
Greetings everyone, I basically made this account to ask this specific question because after covid, lockdowns, and long covid brain fog I finally feel that I have some clarity about myself but I wanted to see if anyone else can relate.

When my glucose levels go too low or too high, I feel that I cannot adequately perform in social situations. This is to the point that facial expressions become difficult and I just feel like I am there, but often unable to either think or articulate thought. I become a husk of a person.

My question is, does this happen to anyone else or am I alone in feeling like this? I have become a bit frustrated with life in this regard because my sugar levels stay out of range for noticeable periods of time, especially at work. My friends have picked up on this and have questioned or passively hinted at whether I have some sort of mental condition. I have considered this possibility but I feel that I can socialise realtively fine when my sugar levels are normal.

The reason this worries me and the reason I ask this question is because I do not see this discussed much. As such, I do not know if this is just an accepted reality of the beetus or if I may be alone in this.

I know it is a bit of a long winded rant but if you made it to the end would you be so kind as to share your thoughts?

I am a type 1 diabetic for most of my 30 or so years if that helps.


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Type 1
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Welcome to the forum..

Yep, I sorta get it. Unfortunately regarding what I do. I just have to “front it” with the buoyancy within normal range if I drift..
Lucky for me with some of the stuff I do. It’s expected of me to be somewhat “shot away.”
I spent 46 years juggling & taming hypos & carrying on.. Sometimes, it ain’t easy.
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I’d be curious to know how high is too high and how low is too low. Low blood sugar can definitely affect mood and I generally treat it before that’s a problem. The specific effect you mention isn’t one I’ve experienced due to high or low blood sugar, except that with very high blood sugar your brain and everything else can get very lethargic. That’s different, I think, than what you’re talking about.

Overall, in social situations, I haven’t felt “out of it” due to the diabetes. However, I have had to actually leave the room to get some juice on occasion.
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hypos and forum bugs
I agree with @david4503 's question on what is too high and too low?

I'm not sure about social situations specifically, but my ability to function in general is severely affected by low blood sugar, "don't talk to me or ask me to do anything until I've got back over 4mmol/" and I don't feel 100% if I'm in the teens. I remember a work colleague who said he had symptoms if over 8 and I can remember being in awe of his control (this was more than 30 years ago so well before the days of cgms and pumps).


Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Yes both high or low - I find going low makes me paranoid/jittery and going high means I lose the ability to be funny and communicate well, lows speak for themselves but the excess glucose when running high can leave you stressed as your body is trying to efficiently process the glucose. Despite hating these aspects I try to not let it limit my social life and to carry on regardless, however I do employ strategies to avoid both so I can enjoy social interactions, so low carb/low insulin and try to keep a level/stable figure when I am out.


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From what you are saying, it sounds as if you have not explained to your friends the effects different blood sugar levels can have on you. We are all different, but at 3.9 mml I am shaky, need to sit down and start crunching glucose tablets rapidly. If my levels are too high, I am tired, thirsty and frustrated that once again this inconvenient condition is being unpredictable and a nuisance. Apologies if I've misunderstood. In my experience of 58 years with type 1, telling people is always the best policy, so that is what I do if I have a problem.