The thing that annoys me about the statin debate is that high cholesterol is viewed in the same way that diabetes is, ie, it's your own fault! It simply must be that you are eating rubbish, not exercising, overweight etc. I have high cholesterol (8 total with 0.5 trigs and 2.45 HDL), I am at the lower end of the bmi chart, exercise manically and always have done, don't smoke, don't drink and follow a lowish carb diet (I don't even follow the high fat bit...I know, I know, I'm too afraid!) and still my Doctor goes on and on about 'What are you eating'!!! I don't have FH as far as I know. What else can I do? Even after I told her all that she said well you've got 3 months to improve it and then we'll talk about statins. I really think that this cholesterol level is just me, I have always had high cholesterol, pre diabetes diagnosis, during diabetes diagnosis and post diabetes diagnosis, it's natural for me as far as I am concerned and nothing I do changes it. I know statins would lower it artificially but surely my body knows what it is doing. I sympathise greatly with anyone who doesn't look the part and has high cholesterol, I felt ashamed enough even knowing I follow a text book lifestyle.