type 1 instead. I'm not saying you are, I always just want people to be aware of the possibility. 35% of us are misdiagnosed as type 2's at first. When we develop Type 1 as adults, it can sometimes take 8 years to totally lose the ability to make insulin. Medication and diet changes work at first until they slowly don't. So if there are things that continue to not make sense, you could be a type 1 instead, just keep it in mind.


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I had something similar a few weeks back..i was having my usual salad (ACV dressing) with chicken and baby vine tomatoes from tesco, Meter read 11mm0l after an hour.(edit for context..pre meal reading was 6.8)
I was shocked to be honest and after a whole day of testing the next day it turned out to be those specific tomatoes...Tomatoes never spiked me before so you live and learn every day.
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Diet only
I had something similar a few weeks back..i was having my usual salad (ACV dressing) with chicken and baby vine tomatoes from tesco, Meter read 11mm0l after an hour.(edit for context..pre meal reading was 6.8)
I was shocked to be honest and after a whole day of testing the next day it turned out to be those specific tomatoes...Tomatoes never spiked me before so you live and learn every day.
Small tomatoes have been bred for extra sweetness and they are now out of the normal specification for tomatoes and really should be reclassified - I only ever buy salad tomatoes, as the small ones make me gag as they are so high in fructose.


Well-Known Member
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I had something similar a few weeks back..i was having my usual salad (ACV dressing) with chicken and baby vine tomatoes from tesco, Meter read 11mm0l after an hour.(edit for context..pre meal reading was 6.8)
I was shocked to be honest and after a whole day of testing the next day it turned out to be those specific tomatoes...Tomatoes never spiked me before so you live and learn every day.
Tomatoes can be carby, clue is often in the name or packaging. I like to stay away from any labelled 'sweet', or 'grown for sweetness'.
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